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Re: Concealer report from this morning

@GingerHead yes lighting in so many places is so bad.  The salon where I get my hair cut/colored has horrible overhead lighting.  I look like another version of myself. I refuse to believe I look that bad.  It's brash and harsh.  I have said to the person who does my hair jeeze why don't they think about recessed lighting in here??  She just laughs and says nah, you do not look like that.  It's the lighting and the owner won't change it because it's too costly.  I do not like looking at me in there and I HAVE TO to make sure my head is right!

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Re: Concealer report from this morning

[ Edited ]



  I hear you. I had my hair cut in a salon once with terrible overhead lighting. You really don't want to look at yourself. It makes a huge difference.

I don't understand why these stores, their fitting rooms, salons, etc don't invest in lighting that makes their clients look really good. I would think it would increase sales.

I've experienced going from looking glowy/angelic (if I must say so myself,haha, it wasn't me it was the amazing lighting))  to older/haggered on the same day in different store's fitting rooms. Guess which store I purchased from? hahaa





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Re: Concealer report from this morning

Good for you @bmorechick .  Must feel great to have your hard work acknowledged by a professional.


My complexion is foundation optional but I like the extra lux foundation offers.  I wore my Shiseido foundation today.  Just the right amt of glow.  I forgot how pretty it is.


She agreed that walmart is not the place to be judging your next skin step


LOL, good for her!


 these instructional videos show them putting these large heavy swaths of concealer under the eye and to her, that's a no no.


Agree, but the much younger crowd can (sometimes) pull it off.  I put a dot on the outside corner and inside corner and blend each into the middle.  It depends on where you need it.


Some clients don't want it used if it's not in a pretty package


I can't imagine (G)





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Re: Concealer report from this morning

I purposely do NOT look at myself (makeup or no makeup) in DH's bathroom lighting.  He has overhead lighting right over his mirror.

A thousand NOs!  Downlighting is the worst lighting ever.  It shows all the imperfections by creating shadows on even the smallest imperfections.


Side lighting is the most flattering whether it's in your bathroom or outside (the Golden Hours) imo


From Quora:
Why do I look bad in certain lighting?

You are right it is mostly the lighting.

It boils down to 3 main factors.

  1. The direction of the light hitting your face. Quite often mirrors have lights straight above the mirrors shining straight down from the top onto your face. This will leave dark shadows in the eyes and make noses, cheeks and foreheads overly bright.
  2. The softness of the lighting. The softer the light the more flattering on the face it is.
  3. The visual quality of the light itself. Fluorescent lights and some cheaper LEDS are not full spectrum lights and only emit a portion of the total light visible to the eyes so skin tones and any slight irregularities in complexion show up a lot more than outside on a cloudy day.  Cloudy days are my favorite outside condition to take photos.  LIGHTING IS EVERYTHING
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Re: Concealer report from this morning

There’s a full length mirror in the ladies room at work that makes me look short. I’m 5’10”, 6’1” in heels.
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Re: Concealer report from this morning

I was in Talbot's trying on a dress I liked but wasn't sure I could wear the color. Turned out I could and I bought the dress. Got home and tried it with some new shoes I had and YIKES. It looked horrible. I KNEW I couldn't wear that color but the lighting in Talbot's fooled me. (at least in the dressing rooms) I'll bet they're pink bulbs. 

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Re: Concealer report from this morning

I'm having some good undereye concealer days thanks to your VG tip 😉👌
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Re: Concealer report from this morning

@monicakm   Well truth be told, Retin A has done the heavy lifting.  I just wash my face (over the tub per your routine & I love that...splash, splash, splash) and apply the Ret A. But appreciate the kudos!


That's interesting about the little glow foundation gives you rather than the need for coverage.  And yes, maybe the younger crowd can do better with the heavy but really, they don't need it most times in my opinion. 


I'm going to play with a bit of brightening anyway under my eyes to see if it makes a difference to me.  After decades of total minimalism, maybe I can bump up my routine a bit.  THEN go look in that walmart mirror 😆

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Re: Concealer report from this morning

@RollTide2008    I'm 5'11 and 6'2 in heels. Taller than a lot of the men at work.  Never found one of those "short" mirrors 😫

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Re: Concealer report from this morning

[ Edited ]

@Judaline wrote:

I was trying on a dress I liked in Talbot's but wasn't sure I could wear the color. Turned out I could and I bought the dress. Got home and tried it with some new shoes I had and YIKES. It looked horrible. I KNEW I couldn't wear that color but the lighting in Talbot's fooled me. (at least in the dressing rooms) I'll bet they're pink bulbs. 

There's an Anthropologie in Costa Mesa, CA, that has the most magical lighting. And their mirrors! So good! Definitely swayed my purchase decision-making.