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Dry Brushing is terrific, it exfoliates and tones the skin at the same time(if you can do it).

You can always find one of the loofah nets in the drugstore and scrub in the bathtub or shower with some philosophy bath gel.


I've been having great luck with Josie Maran's body butters - I have been using her moisturizer for 6 months. I know, it sounds crazy but i used to have those bumps on the back of my arms and legs. The last time Josie was on, she mentioned that the moisture is good for the bumps on your skin. I went in the bathroom and took a look at tmy arms - no bumps! Couln't believe it so I looked at my legs - same thing! 


I never thought a moisturizer could do that - I've grown up thinking that you have to exfoliate the area every day to free up the ingrown hairs. That's been my experience  with her body butter-your milege may vary....

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Yes! Just took a look at the Salux cloth -That's what I mean by loofah net. I think that it's gentler on skin than a loofah but it still exfoliates. 

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I use the same method I use on my face:  a bar of Kiss My Face (or for body - Jergens Soap) and bath gloves.  



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@DCAnnie2004 wrote:

Thanks, ladies! Where is the best place to buy the Salux cloth?, @DCAnnie2004.

New Contributor
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎11-26-2011

You can avoid all the counterfeits by getting them from the US official site. saluxshop. They have a great frequentley asked questions page. 

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This post has been removed by QVC because a link to a retail site was included.

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@DCAnnie2004, I find a little tool called the exfolimate works wonders for ingrown hairs.   It's a little hand held tool with a dull blade (not sharp enough to cut) that removes dead skin.  I bought mine on Amazon.  I also have a salux, which I use in the morning, and I dry brush when I remember, but honestly the exfolimate is the easiest thing to use and seems to work the best for me. It's also great before self tanning.

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Registered: ‎01-24-2015

@DCAnnie2004, I buy my salux cloths on Amazon.  They really are superior to the others that look similar.

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Let me add one more vote for the Salux Cloth....bought directly from their online site. They are the best things EVER! I love that they are long, so I can hold an end in each hand and give my back a good scrub.


One caution: Be a little careful when you first use the Salux, til you know what your skin can take. The roughness of it feels really good to me, but someone else I know didn't like it.