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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

Sometimes less is best. Most of these products do nothing but break me out.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

In a word, no.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I agree that there are an overwhelming amount of products to choose from in the beauty category. I try to minimize the # of steps, but do find I have great results with a serum and many times, skip the moisturizer.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

It's a shopping channel. They sell products and to do that, they need to convince you that you need what they sell. Do you expect them to show products and tell the customers that they don't really need or want what is being sold?

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

On 4/12/2014 qvcaddition said:

I was listening to Jane and the Philosophy representative on using a serum first because your moisturizer has stopped working, so you now need a serum. My Mother and Grandmother had beautiful skin in their 60's, 70's and 80's with just Pond's cream. Now in order not too look old, because it's a sin in today's world, you need, the serum, the treatment, the moisturizer, the cream, the primer, then the makeup, but not just any makeup a now special makeup. WOW! You better start getting ready two hours before, so everything can sink in. I also am a victim of all these products.

Now for bedtime, again two hours are needed. Once I run out of all these products, it's back to just day and night cream, and primer. I find that primer does help with the makeup, but come on, all these other products? Jane and the rep. from Philosophy are really talking like crazy, fast and furious to sell Hope in a jar serum. The rep. even said, she has tried all these moisturizers, then caught herself, and said, Philosophy of course. Wow, today, they sound like Snake oil salespeople.

I agree. My mother died at 94 and had lovely skin to the end. She used Ponds and Noxema and something over the counter, in a glass bottle, I can picture it but can't remember the name. She was frugal so I know it wasn't expensive.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?


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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

Yes you are correct less is more, I use RetinA and argan oil only, too many products just irritate the skin and can cause alot or issues.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

I have used Noxema all my life. And I look just as good as other women. And I have a lot more money in the bank.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

On 4/12/2014 Krissie62 said:

I am laughing while reading this. Last night on FNB there was a cream with 'special' minerals from a 'special' pond somewhere that used to be so hard to get and has been studied by scientists etc. etc.

Last week there was a cream and serum set that has stem cells from a specific type of apple, again, a miracle and found nowhere else.

I thought of LG's special spring in Italy that makes her powders magical, and the amazing magical clay from the Amazon, and the rare minerals in all of our 'rare' mineral makeup, and of course, the snail goo.

Every skin care line has something 'magical' and some sort of 'breakthrough' that no one else has, and it will cure your ills.

We as women are so bombarded with messages that aging is NOT OK that we are easy targets. It's funny, but it's sad, really, because all of the time we spend on it - doing it, researching it, worrying about it - not to mention the $ - we could spend doing something else, something probably more productive and definitely more satisfying, since you never win the aging game.

And yes, I buy this stuff, at least some of it, so this is not meant as a judgment, just a commentary on how our culture treats women.

Thank You!!! This is so obvious, and yet every brand out there hawks their special, unique ingredient that will perform whatever miracle that no other product can. This marketing technique must work very well, since everyone does it.

A few more:

Dalton - DuraQuench IQ(somebody please explain this one), Deep Ocean Water (much better than shallow Ocean water)

Algenist - Alguronic Acid

Tarte - Maracuja Oil (fancy name for passion fruit), Amazonian Clay

Josie Maran - Argan Oil

BE - Active Soil Complex (the opposite of inactive soil complex)

Strivectin - NIA-114

PTR - 3, count 'em, 3 neuropeptides.

IT - Serum with 50 special ingredients.

I'm not saying the products are bad, it's just the marketing that's annoying. If you read the ingredients on most products, many (with the exception of the 100% oils) have chemicals that make up the base and silicones that provide the texture. Most are not harmful, but the concentration of the magic ingredients can be minimal, or ineffective. We can all pick an choose what works, and it's nice to have the choices. I wish they had to list the percentage of each ingredient. I try to research ingredients on unbiased sites, but it's time consuming.

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Re: Are All these Products Necessary?

When you use too many products on your face you really don't know which product is doing what, if anything. My mother never used expensive products nor did she use a lot of skincare and she had beautiful skin. Ponds and Nozema were always in our home.

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