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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Mocha, I hope those little carrots surprise you & are very tasty in your salad!

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good Afternoon Everyone:

Helen.....Thank you for starting the October thread. I love your picture. We won't be seeing those beautifully brilliant colors for another couple of weeks.

Spammom....I am so delighted to see you posting. You know we are always thinking about you and praying that things go well for you and that you will, indeed, be home November 1.

Mocha.....Planning a wedding is exciting and such a happy time. Brings back the time when my own two got married. Enjoy every minute.

I am trying to get back in the swing of things and posting more often. But I do trying to come and read and catch up on the posts.

I am in the process of finalizing "hiring" an attorney to help me get through this horrendous maze that a greedy attorney made for me. I am trying to find fault with DH and myself for not going through the unending number of pages, but even if we did, we are not knowledgeable about "legal" talk. We sadly put our faith in someone who has total disregard for anyone who is now facing problems at such a sad time to begin with. What should have been easy and not costly, has turned out to be a nightmare. But maybe we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have closed up the shore house for the winter. It seems every thing I do has a memory attached to it which makes things more difficult. And now it is already October, my favorite month because it is my birthday on Saturday. It is the first time in all 46 years I knew my DH that he won't be here. I know friends will be calling and my DD will come to visit, but there is still that empty part of me. Enough already shorelady (LOL). You are depressing everyone.

Welcome to all the new posters. Join in when you can. These ladies are the best!!!!

Sending thanks and love for all your continued support to each and everyone of you.

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Registered: ‎12-18-2012

Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good Evening everyone! Thanks, Helen, for the new thread. Boy, didn't Sept. go by in a flash?

H2BE: Here is the basic oven fried chicken recipe. You can tweak it some if you prefer other seasonings. Hope you & DH enjoy.


3-4 lbs. chicken (I prefer skinless) but can be cooked either way

4-5 tbsp. butter, melted

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tbsp. seasoning salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

2 tsp. paprika

poultry seasoning to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Melt butter. Combine all ingredients except chicken in a large ziplock bag. Add chicken, shake well to coat. Place on a large baking sheet. Cook about 50 minutes, turning once after 25 minutes, or until juices run clear. If additional cook time is need, cook 5-10 more minutes. Remove from oven and place on plate lined with paper towels. Serve immediately.

I didn't feel too good today, so I did not get a lot done (what{#emotions_dlg.sad} else is new these days?) Maybe tomorrow (do you all believe it is the 1st of October YIKES!!) "See" you later,


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Posts: 393
Registered: ‎12-18-2012

Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

HI AGAIN- I wanted to post one more recipe, especially good for this time of year. a real comfort food, delicious any time of day.


4 cups white bread, toasted & cubed

3/4 cup golden raisins

3 eggs

3/4 cup sugar

2 1/2 cup milk, heated to boiling, then cooled

2 T. butter, melted

1 tsp. vanilla extract

1/2 t. cinnamon

1/8 t. nutmeg

1/8 t. salt

Garnish: Whipped cream

Combine bread cubes & raisins in a slow cooker that has been sprayed with non-stick vegetable spray; set aside. In a medium bowl, beat eggs & sugar, whisk in cooled milk, butter, vanilla, spices & salt. Pour over bread & raisins, pressing down so bread will soak up the milk mixture. Cover & cook on low setting for 6 hours. Serve warm, topped with whipped cream. Makes 8 servings.



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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

GOOD EVENING! So many great posts today from our friends and we even have a couple new. Welcome CIRCLES and TOTOTWO! My plan is to catch up with you all tomorrow. I met DH after my shift for dinner at an Italian place we like nearby. Had a glass, or two (-; of wine, so I think I'll wait until I feel more rested to join in. I also noticed FANCY and SEATTLESHOPPER1 posted on our Sept. thread. Sorry, I know I started our Oct. early. I just knew I'd be late, and probably too tired tonight to do it. Looks like I was right! Hope everyone had a good day. I'm sure most of you, if not all, have already settled in for the night. I'm on my way up to do the same....Sweet dreams and a peaceful night everyone. Helen
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Posts: 393
Registered: ‎12-18-2012

Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good morning.

I'm up early again- had trouble sleeping again- but I also have a 7:00am appt. for blood work for my Oct. 8th kidney doctor appt. After having the blood drawn, Bob & I are going out to breakfast at a local restaurant called Country Cabin. They have great omlettes, which I love.

The yard crew is supposed to come this morning. Our bushes need trimming- they are looking ratty.

Then later, we have several errands to run, so I'm sure I'll be tired by the afternoon. Hey- I'm already tired and my day hasn't even started yet!

As a followup to the Friendly's Restaurant fiasco, surprisingly, I got a very nice reply to an email I sent corporate. And guess what- there are NO Friendly's in Georgia at all, so the info on the one in Brunswick, GA was bogus too. There are in fact 5 Friendly's in Florida, but none close to Jacksonville. The closest would be in Orlando, which is 5 hours away! What a bummer........

Hope everyone has a great day on this the 1st of October, one of my favorite months (the other is November).



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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Good morning. This is my first post on the 60s thread. I turned 60 in June. I really struggled with turning 60 but it's ok now. I'm not getting older, I'm getting better. lol.

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Welcome all new posters, it is great to have you onboard. I hope you will enjoy sharing with us.

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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Helloooo..... got my irises and daylilies transplanted early between rain showers. Just a warning, I'm a garden nut so every chance I have to mention planting, I will. Mocha, do you have hard clay soil? Carrots need super loamy, soft airy soil or they get a little stubby. But they will still be delicious. Have you eaten them yet?

Welcome to the over-60 crowd, CalmInTheHeart. I always dreaded hitting that 60 milestone, but the senior citizen discounts are amaaazing. Now retired with a new career and new outlook on life, I'm happier and more relaxed that I've been in years. Like you said, it really gets better.

I have a couple great oven-fried chicken recipes that involve coating the chicken with either finely crunched up BBQ potato chips or canned fried onions..... nevermind, they both kind of defeat the "healthy" aspect of oven frying.

* A woman is like a tea bag. You can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. *
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: 60's Ladies........Come Join Us For October!

Hi ladies, I can officially say I am now 60 and proud of it. I turned 60 in September. It has been an emotionally draining 2 months for me. My mother passed away in August. Had to travel for the funeral. It was a beautiful funeral. We came home and within 5 days we had to put out sweet golden retrieve down. She had cancer and had really gone downhill while we were gone. She was 11 and a such a sweet girl! Then we had a wedding about 1 1/2 weeks later. We had to travel back to where we had my mothers funeral. It was beautiful and very emotional! We have been home now for about 3 weeks from the wedding. However, yesterday was bitter sweet. My mother would have been 90 yesterday. My birth is the 23rd and her's is the 30th. I always kidded her that I was a week older than her. So I will get on here from time to time. I live in SE Texas and we're awaiting our first "cold" front...going from 90 to 80! But I'll take it. At least the humidity is subsiding and that's always a good thing. I recently told someone I was 60 and they were shocked! I have great skin - thanks mom - very oily and plus the humidity here in Texas has helped.

Hope everyone has a great day and upcoming weekend.