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@hayseed00 wrote:


@Sooner   We have 2 female goats that are in a pen next to our horse stalls.  Our horses even graze with the goats.  I have to keep my goat pens very clean, because goat urine does really smell, but I still love my goatie girls.

@hayseed00   And that is a wonderful environment for goats....not on a TV set. Your goats are lucky goats!

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@tucsongal wrote:

There are some of us here who have enjoyed Beekman products for years and post about them. There have been some posters that don’t like the boys or their products, which is fine but it’s always been a small little conversation. I knew the threads would get interesting today 😀

@tucsongal, I'm sure it gets interesting sometimes regarding the Beekman guys, but I saw only one comment so far that could possibly be construed as negative.


I think people are really just dicussing the appropriateness of bringing animals on the set. I don't think it's anti-Beekman thread.


One poster here, though, always sees everything that's posted as some heinously negative against a host or vendor, but funny, isn 't it, how her reactions are almost alwaysmore negative to posters than any comments made on topics at hand?

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@SeaMaiden  Thank you, and goats sure do poop a lot, I call them blueberries because that's what their poop looks like, and trust me when my goats are out there's a whole lot of blueberries to clean up wherever they feel like pooping !!!

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

@tucsongal wrote:

There are some of us here who have enjoyed Beekman products for years and post about them. There have been some posters that don’t like the boys or their products, which is fine but it’s always been a small little conversation. I knew the threads would get interesting today 😀

@tucsongal, I'm sure it gets interesting sometimes regarding the Beekman guys, but I saw only one comment so far that could possibly be construed as negative.


I think people are really just dicussing the appropriateness of bringing animals on the set. I don't think it's anti-Beekman thread.


One poster here, though, always sees everything that's posted as some heinously negative against a host or vendor, but funny, isn 't it, how her reactions are almost alwaysmore negative to posters than any comments made on topics at hand?

And it never fails to see one particular poster that seems to review every thread regardless of the topic to wag her finger towards other posters like a self anointed moderator....butting into conversations that don't apply to her, never fails, LOL

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Re: Animals on the set

[ Edited ]

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Wow, who knew so many people disliked baby animals!  I like Beekman soap and watching the goats so I’ll be tuning in.

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Shawn just said over 50k TSV kits were sold!  Guess that validates Q decision for cross selling brands at Q and H. Wonder how many 'new' customers? 

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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I can't believe the uptight comments about goats and dogs on the set.  They are adorable. Seriously, sleeping baby goats are SO cute, even if they are walking around - CUTE! So someone has to clean up after them, it could very well be some of the Beekman staff, I'm sure they have handlers.  I say - BRING ON THE ANIMALS.  :-)

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I, for one, hope they continue to bring the goats on their shows...I just love them and it seems everyone who came in contact with them loved them!


I'm sure QVC was prepared for the goat droppings since this show had been scheduled so far in advance.  As others said, goat droppings are pretty easy to clean up....believe me, I'm the mom of a 100 lb, you might not want HIM on the set!


These goats look happy and content to me...they didn't appear stressed in any way...they looked perfectly comfortable with Pat and Jayne holding them during their show.  Since the goats are such a part of Beekman 1802, in my opinion, it wouldn't be the same without them!  Can you tell I'm "Team Goat?!!"

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I’ve had cats, dogs, babies.  Have cleaned up after all of them.  Can’t imagine how I would have any issue doing the same for a small goat!


some people seem to be such delicate flowers, and think the rest of us must be of the same mindset.