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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

On 9/8/2014 happy housewife said:

IMO - anyone so shallow that they can only see the color of my hair when they look at me is not worth my time and certainly not worth the effort to have to keep coloring my hair for.

I also wholeheartedly believe that anyone who thinks everyone doesn't know you are coloring your hair is only fooling herself. Exp if you are in your 70's. Trust me - everyone knows you have grey hair under that dye job. People are not that naive.

I don't really think those of us coloring our hair are trying to fool anyone but ourselves. My hair has been going gray since my late 20's and I have been dying it consistently since my mid 30's. Now it's short so I have been thinking if I can just get thought 6 months of no coloring. I could cut most of the color off at that point. It just looks so ugly growing out. I wish they would come up with something that is easier.
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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

We aren't fooling anyone when we wear make up to even skin tone or add color to our lips either. Coloring our hair (or not) is just another way to show the world how we feel inside. And if doing these things makes us feel better, not a thing wrong with that!

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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

This is SUCH a sensitive and touchy subject here, but I'll just say not coloring my hair will make me depressed in a heartbeat. It just makes me look old, drab, and yuck. I am glad some of you feel so differently about letting your natural white/gray flag fly!

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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

I am 64, redhead. Not bright, closer to auburn. Have always loved my red hair, even when it wasn't popular!!

I haven't colored mine at all. Everyone thinks I have blonde hair because the gray blends in so good with the red you can't hardly tell it.


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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

I colored my hair for years, brownish red with highlights and although I loved it, I didn't love the maintenance. I toyed around with allowing it to grow out but I didn't want to have to go through the transition. Enter chemotherapy and a total loss of hair last summer and you have the makings of an instant makeover when it grew in. I wasn't surprised that I liked it but I didn't expect to LOVE it, which I do. The only problem I have is that my hair tends to be naturally dry and the salt part of the S&P combo is noticeably different in texture (much drier and more course) so my stylist recommended a Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner product they sell at her salon and it has helped a bit. She also tried a glaze to tone down the white to somewhat of a grey to not only soften the color of the salt hairs but the texture as well.

A glaze does not require touch ups, it's a temporary coloring that lasts about six weeks and washes out a little bit with each shampoo but the best part of it is that I get to keep my S&P hair with no root maintenance at all.


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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

On 9/9/2014 expatgal said:

This is SUCH a sensitive and touchy subject here, but I'll just say not coloring my hair will make me depressed in a heartbeat. It just makes me look old, drab, and yuck. I am glad some of you feel so differently about letting your natural white/gray flag fly!

ITA and so does my 73 year old mom. Different strokes and no, there is no right or wrong here. It is a personal decision and each must do what makes them happy.

I will also continue to wear mascara, blush and lipstick and no, I am not trying to fool anyone, just want to look and feel as pretty as possible.Smile

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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

I just wanted to add, I'm all for softening your overall "look" as you age, and that means your hair color as well. My natural color is extremely dark brown (almost black), but it is very unflattering to me now at age 60. My color is sort of light chestnut with some honey highlights, which I really like. Not trying to really "fool" anyone into thinking I don't have gray hair at all. Just trying to do the best I can as I age without going crazy/kooky about it. I think you can go to DARK as you age, and you can go too LIGHT as well. I've seen both mistakes on us older gals, and it sure ain't pretty!!!!

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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

Good for you. I will die with light brown hair. I have very thin hair. I look bald when my hair gets gray (I'm close to 70) and it grays around my face only.

That's what makes life great. We can all do what we want to to make all of us feel better.

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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

On 9/9/2014 MFitz said: I noticed a couple of my first grey hairs coming in. I am 67 and have never colored my nice brown hair in my life. Not sure what I will do when the time comes, but I hate thinking of spending all the time and money having it colored. My friends all color their hair and even though done professionally, it just doesn't look natural. I attended a party recently with some pretty classy rich gals who were much younger than me and was surprised how many had natural grey hair and they looked stylish and great. We'll see.

I don't understand this, unless they're choosing colors that don't flatter them. I've had my roots done for years and years now. My stylist matches my natural shade and uses a quality product that gives the color dimension. It's not that hard.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: ~~ A Coming Out Party For My Gray Hair ~~

Wow. Good for you. I keep wondering if I will ever get to the point you did. I have way too much fun coloring my hair and wearing makeup. Can't imagine giving it all up for the old look. Ugh.