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I have been using wen for about 3 years now. My hair never grew so when I started using wen I did not cut it cause for the first time in my life my hair was growing! Now I am wondering if I should cut my ends. Will cutting the ends of keep my hair growing faster? I have done all the oils and other things to help keep the ends healthy but even wen can not replace the hair that was gone or nasty before I started using wen. My family has a history of the women getting dry brittle hair as the get into the 30's I am now 35 and my hair looks better then it did when I was 30 so I know wen is working for me..........just not sure if cutting my ends would help or not. Thanks!

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Yes, cutting your ends will be healthy for your hair and usually hair grows after a trim. How long is your hair?

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I don't think cutting the ends affects the rate of hair growth. You just pay more attention.

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If you haven't cut your hair, then your ends are still the old hair from using shampoo. Using WEN has made them look better, but they are still damaged. Cutting or at least trimming will make your hair look healthier because it will take off the older, damaged hair. It won't make it grow faster because growth is from the roots, but if your ends are still dry, you might have some breakage that is keeping your hair from showing the growth.

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Cutting the ends has absolutely no effect at all on how fast your hair grows out of your scalp. Once it leaves your scalp the hair itself is dead. Growth happens in the scalp.

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Definitely cut your ends if it's ""before Wen hair"" and damaged. Your hair will grow and soon you will have all wen hair.
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It won't grow faster, but it will shape it up and look healthier.
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Recently I cut my own ends though they weren't that damaged just old from growing so long. It's easier than you think and I saved $65. But I have thick wavy/curly hair so I just took 4"" off each section and cut ""angles"" into it. Oh boy my hair bounced right back with new full curls and the Wen is the best stuff Ive ever used! So DO TRIM as NO product will revive the really dead & damaged ends and your hair will be lighter and healthier. Also I was just sick of dealing with LONG hair!!
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On 6/8/2014 DogLvr said:

Yes, cutting your ends will be healthy for your hair and usually hair grows after a trim. How long is your hair?

Hair grows from the roots, not the ends of your hair. So, no cutting the ends off will not make your hair grow.

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Everyone has different hair but for me I have to get it trimmed. I have fine and thin hair and because I am letting my hair grow to my waist or past, I didn't trim for four months. Well, I also had so many bad hair stylist experiences that I was actually scared to death to get it trimmed. Anyways, my hair payed dearly for that. My hair started to split up the shaft. I'm still trying to recover from it. But everyone is different. Some people can abuse their hair and you would never know and some people can miss a trim or two and its obvious. Since I'm still paying for my mistake I would just be careful. And good luck!!!