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in my hands. Yuk. If my skin gets any thinner I think I'll just disappear. I need something to cover/camouflage them. Can't stand seeing them. The stuff I really liked is no longer available so I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem and has found a solution?

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@Judaline   My hands are beginning to lose "fat" as well. I was self conscious until I realized everyone else around my age had the similar issue.


Only if going somewhere "special", I use a lotion and then Bare Minerals powder foundation brushed on lightly. It seems to stick to the lotion. Of course, if you need to wash hands while out, I'm careful to wash finger area only or it begins to come off. 


I usually just accept it. They can be improved by getting filler between the veins to plump that area, but that's not for me.

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@Shanus wrote:

@Judaline   My hands are beginning to lose "fat" as well. I was self conscious until I realized everyone else around my age had the similar issue.


Only if going somewhere "special", I use a lotion and then Bare Minerals powder foundation brushed on lightly. It seems to stick to the lotion. Of course, if you need to wash hands while out, I'm careful to wash finger area only or it begins to come off. 


I usually just accept it. They can be improved by getting filler between the veins to plump that area, but that's not for me.

No, not for me, either. I remember Joan Rivers telling us about the hand surgery she had. She didn't look like she had thin skin-maybe just prominent veins.

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Someone I know had her hand veins treated by sclerotherpy where a doctor injects a chemical into the veins and causes them to collapse. Non-surgical but you have to wear compression gloves for an entire day afterwards. 

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  1. My hands have always been older than the rest of me. Now they look so skeletal and veiny, I'm glad when a sleeve is extra long and gives me a little hand cover 😜.I've been tempted to do like Dolly and wear skin toned mesh fingerless gloves, or move to a cold climate where gloves are worn more frequently! 🤪
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See them myself the veins showing  ,the brown spots,and a few other things that makes me know I am getting older. Lately I look at them as WOW  you are getting older. But then  I think  to myself it's a blessing in a way to be getting older as we all have known of others that didn't reach the age that we are, so we should just accept the changes and be glad we are breathing.

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Now I'm sitting here scrutinizing my hands.🤦‍♀️

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I've had thin, veined hands my whole life.  When I was still in my 20's, a little boy came up to me and said " Ooo you have witches hands!"  I pretty much gave up on my hands after that.


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Registered: ‎07-26-2023

Physicians can use fillers for the hands.  I don't know anyone personally that has had it done.  Lasts 12 to 18 months.  I like looking at the before and afters.  Google fillers for hands and there is lots to read and see.  On another note, is there a make up that can be used for the hands that stays on well and doesn't look cakey?  I've tried regular foundation and it wears off or cakes.  

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I'm another one with blue veins and brown spots.  What drives me nuts is that my husband,who never uses sunscreen or hand lotion has none of that.  He is in the sun more than me too! Grrr