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I was wondering if anyone uses the 613 CC as their "only" cleanser?....From reviews and what I have read it seems it is always a mix in or 2 or 3 times a week...thanks

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Word of caution - your hair may suffer from the effects of protein overload if you use 613 as your primary cleanser. I'm just speaking from my personal experience and those of many, many WENners.

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Good question. No one I know of uses it on its' own
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I guess since I got the 613 in my TSV, and it's my first time having it I have been reading seems Chaz must of only meant it as an add in to other CC's....It is so thick and rich,....I just hadn't recalled reading anyone that used it alone...Thanks

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I've used 613 as my second cleanse and mixing it into my regular cleanser. But, I found that what works best for me is to use 613 for my first cleanse and use my regular cc for my second. I think it's trial and error until you find what works best for you.
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I've used 613 on its own on a few occasions but it tends to be a little too heavy for my hair, so I prefer to mix it with something else. I can't use it very often since it dries out my hair.

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I use it on its own approximately once a week.

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You can use it in so many ways, but it couldn't be your only CC. I put it on my roots when I remoist, I use it as my Remoist about twice a month, sometimes I do it overnight, and I also use it for both cleanses and leave-in once or twice a month.
Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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I use it with my clarisonic on my face and I cant believe the difference in my skin!!!!!! after I cleanse with purity I give it a whirl for a second run with the clarisonic... I leave it on for a minute then rinse and I can't stress enough how it has changed my skin. I then use the 613 body creme on my face and neck at night and it has made a huge difference.

Just my routine and I adore it

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I love 613 CC but can't use it very often either. I would be surprised if anyone uses it frequently. I usually have a bottle in my shower and only use it once every two weeks or even less than that. I also really like the 613 SC. I haven't purchased the 613 oil but definitely will buy this sometime soon.