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Are All these Products Necessary?

I was listening to Jane and the Philosophy representative on using a serum first because your moisturizer has stopped working, so you now need a serum. My Mother and Grandmother had beautiful skin in their 60's, 70's and 80's with just Pond's cream. Now in order not too look old, because it's a sin in today's world, you need, the serum, the treatment, the moisturizer, the cream, the primer, then the makeup, but not just any makeup a now special makeup. WOW! You better start getting ready two hours before, so everything can sink in. I also am a victim of all these products.

Now for bedtime, again two hours are needed. Once I run out of all these products, it's back to just day and night cream, and primer. I find that primer does help with the makeup, but come on, all these other products? Jane and the rep. from Philosophy are really talking like crazy, fast and furious to sell Hope in a jar serum. The rep. even said, she has tried all these moisturizers, then caught herself, and said, Philosophy of course. Wow, today, they sound like Snake oil salespeople.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

These products are monuments to the gullibility of women. If there was a product that delayed or prevented the signs of aging, the news would be on the front page of every newspaper. The truth's all in your genes.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

never had a blemish during adolescence; used only Noxema to wash my face. I have found the more products I put on my skin, the worse it looks. Serums do nothing for me except clog my pores.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I started to add a serum before moisturizer because my skin is getting drier as I age and the serum is helping.

Started with Lancome Genifique but stepped down to Loreal Youth Code. Pretty decent DS dupe but not an exact dupe.

I don't use primers, just too drying for me.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I use three things on my face, all dr denese and my 59 year old skin looks pretty good.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

Customers are smart enough to know better.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

Well, I am guilty of using too many products but I have several that I really like. Smiley Happy

That said, I think a lot of people could "get by" with a basic moisturizer and a sunscreen. Sunscreen would be my desert island product over everything else.

For me the most basic regimen is retin-a and sunscreen. The first add-in would be vitamin c serum, then a basic moisturizer.

Those are my personal absolute bare bones. Everything after that is "gravy." I eat a lot of gravy when it comes to skincare, lol, but I could "get by" with just those things if I had to.


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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I am laughing while reading this. Last night on FNB there was a cream with 'special' minerals from a 'special' pond somewhere that used to be so hard to get and has been studied by scientists etc. etc.

Last week there was a cream and serum set that has stem cells from a specific type of apple, again, a miracle and found nowhere else.

I thought of LG's special spring in Italy that makes her powders magical, and the amazing magical clay from the Amazon, and the rare minerals in all of our 'rare' mineral makeup, and of course, the snail goo.

Every skin care line has something 'magical' and some sort of 'breakthrough' that no one else has, and it will cure your ills.

We as women are so bombarded with messages that aging is NOT OK that we are easy targets. It's funny, but it's sad, really, because all of the time we spend on it - doing it, researching it, worrying about it - not to mention the $ - we could spend doing something else, something probably more productive and definitely more satisfying, since you never win the aging game.

And yes, I buy this stuff, at least some of it, so this is not meant as a judgment, just a commentary on how our culture treats women.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I agree, nowadays we are spoiled for choice. We need to weed through and look at the things that work for us and forget the rest. It's hard when you have so much available. That's when looking at the research helps, then decide what is best for you. I don't think layering products is a good idea.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

ITA! I have fallen way too many times for a good sales pitch and I am sick of vendors telling us to cocktail all of these serums and then apply this cream for more moisture over this treatment cream. I for one have had enough. I am at the point that I am getting myself confused on what to apply when and forgetting to apply products.