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ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

The ComPact is a commitment to simplify, pare down, streamline. It began as a way to gain some control over our collections of beauty products. Why were we amassing so much, yet not using what we were buying? Why were we always searching for the next new product? Why couldn't we just find what worked for us and stick with it?


The ComPact, however, is not restricted to beauty items. If you have a collection you want to address, do it here. Choose an area you want to work on, and track your progress on the ComPact thread. Members will offer tips and encouragement.


Choose one of our many mantras (“One by one until they’re done!” “We are SPAHHHRRRTAN!!!” “Not until you really have to.” “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” “Resist the propaganda.” "If it's high, I don't buy!" “When in doubt, do without!” “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”  "Only the store, online no more!" “Shoplighters of the World Unite!”) or create a new one and share it. Target items each month to toss, donate, or use, and post your “chopping block” -- or “hit list.” Post temptations, post victories.


They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit: Let's see if taking the ComPact one month at a time works for you.


Join us.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

Hey, all you HEPcats and HEPdogs! We had discussed making the Healthy Eating thread a monthly jam session, so I just went ahead and did a little improvisation.


This is an invite to our crazy crib where you can come and break it down! I say we go 18 karat on this and really swing. If healthy eating’s not your bag, no problem. But if it is, I dig.


It’s cool, I’m booted, let’s jump!



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

I had a list of contenders for February but, at the last minute, fill in the blank popped into my head.


You get to fill in the _____.


What's in yours?


(Begins with F...)



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

I'll start.


Finally February.


I feel like it's taken me 60 years to finally figure things out.  It's taken a pretty long time to finally make some progress ComPacting. 


It's taken a lot of time and energy and expense to discover what I like, what I don't like, what's important and what isn't.


All the somedays?  I can finally let go of most of them.


It's not just that it's too late for them, it's that I just don't want them anymore.


A weight has been lifted.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

Hello, Everyone.  Hello February. 


I think I want my February to be “Free.”  Free of advertisements, free of must buys,  free of to do’s, free of don’t do’s, free of clutter, free of anxiety, free of worry, etc. etc. You get the picture. 


No beauty purchases in January. At least that were not needed.  I will continue that in February. 


Hep - well I started doing good this week. Did I still have too much at times, sure, but I also controlled it other times as well. I am focusing on reducing sweets for now. I realized I can only do one thing at a time. I also started exercising and have been most of the week. I am feeling less bloated and no heartburn for at least 2 days. That has been a joy. I also threw out or gave away a lot foods that caused me heartburn.  


While I am curious if I lost anything, I am not stepping on a scale. I find it demotivating.  Sometimes you think you are doing great and then see you gained two.  It’s not about the scale anyway.  I just want to fit back into my clothes and feeling stronger and I will let that settle on whatever weight my body feels it needs to be at.  I am making more of a lifestyle change and giving myself time to do it.  After all, I didnt gain all this overnight. 


@rnmom, how are you doing with HEP? 

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

[ Edited ]



@just bee wrote:

I'll start.


Finally February.


I feel like it's taken me 60 years to finally figure things out.  It's taken a pretty long time to finally make some progress ComPacting. 


It's taken a lot of time and energy and expense to discover what I like, what I don't like, what's important and what isn't.


All the somedays?  I can finally let go of most of them.


It's not just that it's too late for them, it's that I just don't want them anymore.


A weight has been lifted.


@just bee, looks like we were posting at the same time. Yes, yes, and yes to everything you said. I couldn’t of said it better. And after going through a few things lately and still not feeling right, I want to just bee (pun intended).  I obviously did not want all of things that were marked “someday,” so why keep carrying them around and I dont want the next 10 years burdened by the “somedays.”


The weight is what I am trying to lift. That is my February. 

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@aprilskies wrote:

Hello, Everyone.  Hello February. 


I think I want my February to be “Free.”  Free of advertisements, free of must buys,  free of to do’s, free of don’t do’s, free of clutter, free of anxiety, free of worry, etc. etc. You get the picture. 


No beauty purchases in January. At least that were not needed.  I will continue that in February. 


Hep - well I started doing good this week. Did I still have too much at times, sure, but I also controlled it other times as well. I am focusing on reducing sweets for now. I realized I can only do one thing at a time. I also started exercising and have been most of the week. I am feeling less bloated and no heartburn for at least 2 days. That has been a joy. I also threw out or gave away a lot foods that caused me heartburn.  


While I am curious if I lost anything, I am not stepping on a scale. I find it demotivating.  Sometimes you think you are doing great and then see you gained two.  It’s not about the scale anyway.  I just want to fit back into my clothes and feeling stronger and I will let that settle on whatever weight my body feels it needs to be at.  I am making more of a lifestyle change and giving myself time to do it.  After all, I didnt gain all this overnight. 


@rnmom, how are you doing with HEP? 





Wow, this could replace SPAAAARRRTAN!


A month free of must-do, have-to and worry sounds like just what the doctor ordered.  So how does it feel?


Didn't buy any unnecessary beauty products, changed a few things in your diet and... you feel better, right?


I almost went with Feel Good February.  But I'm not quite there yet.


I had a dream about a scale last night.  We lost ours in the fire and haven't replaced it.  I have no idea what I weigh.


But you're right -- it all comes down to how you feel and how you feel inside your clothes.


Sounds like this will be a good month for you! Heart

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@aprilskies wrote:



@just bee wrote:

I'll start.


Finally February.


I feel like it's taken me 60 years to finally figure things out.  It's taken a pretty long time to finally make some progress ComPacting. 


It's taken a lot of time and energy and expense to discover what I like, what I don't like, what's important and what isn't.


All the somedays?  I can finally let go of most of them.


It's not just that it's too late for them, it's that I just don't want them anymore.


A weight has been lifted.


@just bee, looks like we were posting at the same time. Yes, yes, and yes to everything you said. I couldn’t of said it better. And after going through a few things lately and still not feeling right, I want to just bee (pun intended).  I obviously did not want all of things that were marked “someday,” so why keep carrying them around and I dont want the next 10 years burdened by the “somedays.”


The weight is what I am trying to lift. That is my February. 



It IS a burden!  It's a huge sack of have-tos on your back.  On your mind.


Between living in the past and focusing on the future, there is little time to just be(e) aware of the present.


Just concentrate on February.  March can wait.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

@aprilskies -I feel like I'm doing pretty darn good with HEP actually. Thanks for asking. The girls at work had a taco bar yesterday with cupcakes for dessert and I stuck with my leftover goulash and orange and didn't have any treats.


I tried a bunch of times last year to just "cut back" and I didn't drop an ounce. I need to count calories and figure out exactly how much I am eating in order to actually drop any weight. I think if I don't I'm really just not aware of how much I'm consuming. It adds up quicker than I was realizing.


I've dropped about 7 pounds and think I can actually start to tell the tiniest bit of a difference in my clothes. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but it gives me motivation to keep going.


I have noticed that my knee hasn't been hurting as much as it used to either. It usually hurts all the time, some weeks worse than others. It hardly is bothering me at all right now. I can't help but wonder if it is related to all the junk and sugar I had been eating. Probably not, but it does seem like a coincidence.

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Re: ComPact 2020 – Fill in the _____ February

I think I am going to stick with Fit February. 


Staying on this diet and exercising a couple of times a week is still going to be my main focus. It has to be for a little bit still. I still have way to far to go to start slacking now.