Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Has anyone tried these. Iname using for fist time today. Forehead and eyes. They donot give you much info and I thoufgt they said you could use one patch more than once. But no where can I find that info. Nor do I know if I should feel a tingling. Well I have 15 minutes or more to go. Will postback. They say you should see results after first use. And better as you use. Will let you know in afew.
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
My typing was not up to par. Sorry
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Longest hour I have ever sat thru. 10 more minutes. Can't wait to look at forehead and 11 lines.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 23,016
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

What are these? I've never heard of them.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
Well I must say I could see a differnce after first time use. Imam such a skeptic and I buynall the gadgets. But forme to acrually Post about product says something..........the are patches with great ingredients and the patches have built in batteries that help infuse into skin. Look up biobliss on line. Got mine from hsn . But thye are all over. New release I believe.