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I only saw her briefly when I was flipping through channels.  


Not a fan of her new look .... but it's her head, her hair.  What I think is immaterial.  I don't have to look at it.

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Her skin tone is too dark to pass as a blonde. I don't watch her much but saw her yesterday with Denis Simioni. I am sure she likes the look but I don't care for the color at all on her.

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I do enjoy Antoinella. She always makes me smile/laugh with her zest for what she’s doing. She obviously likes her shows. And I appreciate that. However, not wanting to be unkind but, instead, just throwing in my opinion for what it’s worth. She is much more attractive as a brunette. Her skin tone, especially tanned, is simply too deep for blond. It’s way too unnatural looking. Brown with some gray would look so much better and age appropriate. Also, the bangs are much too youthful a look for a woman her age. I would defer to a professional for advice.
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Really---it is just hair----however---this morning AN hair look horrendous and she needs to do something with it fast--CG hair is alot blonder as well and not really the best look for her either. You would think someone in the make up/hair room would see how awful it looks---but --again---it is just hair!! To each her own.

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i personally dont like it,, too blonde when your skin is that tan,, it would be like a extremely white complexion with real dark black hair.. just doesnt look right.. shes a very pretty lady,,, she just needs the right hair color and its not bleach blonde

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Know what I bet it is? I bet QVC crunched the numbers and showed that sales went up when a blonde was doing the selling.


Whenever something that changes on QVC is confusing, it generally boils down to number crunching and data. That's how all large retail works.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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I don't care for it, her skin is too dark for that blonde.  She looked wayyy prettier with brunette hair.  This is my opinion, its her hair but I think darker looks better on her

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Also a change in color or cut catches our attention. Especially if the person looks worse. Gets us talking, giving opinions. Creates a small scandal that doesn't harm the host's reputation. That attention is worth cold hard cash.


One of these days a host is going to go purple or ginger out of the blue and blow the roof off these forum comments (metaphorically). Mark my words.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Saw her today, not a change for the better. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Shelbelle wrote:

Saw her today, not a change for the better. 

I agree, I saw her yesterday and the top she was wearing was not flattering, mixed with her new blonde and the self tan (I know she is darker skinned but she does wear self tan as well) I do NOT bash hosts but I have to say, she was not looking as good as I've seen her look in the past.