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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Ok, I am on a mission, I use RetinA at nighttime which works, BUT I am in need of a spot treatment for the daytime. Rather it be over the counter or prescription. I appreciate everyones help.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎10-20-2015

We’ve seen that acne is the most common skin condition in the United States and many more. Although it's common, accurate information about acne can be scarce that’s the reason not to get clearer skin. Hope the information I provide may help you understand acne and how to successfully treat it.


A growing number of women have acne in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. Acne may be mild, occasional, moderate or severe. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition. There are various acne products that are formulated to provide a balance between care for aging skin and rapid resolution of breakouts. I must suggest to use a well renowned one like Zeroblem, an integrative beauty brand product and many more avail in the market.


One can move to treat to such product that are highly ingredients and has scientifically research and development.

You may choose one of your choice and try to gain your skin tone and texture back… As I’ve reviewed the above I mentioned gives you clear, glowing skin at any age. So may visit once and try out….


Before you begin your acne treatment regimen, make sure that you understand all the acne’s causes and your medication options, so you can distinguish acne facts from acne myths. Please maintain that, all for your health is very essential…


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Posts: 212
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


I get good results from Kate Somerville Anti-Bac Clearing Lotion, which I use daily all over the face.  You could use it as a spot treatment.  It's spendy, but it lasts a long time.  This is a benzoyl peroxide product.


For spot treatment, I like Bye Bye Blemish, which I buy at Ulta.  It has sulfur and salicylic acid.





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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

I am in my 50s with oily acne prone skin. Since I was a teen I have tried it all from OTC, Proactive, various products from Q and HSN and prescriptions. The only thing that helped was Paula's Choice BP products. I used the entire acne system a few years ago and it cleared me up within a few months.  Then I stopped using it and went on to anti-aging products. Several weeks ago I started breaking out like crazy again so I went back and just purchased the BP lotion and within a few days my skin was looking better. Be careful because there are 2 strengths. I use the regular strength - the stronger one is really drying and caused flaking for me. 

Valued Contributor
Posts: 833
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

I use ACZONE as perscribed by my dermatologist. There is a savings program with the company.

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Posts: 231
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Persagel.  Less than $10 and OTC.