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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

Avon has a liquid deodorant that you splash it on.

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

Thank you! I wish I could try a bunch of different things and see what works! Unfortunately, that's how I ended up with so much stuff that I don't use or can't use!

Yesterday, I got Almay antipersperantd is clear and kind of sticky and wet. I don't know about this! I do not like the feel of the wetness and it does take some time to dry. It is too soon to tell about this.

I may get one of the crystal ones to try and do as suggested - try it on my days off!

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

I've been using Clinique antiperspirant regularly since 1987. Whenever I try anything else, my underarms get dark, irritated, and bumpy. I've had more problems with "natural" deodorants because they often contain a lot of alcohol (i.e. Weleda, Avon Liquid Deodorant), and many of them (on my chemistry) are just perfumes that fail miserably in masking odor. For me, once the sweat breaks through, it's hopeless, so I need anti-perspirant.

Even "all-natural" Tom's of Maine antiperspirant contains Aluminum Chlorohydrate, which is the exact same active ingredient as Clinique antiperspirant, but Tom's is perfumed and Clinique's is not. (I prefer unscented.)

However, if you don't want antiperspirant at all, you make want to try Lavilin. I've bought it a couple of times over the years, lured in by its promise to control odor for a week at a time. While I did not experience lack of odor for more than a couple of days (I live in Phoenix and the summers are hot), Lavilin far surpassed my expectations. I might have continued to use it, but I hate the texture. It's like diaper cream, and it stays white on my skin while it's "active". I dislike the initial stickiness, and I also experienced it balling up when it started to melt on my skin. I wear sleeve-less and very short-sleeve shirts most of the time, and it's embarrassing to hug someone and shed sticky little white balls from my pits. I've tried Lavanila deodorant and the same thing happens with the little balls.

But that's my problem and it may not be anyone else's. For what is is, Lavilin is excellent, and it's definitely not a stinging, alcohol-laden perfume. As for Clinique, it is super gentle and I've never had any trouble with it. One bottle lasts about 4 months, too.

EDIT - the "crystals" do work for me as far as "deodorant" goes, but I had to stop using them because they made my underarm skin itchy, and look like old shoe leather.

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

I've found the Arm & Hammer to be the least irritating on my skin and keeps me dry Smiley Happy I've used it for several years now after I was on my own search. tried Tom's and many others and the Arm & Hammer works the best.

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

Kiss My Face, Solid Rock (I think that is what it is called) My husband uses it as well, it is very effective! IMO


It is LIQUID rock, not solid rock. We get unscented. But they do have scents

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎04-01-2010

Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

I have the same problem. I now love Kiss My Face deodorant. I started having the itching and sensitivity problem a few years ago. Started using Kiss My Face and it went away. When I try to switch back, it starts again.

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

I have been using Dove for sensitive skin. Works great with no irritation. Good luck to you!

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

Arm & Hammer Essentials Deodorant with Natural Deodorizers, Unscented - 2.5 oz

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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

Do you need clinical strength? I have highly sensitive, sensitized skin and I currently alternate between Dove's Advanced Care solid and Dry Spray, both in sensitive formulas. I know you said you use Dove already, but I thought it might be worth suggesting. Also, check your soaps, other body products and even your detergent. It could be you are reacting to the laundering ingredients because they have more of a rubbing contact under your arms. My derm switched me to Dreft and absolutely no fabric softener in wash or dryer, dryer balls for dryer. He regular stuff triggered rashes all over my throat and collarbone. the crystsls will work somewhat on smell, but not on wetness. Aluminum tetrychloride (sp?) is the only active ingredient that deters moisture. Clinical strength is awfully drying. Also, I have learned from dating a crystal deodorant user that they aren't always effective in blocking odor. It might be cheaper to consult a dermatologist than buy tons of different antiperspirants. Irritated skin takes a long time to heal. Also, those "natural" scents and essential oils contribute to irritation.
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Re: Anti-perspirants & Deodorants - Searching for something less irritating but effective

I use unscented Mitchum gel, it's the 'men's' formula. Can't find the women's in unscented. I have sensitive skin, and as strange as it sounds, this doesn't bother me. Plus, I prefer unscented. When you read the label, men's and women's have the same ingredients for this brand.