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Oh and I forgot to add, I think she looks good.

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I had to go out and google a clip to see it. It's drastically different. It looks like she got one of those processes to relax the hair and have it straight as well as a lighter color.

I don't think it does anything for her face, though. I actually didn't recognize her and probably would have thought someone was filling in for her if was was channel surfing.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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My grandchildren (when they were younger, maybe 3 years ago) wouldn't let me use the word fat. They said it was a bad word.

I asked my daughter if she taught them that. She laughed and said, "No. I tried to tell them not to describe people that way. It hurts their feelings".

Now that they're older they understand the difference.

There are so many do's and don't's it's stupid. I think if people just use common sense that's all any of us can do.

There will always be people who get upset over something. Things have gotten crazy.

One thing about this country (not necessarily good) but when things swing widely one way it takes what I call a correction (much like the stock market). The problem is it swings back the other way too far.

I don't think the younger generation understands that it's important to know when to raise their voices. After awhile people stop listening. That's all I'm saying.

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I thought she look great! My husband watches that show on Sundays and I always comment on how I'd love to change her wardrobe, unfortunately when clothes are outdated then the opinion is that her style of journalism is as well. The boxy 80's jackets with lapels were not flattering for her, but today in her stylish red jacket and new hair and makeup she looked stunning, I was thrilled for her!! I tweeted her to tell her how wonderful she looked!!
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Registered: ‎03-27-2014
On 8/17/2014 OCGurl said: I thought she look great! My husband watches that show on Sundays and I always comment on how I'd love to change her wardrobe, unfortunately when clothes are outdated then the opinion is that her style of journalism is as well. The boxy 80's jackets with lapels were not flattering for her, but today in her stylish red jacket and new hair and makeup she looked stunning, I was thrilled for her!! I tweeted her to tell her how wonderful she looked!!
Huh??? What do you think of Wolf Blitzer's style? Gosh let's tweet him and tell him he looks dated with the gray hair, thus his reporting seems old and stale. Hair club for men pronto! And he should get some platform/elevated shoes ala Tom Cruise b/c short guys, well they can't be trusted. Does he sit on a pillow so he can be eye to eye with Candy? And Bill O'Rielly-that short cropped hair really emphasizes his loose jowls. With his money, can't he get lipo so it doesn't shake so much? Next, let's critique the qvc, hsn, and shopq guys. Isn't this fun? Sooooo much material to dissect!

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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I didn't take the least bit of offense to the o/p's description of Candy. Do you realize that, by reacting to "round body", it is YOU who has decided that "round bodies" are "bad"?

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Posts: 21,733
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 8/17/2014 KarenQVC said:

Thank you to the fellow Candy fans who read my original post for comprehension and posted their opinions. We may have seen a new and more peaceful day in Candyland, if the execs agree, of course.


Anyway, I didn't take offense at any particular words you used; I just get the feeling that between this thread and your comments about Robin Williams after his death, you seem to have a penchant for going negative while at the same professing your total innocence in a "golly gee, me?" way.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland