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Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@aprilskies wrote:

Well, Ladies, sometime life just throws you a curve ball as we all have experienced lately in one form or another. Most of my free time lately has been helping a family member through a medical issue, I am exhausted and the one thing that really sprang up for me is the fact it really does pay to have less stuff and everything in its place. My home is a mess in one form or another due to varying projects and every time I came home I was overwhelmed because I just didn’t have the energy to deal with certain things. This morning I am straightening up some and trying to develop a plan of attack. It is time to get motivated again. 


I bought too many pants lately and I liked all of them but I washed them up and the fabric couldn’t be worse feeling. They didn’t feel like that before. But I will still wear them.  They are mostly jeans which I am surprised I bought since I started moving away from them.  I hope they still fit decent.  At least they weren’t very expensive. But this was a fail for me as I thought I could wear them for a long time and now it is questionable.  


Life throws curve balls and we have to be prepared for them.  It is astounding what we take for granted. 


Anyway, I have to run for now.  I hope you all have a nice weekend, 




I promised myself to rid myself of all denim and it took a house fire to make it happen.


I am denim-free.


We grew up with a whole different kind of denim.  This new stuff self-destructs and it costs an arm and a leg.


But it's a hard habit to break -- I lived in the stuff most of my life.  Now I have to break the sweatshirt habit.


Parted with several but still have a few.  Wearing my alma mater as I type...


Life and curve balls.  I hear ya.  And we do take things for granted.  We might have to address that with an "N" adjective in November.


We still have much to be grateful for and to appreciate.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@just bee wrote:

Is it me, or is this month flying by?


It's already the second weekend of Balloon Fiesta and it all ends tomorrow morning.


Ow.  I was in the middle of typing this when I noticed WGD was having idiopathic head tremors.  Calls for a handful of kibble strewn on the floor.  He concentrates on finding each little nugget and the tremors subside.


But he had just polished off the last of his kibble for breakfast, so I had to scramble to open the new bag.  With kibble in hand, I crashed into the bar stool between the kitchen and dining room with my toe.


The expletives woke up BH who wandered out to tell me he had an altercation with our neighbor yesterday.  She had two dogs in her yard, both muzzled, face to face, barking incessantly at each other while she and another sat on their phones.  The neighbor explained that the dogs were getting used to each other.


Evidently not.


BH suggested the dogs go to a neutral spot like a park to work it out.  The neighbor said he was berating her.  While all this was going on, the dogs sat, silent.


So now we've met the neighbors.


And BH sliced the tip off his thumb this week while cutting up tomatoes.


But it looks like the balloons will fly this morning.  Already inflating on the field.


Good times.

@just bee 


Geez.  You've made a splash in the neighborhood.  That's the bad thing about living in one: neighbors.  Every time I think about moving into town, I think it sounds great until I remember I'll have people on top of me.  Yuck.  Sounds like BH isn't having a real good week himself.  


Just when you think you've got things in hand, something else pops up.  It's always something.

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Posts: 36,624
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@geezerette wrote:

Maybe we should rename this the "Compact and Therapy" thread!  🙃





It is therapy.  We're just the alternative to retail therapy.  I think we qualify: We're a group, we communicate, we share information and experiences, we encourage one another, we have similarities (universality), we have goals and we have a commitment to change our behaviors.


The good thing is that we're not on a schedule and our time is never up.  So, to make it official...


How does that make you feel?


Ar, ar, ar, ar.

@just bee 


Just don't start charging me $300 an hour for all these pithy thoughts! 

Ar, ar, ar, ar...😄



Price list


I try to keep my rates reasonable.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 21,185
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee, the month is certainly flying by.  Have fun on your trip. It sounds like it could be interesting. 


Everyone is is not allowed to leave. 






Do we need to institute a new thread policy that only one of us can be gone at a time?


Pre-schedule vacation days?



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Posts: 36,624
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee wrote:

Is it me, or is this month flying by?


It's already the second weekend of Balloon Fiesta and it all ends tomorrow morning.


Ow.  I was in the middle of typing this when I noticed WGD was having idiopathic head tremors.  Calls for a handful of kibble strewn on the floor.  He concentrates on finding each little nugget and the tremors subside.


But he had just polished off the last of his kibble for breakfast, so I had to scramble to open the new bag.  With kibble in hand, I crashed into the bar stool between the kitchen and dining room with my toe.


The expletives woke up BH who wandered out to tell me he had an altercation with our neighbor yesterday.  She had two dogs in her yard, both muzzled, face to face, barking incessantly at each other while she and another sat on their phones.  The neighbor explained that the dogs were getting used to each other.


Evidently not.


BH suggested the dogs go to a neutral spot like a park to work it out.  The neighbor said he was berating her.  While all this was going on, the dogs sat, silent.


So now we've met the neighbors.


And BH sliced the tip off his thumb this week while cutting up tomatoes.


But it looks like the balloons will fly this morning.  Already inflating on the field.


Good times.

@just bee 


Geez.  You've made a splash in the neighborhood.  That's the bad thing about living in one: neighbors.  Every time I think about moving into town, I think it sounds great until I remember I'll have people on top of me.  Yuck.  Sounds like BH isn't having a real good week himself.  


Just when you think you've got things in hand, something else pops up.  It's always something.



Hey -- it wasn't me!  BH gets annoyed because I always want to keep the peace.  I'm not an appeaser but I am willing to accommodate.


BH has no problem with confrontation.  He used to be such an agreeable soul.  A people person.  Now he has opinions and shares them.  He does not suffer fools gladly.


My fuse is considerably longer and I tend to be too patient.  I couldn't do my job if I wasn't.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 36,624
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@geezerette wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee, the month is certainly flying by.  Have fun on your trip. It sounds like it could be interesting. 


Everyone is is not allowed to leave. 






Do we need to institute a new thread policy that only one of us can be gone at a time?


Pre-schedule vacation days?





Sounds too much like a job.  My job!


Not everyone will disappear at once (unless a killer asteroid strikes) so I think we'll always have someone in the driver's seat. Woman LOL

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,185
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@aprilskies wrote:

Well, Ladies, sometime life just throws you a curve ball as we all have experienced lately in one form or another. Most of my free time lately has been helping a family member through a medical issue, I am exhausted and the one thing that really sprang up for me is the fact it really does pay to have less stuff and everything in its place. My home is a mess in one form or another due to varying projects and every time I came home I was overwhelmed because I just didn’t have the energy to deal with certain things. This morning I am straightening up some and trying to develop a plan of attack. It is time to get motivated again. 


I bought too many pants lately and I liked all of them but I washed them up and the fabric couldn’t be worse feeling. They didn’t feel like that before. But I will still wear them.  They are mostly jeans which I am surprised I bought since I started moving away from them.  I hope they still fit decent.  At least they weren’t very expensive. But this was a fail for me as I thought I could wear them for a long time and now it is questionable.  


Life throws curve balls and we have to be prepared for them.  It is astounding what we take for granted. 


Anyway, I have to run for now.  I hope you all have a nice weekend, 




I have a bad habit of buying something I think I like and getting multiples of that before I take the time to fully try the first item.  I'm always afraid of not being able to get more of something I like, mainly because there are so few things I actually like anymore.  Then, if it doesn't work out like I first imagined, I'm stuck with a bunch of 'whatevers'.  

I hear ya about having less when faced with a crisis, especially a long-term one.  When your life is consumed by something stressful and emotional, you don't have the time or energy to even take care of yourself, let alone a bunch of stuff.  I'm not in crisis mode right now, but I continue to look around and see so many things I don't want to deal with anymore.  

As for the denim, I quit wearing jeans years ago.  I finally realized that I found them uncomfortable.  I've always found them uncomfortable.  When we moved out west, the weather was too hot to wear them and they disappeared from my wardrobe.  I've tried a few of the new stretch types since then, but I still find them uncomfortable.  And now I just don't even like the look on myself.  I do, however, wear denim shirts.  Partly because they're easy, partly because I can wear them without washing and ironing every time.  And they have pockets.  I have a uniform of sorts I wear: pants (usually black), tee (usually white), shirt over top.  That's it.  Works for my life now.


Lastly, @aprilskies , you take care of yourself.  Don't sweat the small stuff...❤️

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Posts: 36,624
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October



Oh, yeah... denim shirts.  I had a bunch of them in the 90s that I lived in.  So practical.


I still have "big" shirts that I throw on over a tee or turtleneck, but if I see a great denim shirt I might be tempted.


Gotta get this dog out then go check out our new roof.  And see if my plants froze. Woman Sad

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,185
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

[ Edited ]

@just bee wrote:



Oh, yeah... denim shirts.  I had a bunch of them in the 90s that I lived in.  So practical.


I still have "big" shirts that I throw on over a tee or turtleneck, but if I see a great denim shirt I might be tempted.


Gotta get this dog out then go check out our new roof.  And see if my plants froze. Woman Sad

@just bee 


You have a roof!  Yay!👏  One step at a time...


Yeah, we had a good frost here last night.  It was 35 degrees colder this morning than yesterday morning.  Yesterday I had the a/c going with 90% humidity, by evening the furnace had kicked in with about 25% humidity. And I wonder why I have sinus headaches...🤕

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Re: ComPact 2019 – Out-of-the-Ordinary October

@aprilskies -I'm sorry to hear that you're dealing with a family member's medical issue. I know how that can definitely take front and center and everything else goes on the back burner for while. 


Don't over do it, you still need to take care of yourself. But when things slow down and you're able to focus on your space again, maybe now you will have a different perspective as far as "things" go.