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Registered: ‎11-23-2013

Okay Wenners, let's think back! What did we like the best and the least of everything Wen?

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,539
Registered: ‎11-23-2013

My favorite Wen CC is Tea Tree. While I love what FTP does for my hair, I've only been using it for a little more than a month. My hair could turn on it tomorrow.

My least favorite Wen product was the Glossing Serum. As much as I love silicone serums, this did nothing for my hair. It doesn't even remove my make-up.

The most enlightening part of Wen was June, when all the wack jobs surfaced...and some closer to home than I expected!

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Summer honey peach was a complete home run for me, finally found my HG to end all HG's.

Unfortunately I could not get the mousse to work for me so that was a miss.

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Registered: ‎06-21-2011

The only thing I don't really use is the texture balm but there's nothing I don't like in Wen. My MOST favorite is Wen Men.

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Registered: ‎04-05-2010

I think the Fall Tuscan Pear is my favorite seasonal, scent and performance-wise, now that I've tried them all (but I do like them all).

I've tried every core except FIG (have a 16 oz. waiting) and Cucumber Aloe. All the ones I've used have worked well, but POM is my favorite for performance. I'm only about a year into WEN and still playing!

Haven't tried the mousse or the texture balms-and probably won't. I can take or leave the glossing serum. Will probably use up what I have, but not repurchase.

I guess what I like "least" is the performance of 613 on my hair...but it's wonderful on my skin!

What I like "most" is that my hair is looking glorious!

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Posts: 773
Registered: ‎06-25-2014

The new, 2014 Wen's best products would be, without a doubt, Summer Honey Peach and Wen Men (for my bf).

Of all time, would be TT & CA oil's & CC (for scalp), 613 products for heat protection, and SHP, FAS & WVM seasonal CC's.{#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Best: The return of Winter Vanilla Mint!!

Everything else pales in comparison...

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Registered: ‎12-27-2010
Best for me is finding Wen an learning how to use it.. Pom/fig SHP, WWC, FTP, and I think one of the few that loved FAS! Only thing I have tried I wasn't crazy about was TT But my husband loves it!..-Smiley Happy
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Posts: 856
Registered: ‎01-15-2014
I learned so much this past year. Favorite - TT, 6/13, and oils. Also learning scent isn't everything, it's the performance that matters. I've grown a lot this past year in my WEN knowledge and am sharing it with all my friends! Thank you WEN forum for teaching, sharing, being kind and at times making me laugh!
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Posts: 3,149
Registered: ‎04-02-2014

Best Wen formula for me is summer honey peach. I will stock up on this formula but it still won't last me forever. I really wish it would become a permanent selection since I will really miss this formula when I can't buy it any longer.