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Hi snappy:


Always good to see your post my friend. You are so upbeat love you for it.  I love Valerie's collectibles too.  I have two of her of her illuminated 13" holiday scenes. I got one Christmas the Snowman and another one the next year Santa with the sleigh. I put one on my coffee table and the other one on my dining room table. I don't do as decorating as I use to when my DH was here but I do make the house festive for the family they enjoy it. We have always decorated since the kids were really young.


I love fruitcake and usually make a couple loves for the holidays.  My DS is watchng calories so no candy making or popcorn balls this year.  He went on that 30/10 diet and sugar is a no no so I don't want to tempt him. I will make a few things for the others just not his favorites. It's hard time for me it was my DH favorite time when I baked for the holidays and he was the offical tester. I miss him so much makes my heart sad.


Have a good weekend and take care of yourself my friend. Heart

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Hi possummink, owie....trying to bring in those bananas would HURT those ribs, so I'm glad there is no immediate rush. Hope you continue to heal.

Oh, girl, I'd love to be wearing cold weather clothing! Ah. It's in the upper 80s today. I must say, it was a perfect day for the memorial service for my BBF's hubby. It was good to see her and her family and hear a lot more than I knew about him. He led a harrowing life as a child in Europe in poverty during time when communists and other tyrants jailed his dad 3 times. They never saw him again after the last time.

When he was a teenager, a church in the midwest sponsored his family and they came here. He later made his way to CA where he met my BFF and they married in 1962.

I didn't have the stamina to stay for the reception, but she will now be free so we can get together from time to time. All her family members will leave on Monday, and then the reality will set in and yet I know she will be glad for some quiet. Her DD lives close to her.


I have so much stuff also. What to do with it? My kids have too much of their own things.

I used the bathroom at the church, and saw an ad for an upcoming ladies social...The Swap Meet. They are to bring collectible things in good condition and then swap. Personally, I'd just as soon take mine and leave them all. It's a common problem.


Hi 10grands, loved your post. Excellent understanding of what this thread is and I hope it helps others.

I'm thinking today of MamaS. Remember she used to go to Arlington where she felt peace? I hope and pray she is okay.



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Darling karuna, I have missed you and prayed and hoped you were with us, so it's a blessing to hear from you. My heart aches with sorrow for your suffering and prognosis.

It's a privilege and honor to know you and to have shared some time with you.

Precious time. Oh how wonderful to see the HD images of those beautiful babies who will carry your genes with them through all their lives and how lovely that you have left written and audio messages. You've done all you can to ease the burden your sons bear, but you know that none of this is your fault. You've had nothing to say about it.

They will get through it with the help of their wives and love for the babies.

I hope you can come back here again. Am grateful you have in home care so you won't harm yourself again, but sorry because I know you didn't want it.

I hope it's a good fit so you are allowed to maintain your dignity.

I love you and continue to pray for you and thank you for being a shining example of how to face the unimaginable without complaint. May the Lord bless you. He loves you more than anyone else ever has.


snappy Heart


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Hi Silkeej, am happy you still enjoy decorating for Christmas and have some of Valerie's things. My hubby always baked the turkey. He got up early, and prepared it and in the days when we put stuffing inside, he did that too. He basted it during the day. And he always, always wanted to wash the dishes after a big meal like that. I can see him with a dishtowel tucked into his belt leaning over the sink scrubbing something.


Today was the memorial service for the husband of my BFF. DD and I went. It was beautiful and personal and honored him and the Lord in a special way. I talked with my friend who looked lovely and we will try to get together once the family all goes their various ways and she can leave her home without worrying he will fall. In the end, that's what happened to him. And he fractured his skull and bled. He lived about 24 hours after that, but he was 88 and so ready to go to be with his Lord. His nephew told us how he came to know the Lord 70 years ago and loved Him all these years. Now he sees Him face to face. It wasn't sad at all, but tiring and I'm glad to be at home.

Wasn't going to read here today, but so glad to hear from karuna. My heart aches for her.

Take care of yourself,

snappy Smiley Happy

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Re: widows thread

[ Edited ]

Hi Possummink:


Between my Mom and myself I do have a nice collection of various collectibles to leave to my children. I hope they love them as much as I do. I started my Hummel collection when we were stationed in Germany and have continue to collect and love each and every one.


Sorry your ribs are still giving you a hard time, do you have one of those back supports with the velcro you could wear to protect them when you are working?


I went out to the cemetery to take part in the Veterans day activities today and after went up to my DH grave  and took him flowers and had a lovely conversation and visit.  It is a beautiful place very peacful, quiet and the view of Mt. Rainier is just spectacular. It was a hard day my DH had a special fatigie hat he wore on Veterans day and enjoyed all the special perks the various resturants gave him on this day. He loved the service so much it was my only competition. I am so glad he is resting with all the others who served.


Have a wonderful weekend, sending prayers your way for a quick  recovery from your fall.Heart

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Hi chihuahuamon:


So glad to see you are posting.  I have been a widow for two years now and it seems like just yesterday he was here with me. We were married 58 years and have two Sons, four grandchildren and three great grandchildren.  We are so lucky to have great children who love us and are there for us. I can see my DH in my Sons and in all the grandchilden so he lives on through them.


Like you the one thing that I have had is my faith and it has helped me through many hard days and nights. My DH died very quickly from a ruptured aortic aneurysm. We never knew he had a problem until he woke up in tremendous pain one morning.  We got him to the hosptial where they found the problem . I was hopeful we might have some time but we only had three days from his diagnosis and it left me feeling we never got to really talk or say goodbye.


Our home is so quiet without him and I am lonely too. Miss him everday. I didn't realize it till my GD mentioned it to me but I have like CNN or the Fox network on everyday because it is people talking and it makes the house not so quiet.  I also listen to the radio and play Cd's with our favorite songs. My DH was a fun loving person there was never a dull moment when he was around and I guess I really miss the company and the noise.


You will find yourself coming here often because everyone knows what you are going through and we all are here to listen and understand. It's a lovely group of ladies who didn't choose to belong to this thread but we all lost our love one and share a common bond. Come back often and share how things are going for you. I am sure I said it before welcome we are glad to have youHeart

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Covered bridge in the Buffalo National River, Arkansas.:

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Autumn Woodland Pumpkin Wreath by NewEnglandWreath:

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Cat Rescue is a cat shelter in Woluwe-St-Lambert (Brussels), Belgium. Hector is one of the cats that got adopted during their Halloween open doors event. Story and 30+ photos