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Thank goodness it is over but.............   These are few things that happened to me after Menopause.


Hair on head thinned a little

No longer have to shave legs -- hair stopped growing

No longer have to shave underarms -- hair stopped growing

weight gain


My eyebrows continue to grow so I need to tweeze every few days.


How about you?  What changes have you noticed?



kindness is strength
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I have to exercise more often or harder and watch my diet. Several days of junk food and immediately 3 lbs. are put on which, unlike when I was younger, takes much longer to lose. 

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@Katcat1 wrote:


No longer have to shave legs -- hair stopped growing

No longer have to shave underarms -- hair stopped growing



I wish!

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leg and underarm hair disappeared......but i found it....on my chin.....tmi?!

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I am still a little snappy at times 😈 

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@nana59  You had me LOL, but so true, so true!

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I only shave my legs and under my arms about twice a year, whether I need it or not.  I love that!  My hair is no longer oily at all so I only wash my hair once a week instead of every other day.  I am losing a little bit of my hair around my left temple area, but no one has noticed it but me.  Not having a period anymore is the best advantage of growing old as far as I am concerned! 

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Still have to shave and have hair growing in places I never thought I would see. Hair is thicker and more unruly and I am tired all the time.

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@Katcat1 wrote:

Thank goodness it is over but.............   These are few things that happened to me after Menopause.


Hair on head thinned a little

No longer have to shave legs -- hair stopped growing

No longer have to shave underarms -- hair stopped growing

weight gain


My eyebrows continue to grow so I need to tweeze every few days.


How about you?  What changes have you noticed?



@Katcat1  I went into full menopause at 47.  I am65 now.  Like you, never have to shave my legs or underarms.  I do get a few hairs above my lip...I just take a dry bic shaver to my face  once a week. Get rid of peach fuzz and anything else, plus it is a good exfoliating thing to do!

I also have gained a few  my belly ...I hate it! I Always had a flat stomach before. I try to keep on eye on my healthy...exercise....but I could easily lose 10 pounds🙁 

I have a bit of thinning at my temples....not bad but I KNOW it is there. 

All in all my health is good. On no medication at all. I have had both knees and both hips replaced since 2015....that saved my life and made me whole again.  So grateful for my bionic limbs🙂❤️

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Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Wish MIL was still here.  She was the one who told me about other bits that turn grey too.  And I was in my 50s and shocked to the core.  Nice to have another laugh with her.