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The ComPact is a commitment to simplify, pare down, streamline. It began as a way to gain some control over our collections of beauty products. Why were we amassing so much, yet not using what we were buying? Why were we always searching for the next new product? Why couldn't we just find what worked for us and stick with it?


The ComPact, however, is not restricted to beauty items. If you have a collection you want to address, do it here. Choose an area you want to work on, and track your progress on the ComPact thread. Members will offer tips and encouragement.


Choose one of our many mantras (“One by one until they’re done!” “We are SPAHHHRRRTAN!!!” “Not until you really have to.” “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” “Resist the propaganda.” "If it's high, I don't buy!" “When in doubt, do without!” “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” “Shoplighters of the World Unite!”) or create a new one and share it. Target items each month to toss, donate, or use, and post your “chopping block” -- or “hit list.” Post temptations, post victories.


They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit: Let's see if taking the ComPact one month at a time works for you.


Join us.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

Hey, all you HEPcats and HEPdogs! We had discussed making the Healthy Eating thread a monthly jam session, so I just went ahead and did a little improvisation. This is an invite to our crazy crib where you can come and break it down! I say we go 18 karat on this and really swing. If healthy eating’s not your bag, no problem. But if it is, I dig.


It’s cool, I’m booted, let’s jump!


HEP Cats

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!



To address your September questions...


1. I actually fell asleep and when I woke up I didn't feel like playing debate bingo.  I ended up just shouting out the words and phrases when I heard the candidates say them.  I figure we have more debates so my bingo cards won't be wasted.


2. I like the Konjac sponge because it's more effective than just using my fingers when I wash my face.  It's gentle, never irritating, and one sponge survives three months.  Not a big investment.


3. Still don't have my new lenses.  But I think I've made a decision regarding the "mistake" lenses.  Let's recap: The lenses I ordered and paid for do not transition to grey.  This means someone made an error.  So what do I do?  I try to fix someone else's error.  Moreover, I think about rewarding the person who made the error by suggesting that I purchase another pair of frames at full price so the mistake lenses won't be wasted.  How much do lenses actually cost?  I know how much that frame would cost.  So why am I, in essence, telling them that it's okay to make a mistake -- I'll fix it for you and even give you more money?  Sounds to me like a character flaw.  They can eat those lenses.


4. Only one person has even noticed the new frames.  There was a post on the Beauty Forum some time ago that created a good amount of controversy.  It was about women of a certain age who become invisible.  I think it's safe to say that I'm officially invisible.  Not a problem.  On Monday I'm robbing a bank.


5. Yes -- less is more.  And it's a new season -- you should start using those appliances this month.  I intend to use my electric toothbrush.  I even had a dream about using it.  I turned it on and the battery was dead. 

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!



Balloon Fiesta started today!  I'm running between televised coverage and my driveway.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

Happy October to all.  Thanks for getting our October going, JustBee.  I hope everyone had a great September and is doing well.  Still using the endless stash, which has served a reminder of just how long stuff lasts and the importance of waiting until the item is running low before replenishing and that I don't need to buy mutiples to store and have fall on me in the closet.  I don't think I need any clothes or shoes either.  My 7th pair of Clarkes fell apart, but not to worry, still have plenty of shoes.  I am still trying to reduce my second closet and combine with my walk-in;  I am really envious of the capsule wardrobe.  Good luck to all and thanks so much for your postings--my daily meditation.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

@Beauty$Junkie wrote:

Happy October to all.  Thanks for getting our October going, JustBee.  I hope everyone had a great September and is doing well.  Still using the endless stash, which has served a reminder of just how long stuff lasts and the importance of waiting until the item is running low before replenishing and that I don't need to buy mutiples to store and have fall on me in the closet.  I don't think I need any clothes or shoes either.  My 7th pair of Clarkes fell apart, but not to worry, still have plenty of shoes.  I am still trying to reduce my second closet and combine with my walk-in;  I am really envious of the capsule wardrobe.  Good luck to all and thanks so much for your postings--my daily meditation.

And that's what's so disturbing.  I've been ComPacting for so long, but there's still so much left to use.  At least I can say that unopened bottles of philosophy shower gel are in the single digits (7).  One by one until they're done...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

Thanks, JB, for your responses and too funny about the glasses. 


Start of a brand new month.  I can't believe we are headed into the holidays already.  


My main focus this month has to be HEP.  I am finding this incredibly hard but I must commit.  I am not sure who sent me all these pounds but it is time to send them back. I started yesterday and ate pretty good.  I even resisted pizza for lunch.  This will be tough.   Zero down, 20 to go. 


Have a great day, everyone. 



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!



I forgot to mention the obvious.  Yes, it's a new month and a new season, but it's also time to toss and replace if that's what you do.  Last night I tossed a Konjac sponge and a tube of mascara.  I'll toss my manual toothbrush and use the electric one.  I'll send off the mail-in rebate.  I plan to toss my old red Brita pitcher (love the color, hate the poor design) and start using a new pitcher with newly designed filters.


The dispenser at the kitchen sink has only a little bit left of bananas foster -- the longest-lasting philosophy product in the history of the company.  I plan to replace that with a maple-scented philosophy product.  The one in the master bathroom -- amazing grace -- is also going to be replaced.  If I hadn't started using the 3-in-1s at the sinks I'd still be sitting on a hundred bottles.  I have a dozen B&BW scents that I don't want to be trapped in the shower with, so those will be at the sink, too.


I think about the day when I have no shower gel in the house and I have to choose one to buy.  It's like retirement.  I know it's going to happen -- I just don't know when or how.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Registered: ‎11-05-2011

Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

I'll focus on HEP for the rest of the year.  I've gained 20 pounds in two years.  It might be menopause but it's also lack of exercise.  I eat the same way.  

I'm in the process of getting rid of my underwear.  Replacing them little bit at a time.  Bought a few clothes which I didn't need.  My shampoo collection is down because I've been using some of them as hand wash.  Not doing good in the hair treatment etc department.  I need to stay away from Target's hair area.


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Posts: 35,372
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: ComPact 2016 -- OCTOBER!

@aprilskies wrote:

Thanks, JB, for your responses and too funny about the glasses. 


Start of a brand new month.  I can't believe we are headed into the holidays already.  


My main focus this month has to be HEP.  I am finding this incredibly hard but I must commit.  I am not sure who sent me all these pounds but it is time to send them back. I started yesterday and ate pretty good.  I even resisted pizza for lunch.  This will be tough.   Zero down, 20 to go. 


Have a great day, everyone. 



One word: Soup.


My coworkers know my veggie platters are legendary so I was recruited to bring one to work last week.  My veggie platters can feed a small village for months. 


It never fails: Whenever there's a plan to have food at work it's too busy to eat.  I couldn't even arrange the vegetables on the platter -- I had to recruit someone.  Then the veggies sat, unrefrigerated, for hours.  I was going to take them home, but a coworker asked if we could have more the next night.  I stuck them in the work fridge and then they sat, again, out of the refrigerator for the shift.


When I brought home what was left (much was wasted at work), I filled up our fridge.  I was skeptical: Were they still okay to eat?  Better-half jumped into action and made a killer pot of soup that we ate for days.  Still had vegetables left so he made another pot of soup -- different recipe -- and we ate that for days.  I was happy as a clam.  Had great soup and chunks of Italian bread.  This is what I love about fall.




For me, soup is healthy, full of vegetables, filling, satisfying, easy -- and it gives you a chance to clean out the fridge and pantry.  Also gives me an excuse to buy a good loaf of bread.


Soup, chili, stew -- bring on the cold weather!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~