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I remember being happy with my skincare routine.  I still am happy with my daytime routine.  I MISS my nighttime routine.  I'm seriously considering stopping the Tretinoin.  I started it mostly as a preventative.  Going to make an appt with a derm.  As long as it will probably take to get in, maybe my face will be back to normal if I go back to what was working for me and he'll have a good idea as to what to work with.  Ok, decision made.  I've stopped (sigh of relief) Smiley Happy

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I too think the lines are excessive dryness.   But, I never thought I'd have instant results.  What surprised me was how well I tolerated Tret.  No issues with the .025%.  Then I went to .050% and had no issues with that for nearly a whole tube (20g size).  Just in the last 3ish days I've been having sensitivity.  I'm done for now and maybe forever.  My face looks worse.  It feels worse.  I'm going back to what was working well.  Retinol/Glycolic Acid/Moisturizer along with milky hydrating products and lactic acid.

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I wish somebody would!!!!! I'd buy it immediately!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@monicakm  When I had redness and peeling every day from Retin A the people on this forum  ALL told me to get Atopalm moisturizer. It stopped it. It's called Atopalm MLE cream. Brought me back to normal. After that I went onto my regular routine. This stuff is still around and that was quite a while ago.

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@Mimi NY wrote:

@Judaline wrote:

@Mimi NY wrote:

See them myself the veins showing  ,the brown spots,and a few other things that makes me know I am getting older. Lately I look at them as WOW  you are getting older. But then  I think  to myself it's a blessing in a way to be getting older as we all have known of others that didn't reach the age that we are, so we should just accept the changes and be glad we are breathing.

But would a little camouflage be out of the question?

If it makes you feel better  to hide aging flaws go for it .But you know  when you wash you will see the veins or aging flaws once again. Are you doing it for yourself or others?

Just got to the age where I wish more individuals wouldn't be so into thinking they can hide or have too  hide their aging flaws  . Example knew a women years ago  who was over 100 when she passed , living in assisted living and had a steady appointment for her hair to be washed and set but about every 6 weeks a  tint job and cut ,but over the years  had so many arguments with other  women because she swore she had no greys ,didn't even realize she was getting it colored to cover the greys.

 My concern is with aging is that  I would hope I can keep my memory as sharp as it is .


My biggest concern is memory loss. I'm going to be 87 in Sept.  So far, so good. However I know that I do have short memory loss.

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My hands are small and you can definitely see my veins. It is what it is, nothing I can do about, honestly I don't think people care. I work in a school and am a monitor to a pre-K class. This little four year old boy was amazed by the veins in my hand and called it to my attention! Kids always tell it like it is!

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I just ordered a Dermablend concealer. Not for my face, for my hands. Looks like a lipstick only beige, lol. I plan to put it on my hands just like following a map-gonna do each vein. Then it says to do the powder puff thing, wait a few minutes, buff off. I can do that. We'll just see if it passes the dishwashing test. 

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I have prominent blue veins on my hands also. I was in Ulta Today and tried their body foundation with SPF 25. It worked really well. I am definitely considering buying some. I'm just concerned that it's going to rub off On whatever my hands brush against. It is moisturizing and did not look cakey at all.
Anyway, thought I would share for those interested
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@Judaline  I have fair skin and my veins are blue and green and at night time or under flourescent light, the colors of my veins are visible underneath the skintone of my hands.   I used to be insecure about it, until I dated a guy who loved my "translucent skin" as he would put it.  I think sometimes we're our own worst critics- I spent 10 minutes today scrutinizing my love handles rather than admiring my whole image as a beautiful girl.


   If you want to camouflage your veins, feel free to- if you go that route, you could try Sally Hansen Air Brush Legs or Dermablend Cover Creme.  Smiley Happy

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Aww! Love this postHeart


@SportyShorty07 wrote:

@Judaline  I have fair skin and my veins are blue and green and at night time or under flourescent light, the colors of my veins are visible underneath the skintone of my hands.   I used to be insecure about it, until I dated a guy who loved my "translucent skin" as he would put it.  I think sometimes we're our own worst critics- I spent 10 minutes today scrutinizing my love handles rather than admiring my whole image as a beatiful girl.


   If you want to camouflage your veins, feel free to- if you go that route, you could try Sally Hansen Air Brush Legs or Dermablend Cover Creme.  Smiley Happy


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"