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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Yep, I think many women get brainwashed into it; even me at one point, LOL! It took me almost 60 years to get my routine simplified down to a few basic products that work for me.

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Yes. Face wash, eye and face cream is all I use.

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Not one thing I wear for makeup or one thing I use to cleanse or moisturize is bad for my skin. It's organic and toxic free.

Same goes for my body. And DH's.{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Head to toe, organic and toxic free!!

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Yes! I've fallen for it too, especially since I've been battling hyperpigmentation since I had my second son and now that I'm in my 40's and starting to get some lines and wrinkles.

I haven't tried tons of stuff, but I've tried several lines and products and nothing that I've used has made any noticeable difference at all, either in the hyperpigmentation or the lines that I have.

From now on I'm going to keep it simple too. Cleanser, moisturizer with SPF, maybe a serum for the hyperpigmentation, a good nighttime moisturizer. Too much else just seems to irritate my skin and make things worse.

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Not if the results are excellent and I have finally found a skincare/makeup routine that really really works for me - for me no. Just to buy and use something and see no better results than paring down the products used makes sense.

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

I am starting to New Year's goal is to use up my beauty creams...then go to a more organic product...and maybe just cleanser, moisturizer, and sun screen.

Now make-up...well, I am thinking of trying 100% Juice make-up...but I will NEVER use up all the eye shadows, powders, concealers, etc...that I currently have. I will have to clean out my makeup one day...then start again. Not sure when that will happen, though. LOL!

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

I am all for people doing what works for their skin and their budget. If spending thousands of dollars and layering multiple products work for some, then enjoy. I like simple routines with inexpensive products.

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

Too many layers. All together now:

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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

On 1/11/2014 Lucky Charm said:

Not one thing I wear for makeup or one thing I use to cleanse or moisturize is bad for my skin. It's organic and toxic free.

Same goes for my body. And DH's.{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Head to toe, organic and toxic free!!

--out of interest in discovering new products, would you be willing to share your routine/products for you and hubby? TIA ~smiles, SnowKita
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Re: Do you think we're overloading our poor face with too much stuff????

I so totally agree! I have day cream, night cream, eye cream, neck cream, am cleanser, pm cleanser, exfoliating product, serum. Its all just too much!!!