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ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

The ComPact is a commitment to simplify, pare down, streamline. It began as a way to gain some control over our collections of beauty products. Why were we amassing so much, yet not using what we were buying? Why were we always searching for the next new product? Why couldn't we just find what worked for us and stick with it?


The ComPact, however, is not restricted to beauty items. If you have a collection you want to address, do it here. Choose an area you want to work on, and track your progress on the ComPact thread. Members will offer tips and encouragement.


Choose one of our many mantras (“One by one until they’re done!” “We are SPAHHHRRRTAN!!!” “Not until you really have to.” “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” “Resist the propaganda.” "If it's high, I don't buy!" “When in doubt, do without!” “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”  "Only the store, online no more!" “Shoplighters of the World Unite!”) or create a new one and share it. Target items each month to toss, donate, or use, and post your “chopping block” -- or “hit list.” Post temptations, post victories.


They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit: Let's see if taking the ComPact one month at a time works for you.


Join us.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

[ Edited ]

Hey, all you HEPcats and HEPdogs! We had discussed making the Healthy Eating thread a monthly jam session, so I just went ahead and did a little improvisation.


This is an invite to our crazy crib where you can come and break it down! I say we go 18 karat on this and really swing. If healthy eating’s not your bag, no problem. But if it is, I dig.


It’s cool, I’m booted, let’s jump!



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

Meditative according to Oxford:


Relating to or absorbed in meditation or considered thought.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

I am trying not to cave any more. I caved once and didn't like the item. Sent it back! I am learning!
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

@Brisky wrote:
I am trying not to cave any more. I caved once and didn't like the item. Sent it back! I am learning!



And that's why I made March "Meditative."  Many of us have discovered that our impulse buys are directly related to stress/emotional state.  We order something and it provides that little rush (short-lived, of course) and we still end up either not liking or not even using the item.


Just adds more stress, right?


So all I'm saying with Meditative March is:





~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

Exactly, I am not caving any more. I am learning and it does feel good!
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

[ Edited ]

Meditative March is quite apropos for me.


In a few weeks it will be one year since I have been on my own.  And during that time I’ve given “considered thought” to a lot of things.  Since I’m still here, which is a real surprise to me, I guess I’d better finally grow up because I am now the only one responsible for me.


I was fairly lenient with myself the past year with spending and eating and generally feeling sorry for myself.  But now it’s time to pare all of that down considerably.  Today is a good day to start.


I still have a few purchases that haven’t arrived yet, but my junk food is gone and will remain that way.  The junk food didn’t really taste good enough for the extra weight and “uncomfortableness” I’ve got now.  And I got into the habit of buying gifts for friends and stuff for my animals that none of them really needed.  (Although I’m sure my friends enjoyed my generosity.)  Most of the clothes I bought myself for the warm weather to come, I ended up returning. (Still hadn’t learned that lesson, I guess!)  Anyway, that’s coming to an end too.


I have had enough time to decide that I’m going to stay where I am until Carla is gone, if I can.  The house needs redoing and my cars are old, but I’m better off doing only necessary repairs and staying put than trying to move.  In a few years I’ll probably be ready for a condo only, so I could eliminate an in between move now.  And I'm pretty well set up now.  I’ve gotten rid of a lot of things and arranged things to suit me better.  


It’s not great, but it sure could be a lot worse.  Time to hunker down, be grateful for what I have and how long I may have it.  🙂



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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

@geezerette wrote:


It’s not great, but it sure could be a lot worse.  Time to hunker down, be grateful for what I have and how long I may have it.  🙂




That's certainly my mindset lately.


Change jobs?  Change states?


Instead, I'm waiting until the dog who just turned ten (we think) exits stage right.


Incidentally, you've been a real inspiration this past year.  You're much stronger and wiser than you know.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 21,185
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Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

@just bee 


Thanks.  That’s what my best friend has told me.  But I sure don’t feel like I’m either strong or wise.  But it is what it is.  Even if I still can’t accept it.  Maybe I never will.  Sometimes it nice to hide from reality.


We sound awful just waiting around for our best buddies to kick the bucket.

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Posts: 36,623
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2019 – Meditative March

@geezerette wrote:

@just bee 


Thanks.  That’s what my best friend has told me.  But I sure don’t feel like I’m either strong or wise.  But it is what it is.  Even if I still can’t accept it.  Maybe I never will.  Sometimes it nice to hide from reality.


We sound awful just waiting around for our best buddies to kick the bucket.



You should listen to that friend.


We do sound awful, don't we?  I can't help think he's noticed that "worried look."  I know it's inevitable and the thought of living without a dog is even more awful.


I'm really grateful for this one.



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~