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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

dperry - You are doing great with not buying skincare!!! You should be really proud of yourself. It definitely is a mind struggle. I would like to get to the point that you're at when it comes to face creams - I bought too many kits once upon a time that all have some sort of face cream so I have a stash of them. I would like to get to the point where I'm on the last one and then I can PICK what I want to replace it with and buy something I really want. Kits have been my demise....the "good" deal usually leaves me with a stash of some items I never really wanted but will use eventually.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

dosey wrote:



When it comes to clothing, I am at the point you are.  I want quality over quantity.  It is becoming easier to say no to cheap clothing.  I have two t-shirts that I bought at the end of last summer.  After being worn just a few times, they look terrible.  Misshapen and pilling.  I also have other tops that I paid more money for, and they look great after being worn several times.  Also, I wear the clothes that I love and are flattering the most.  So-so clothing stays in my closet and eventually gets donated or thrown out.  I keep this in mind whenever I shop.  If I try on something and have to think about whether I should buy it, that means I need to put it back on the rack.  Slowly, my closet is transitioning to one with only thing I love.  Also, I am buying less and spending a lot less money but am very happy with the few things that I do buy.


I cannot help you with a website that focuses on wardrobe downsizing because I have not found one that I really like.  My problem with the ones that I have looked at is that I think they downsize too much.  I want a smaller wardrobe but not a tiny one.  If I ruin my pair of dressy jeans, for example, I do not want to have to run to the mall and find a replacement because that was my only pair.  Downsizing means different things to each of us.  I am trying to develop a wardrobe that is the right size for me with just the right amount of basics and unique pieces that work for my life.


Exactly!  I have several pairs of the same black pants because that's part of my 'uniform' for the cooler months.  If I don't have spares, what do I do when I spill bleach on the one pair I'm using?  (And I do this a lot!)  My clothes make the cycle from "good" (new enough and clean enough to be seen in public), to "home" (spotted or worn and only to be used at home).  Next comes the rag bag.


I envy people that can have just one piece of clothing and never mess it up somehow.  That sure ain't me.  Cat LOL

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

dperry - mind struggle - yes, that is a good way of putting it.  I think that is what I tire of the most. 


findingmyjoy - well, my no buy for Sept just failed so, at least, you resisted the temptation. I ordered a Wen tsv.  I didnt even know he was having one and when I came to the site, there it was.  I tried a couple of wen things and didnt care for them but always wanted to try the treatment oil.  I am having some hair issues so I thought I would give this brand another try.  Plus, they are products that I havent tried before, although, last thing I needed was more hair products.  Oh well, at least my no buy in Aug was successful. 


dosey - I agree. I dont want a tiny closet either, although, I understand the appeal.  I just dont want an overstuffed one filled with clothes I dont wear. I want to love and reach for what I have and clothes that I feel great in. I am not there but I am working on it.  The clothes out there today leave a lot to be desired. I am disgusted with the thin fabrics that just dont hang right.


And, yes, eye shadow palettes. What is it about the palettes.  I have been drooling over some of the new palettes that are out. So pretty. 



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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

Happy September Compactors,

   Congrats to all of you for the continued growth in understanding what we need vs what we want in life.

   Clothing is still an issue for me. My problem with many gurus is that I do not see needed but little used items in the closet. My job requires me to do two three day camp trips. I have several clothing items that hang out in my closet that only get worn on those six days. Also every guru must live in a city or have yard service, because I never see old worn out gardening clothes on those fancy matching hangers. 

    My biggest clothing issue is that I gained 20 lbs. I am working on losing it but I am taking a medication where the side effect is weight gain. So frustrating. It is the first medicine that has really helped my allergies so the headaches have almost completely disappeared. The weight gain is awful and nothing fits. Ugh!!!!!!!!!

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

 As far as decluttering, I am taking a break from it. I actually even put back the bins I was going to start attacking.  I have been decluttering off and on for so long that I think I need a break.  Instead, I think I am going to make September about having some fun.


 Fun sounds good.  I would like to have some fun, too.  Must investigate...





I would like one day to understand when having fun became a number on the "to do" list. ..and something we need to check off.








 I forced myself to sit down last week and order tickets to see some shows.  I even bought tickets to see the Beach Boys in November.  And I have tickets for In the Mood in February.  I missed the Glenn Miller Orchestra AGAIN, so this show should make up for it.  I have never taken advantage of the ticket discount I get as a rare perk through work, so I finally did.  And now I wonder why I haven't because it's a great discount.  Why didn't I go ahead and buy the Broadway series?  Duh.


~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

@DL2843 wrote:

Happy September Compactors,

   Congrats to all of you for the continued growth in understanding what we need vs what we want in life.

   Clothing is still an issue for me. My problem with many gurus is that I do not see needed but little used items in the closet. My job requires me to do two three day camp trips. I have several clothing items that hang out in my closet that only get worn on those six days. Also every guru must live in a city or have yard service, because I never see old worn out gardening clothes on those fancy matching hangers. 

    My biggest clothing issue is that I gained 20 lbs. I am working on losing it but I am taking a medication where the side effect is weight gain. So frustrating. It is the first medicine that has really helped my allergies so the headaches have almost completely disappeared. The weight gain is awful and nothing fits. Ugh!!!!!!!!!


Yes, there's a whole category they seem to overlook: Dog walking clothes.  Of course, this category has become most of my wardrobe.  I've found that I can wear these and shop for food.  I would still like to replace jeans with cargo pants because I like pockets.  But I can't seem to find any out there.  This is strange because everybody else seems to find them. 

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

Just checking in on this holiday weekend (and I'm procrastinating because I have a paper to write today) to see how everyone is doing since we're almost one week into the new month. 


Sticking to your plans?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

aprilskies - the Wen TSV got me too! I had tried it a few years ago and wasn't wowed. But this combo interested me for the oil and styling cream which I've never tried. I went ahead and ordered 2 - tea tree and the fig. The 2 hours later, I had buyers regret! I went back  online to cancel and when I tried, it said it was already in process and couldn't be cancelled!! So I will get them and give all of the products a good fair try for the month. Either I will find something I love in them or this will be the last time I try it. I have really curly dry hair so I'm always on the look for something that will play nice with it. I'm not beating  myself up about the purchase since I don't stockpile hair products. It's the one area that I don't?? Odd, I know. LOL


I finally got the Earth Origins ankle boots and shoes. I had been really excited to try them out since I've never tried this line. Both looked like they would be great for work. Nope, I tried them on and walked around a lot inside my house. I then tried on a pair of Clarks. The Clarks totally kicked butt in comfort. I boxed up both EO styles and returned to the USPS. I can cross this line off of the list of temptations. I'll stick with Clarks and will watch for them to have a dressier shoe/boot I can wear for work. I wear my work shoes to death. Once I find a pair I love and looks good with dress clothes, those babies get well loved and used until they die.

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

I finally got the Earth Origins ankle boots and shoes. I had been really excited to try them out since I've never tried this line. Both looked like they would be great for work. Nope, I tried them on and walked around a lot inside my house. I then tried on a pair of Clarks. The Clarks totally kicked butt in comfort. I boxed up both EO styles and returned to the USPS. I can cross this line off of the list of temptations. I'll stick with Clarks and will watch for them to have a dressier shoe/boot I can wear for work. I wear my work shoes to death. Once I find a pair I love and looks good with dress clothes, those babies get well loved and used until they die.


Have you checked out Alegrias?


~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

It's been some time since I last posted, and wanted to update my progress.


When I joined he ComPact I committed to stop buying home fragrance and bath & body products. This past July I made it to two years of sticking 100% to that commitment. I had to, my stash was on its way to becoming a hoard. Although other types of purchases weren't as much of a problem, I realized that too much unnecessary stuff in general was accumulating in my house, and now I only buy things that I need and will use.


I want an uncluttered house and less things to dust, and have been slowly but consistently working on that. The more stuff I get rid of, the easier it becomes to get rid of more. Buying things I don't need has become very easy for me too. I no longer get the feeling that I'm going to miss out on something. I know if it's really that good it'll still be around later when I need it. If it isn't going to be around, there'll be something better. I don't stock up on things either. If I can't wait until I run out of something, I'll buy one backup of an item only if there's already one open. The only exception is toilet paper, I like to buy the big 36-roll pack from BJ's. Woman Happy


Earlier this year I read the Marie Kondo book. I was inspired, but feel her method of getting rid of stuff unrealistic for me. I then read The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life, by Francine Jay. I highly recommend it.


My motivation really kicked into gear when I had to to empty my parents' home after they both became disabled and could no longer live there. Something can happen to anyone at any age, and I started to think about what if someone had to come in behind DH & I if that something happened to us.


My ComPacting success has also helped me finally lose some weight, 22 lbs. since spring. I need to do that a couple more times, and I'm confident I will.


Good luck to all ComPacters!