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Re: 60's thread for June!

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@Helen47 wrote:

ItsME, I love your photo of Tyler! Our son's dog is a mixed poodle also named Tyler. We are definitely animal lovers too!

Thanks Helen!  Silly me, I thought Tyler was an unusual name for a dog all those years ago.  I was so wrong!!! Woman Surprised


My Tyler is an absolutely delicious, sunshiney boy.  He actually smiles, which freaks some people out because they see the teeth and are afraid they'll be bitten (others know a smile when they see it!).  He has just what I wanted.... I call it a loose tail.... It wags all the time.  He was all that, anyway, until the puppy came along.  He hates the puppy.  I'm trying hard to work things out, but it hasn't been easy.  I needed the puppy to heal from losing my older poodle in September, but Tyler's reaction has me feeling really guilty and sad.   It's really surprising because he was never an only dog.  In addition to the jealousy aspect, the puppy wants to play, and Tyler wants to be left alone.  I'm working on teaching Jasper to leave Ty alone, and hope that eases the problem.  I need my sunshine boy back!


Have a good night.

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Re: 60's thread for June!

KAT, here I am trying to follow your directions. The problem is my IPad. I've been reading posts on Q Talk. I guess there's several things that can't be done from an IPad, posting photos, quoting and getting color graphics, to name a few. II haven't posted from our laptop; I may try later tonight to see the difference. Our computer is in our office upstairs. My iPad is always next to me, so it's more convenient...thank you for all your help!

LOVES, congratulations! 👏 Welcome baby Lucas!! So happy to hear your daughter and grand baby are doing well; can't wait to hear more! I'm so bummed...I had the cutest photo waiting to post. Unfortunately, our new forum won't let me....

ItsME, Tyler and cute is that! I'm trying to picture Tyler smiling...Adorable! I do wish you luck getting them used to each other. That must be very frustrating and hard on you. Hopefully, it won't be too long and they'll be playing together.....
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Re: 60's thread for June!

I had a heck of a time finding this thread!  I tried to click on my name, like I used to but it didn't work that way. Do you all know the easy way to find a thread?  Every post has the main subject and it takes up sooo much room, this is crazy, they made it more complicated. 


I'm heading up to PA this weekend, my nephew & his girlfriend are having a baby in September and they're having a BabyQ on Sunday, it's a barbeque and baby shower combined. My brother turns 65 next week, so I'm taking him up a little gift too.  I got a Kohl's 30% off coupon and I'm going to do my shopping up there since I won't have to pay 6% sales tax on the clothes I buy for the baby. 


It's been sooooo hot & humid here for so long that I am very cranky!  QVC changing the boards hasn't helped my attitude! 

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Re: 60's thread for June!

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HAYFIELD, the easiest way, I think to find us is to type the title of our thread in the search bar (the blank box next to the Community box) It should then have a drop down menu and you can select our title; the new thread for June one. Also, under Topic Options, once you are in our thread, you can, again from the drop down menu, select our topic to "float to the top" and every time you come on here it will be at the top..I hope this makes sense. Maybe someone else can explain it better. I also hope this way works for you since I'm doing it from my IPad. Have a great time this weekend at the "BabyQ" how cute is that!

We're all still trying to find our way around....some things I like, some I don't. For me, the main thing is it isn't Ipad friendly. I haven't used my laptop in a while. My IPad is so much more convenient. Hope your weather gets better; that can really affect my mood too!

I just woke up...much too early. I'll be back later. Have a great Friday everyone!
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Good Morning, Ladies.  It's about 60 degrees out maybe less, I cannot keep up with this crazy weather and more rain next week which we do not need except the grass is green and beautiful.


Today I am going for my haircut as it has been about 11 weeks.  I wear my hair short in medium layers but I like it to grow out and it ends up looking like a short, layered bob.


I hope everyone is doing well especially new, little Lucas who is 2 days old!  Bless him and his whole family. 


Enjoy your weekend.  I am doing the farmer's market on Sat. 

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Re: 60's thread for June!

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“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: 60's thread for June!

[ Edited ]

I'm sure Loves is floating on air about the precious new little Lucas. he is a beautiful baby. 

it's been a pretty busy day here just doing regular miscellaneous stuff. this week has gone by so fast, just like when I was working. this weekend will be happy and sad. the first Father's Day without my dad. I'm so grateful that I had him in my life for as long as I did and that he lived a rich and interesting 90 years on this earth.

I've been debating all day about buying the NuFace micro-current device. is it trickery, or does it work? I don't know but I'm thinking  I'm going to try it.

I hope all of you are well and happy.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.

here's a Mississippi sunset for you.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!



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“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Good Morning!

Waiting for our daughter. She's on her way to spend the weekend with her Dad. We've got shopping still to do and, of course, lunch and maybe fitting in a pedi too. I so need one. The weather here is nice but I hear we're in for a warm up.

I'm really frustrated with our new forum. I don't know where to reply...within a certain message or just hit reply at the top. On my IPad, my reply isn't showing at the top, so I feel it's getting lost and not seen. That, coupled with functions now not working from my IPad makes me hesitant...I do hope I can figure out if I'm doing something wrong or that the Q will soon make updates.

LOVES, I can't wait to hear updates on your sweet Lucas and how Lexi is taking to her baby brother. Such an exciting time.

MOCHAHONEY, have you seen anything on Ozzie? Like I mentioned, I think I erased the link to view...hopefully, he's found Harriet. ((Hugs)) to you this weekend; your first Fathers Day without your Dad.

PUDDLES, from time to time I visit the Cafe to see all the beautiful pics and see how you are. So nice seeing you on our thread this past week..a bright spot with all these changes.

I know I'll stop back to read and see what everyone is up to. I'll post again when I can. Waving to all our friends, old and new....thinking of SPAMMOM and hoping she finds us and posts soon. SHORELADY, as always, keeping you close in my thoughts and prayers.
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Helen,  you can hit reply anywhere and you will be able to post.  I am not sure how it is on an ipad.


Well, I had my haircut yesterday and I am ready to scream.  I told her not too short.  I have hardly any hair and it was hard to tell when she was cutting it that is was so short.  I may be wearing caps for a while.  Time to look for another stylist.  It is styled very nice but about 2 inches on top!


Do the stylists listen when you tell them how you want it?  It's like she zoned out.


I am going out for dinner as I don't feel like cooking.  Have a nice evening everyone.


kindness is strength