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Oh yea and this goes in the book of 'no matter your age, you can do silly things'.


I have 2 sets of keys that I keep in a basket on a mule chest in the front room.  One set is house keys plus car key/fob.  the other set is just house keys. 


I have keyed deadbolt locks so I use the 'just housekeys'  keychain alot.


I was buzzing around yesterday feeding the squirrels sunflower hearts and peanuts and placed the housekeys on the kitchen counter after I locked the door.  


I then buzzed around the kitchen with a paper towel in my hand wiping down the counter where I spilled a little water.


About 30 minutes later I looked out the kitchen window facing the backyard and thought, hmm, I should have refreshed the bowl of water.


So I go to the basket and see the set of house/car keys.  I say to myself, where's the housekeys?  I looked here and there and then I thought check the kitchen garbage can.


Sure enough, on top of some paper in the garbage can was the keychain with the house keys on it.  (That was close).


This is what I get when I don't put something back where I got it from after I use it.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 20,236
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@Bird mama 



I think hummingbird poop tends to be liquid.  That’s usually what I see when they’re around my feeders.  Either that, or they pee a lot!  I’ve probably seen hummingbird poop but had no idea what it was.  I have no idea what color it is!🧐


I had some barn swallows build a nest on our front porch one year, and talk about poop!  All down the brick.  What a mess to clean.  I should never had let them nest that first year, because now every spring they come back to the same spot wanting to build a nest.  I have to hang plastic garbage bags on the porch to keep them away.  It looks terrible, but I don’t have any neighbors to see anyway.


What a topic! 🤣🤣🤢

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@geezerette   Hey, it's a part of life Woman LOL  We cover it all in the Community, lol.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 20,236
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@Bird mama wrote:

Oh yea and this goes in the book of 'no matter your age, you can do silly things'.


I have 2 sets of keys that I keep in a basket on a mule chest in the front room.  One set is house keys plus car key/fob.  the other set is just house keys. 


I have keyed deadbolt locks so I use the 'just housekeys'  keychain alot.


I was buzzing around yesterday feeding the squirrels sunflower hearts and peanuts and placed the housekeys on the kitchen counter after I locked the door.  


I then buzzed around the kitchen with a paper towel in my hand wiping down the counter where I spilled a little water.


About 30 minutes later I looked out the kitchen window facing the backyard and thought, hmm, I should have refreshed the bowl of water.


So I go to the basket and see the set of house/car keys.  I say to myself, where's the housekeys?  I looked here and there and then I thought check the kitchen garbage can.


Sure enough, on top of some paper in the garbage can was the keychain with the house keys on it.  (That was close).


This is what I get when I don't put something back where I got it from after I use it.



@Bird mama 


I have to watch that with my cats.  They can get on some of the counters and one likes to play with whatever might be on it. He loves to bat things off and I’ve found all sort of things in the wastebasket.


I did something really silly and stupid the other day and made a mental note to post about it, but by the time I got into the forum I completely forgot what it was!🤣  I guess that’s just another sign of old age too!🤗😉🤣

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@Bird mama wrote:

@geezerette   Hey, it's a part of life Woman LOL  We cover it all in the Community, lol.

@Bird mama 


Now you all have gotten me curious—I may have to Google “hummingbird poop”!  🤣

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I was just telling a friend (another widow) that (for some reason) when the seasons change (especially, Spring and Summer) I REALLY miss my husband.


He loved Summer.  The hotter, the better.  I'm just the opposite.  I hate heat.


I'm getting ready to have some major work done to my house.  The first time since he died.  


He was a builder and an architect.  He designed our house (furniture and all).  


Fingers crossed all will go well.   Eventually, I'm going to sell the house and move closer to my oldest daughter.


There are a lot of us widows.....all in the same predicament.  The house has long been paid for and I could live anywhere (even in the world).  But it makes sense to move closer to my daughter.


I've always said it's GOD's little joke that (in life) when we finally get to the point where we have enough money (and time) to do what we want, we're too old to do that much (I think big)....Ha!


Anyway, I'm mainly just checking in with the people who understand what it's like when you no longer have the person by your side.  The person you used to turn to and say, "Do you remember back in the 60's when .........?"  And he'd say, "Yes!  And I also remember ........".  There's no one to back you up.....


I had wonderful 38 years with him.  We were married after knowing each other 3 months.  We'd have gotten married earlier but we wanted to use the little church at Ft Myer, Arlington Cemetery, Va.  He was in the Honor Guard there during the Vietnam War and used to bury people from that little church.


We'd come full circle because we gathered there when he died.  We had the reception there after burying him there.


Anyway, take care ladies.  Know that one day we'll all be together.  I really believe that.


Sometimes he comes to me in dreams.  I've asked him not to because when I awaken the sadness is almost overwhelming.  


I know many of you understand.  Fondly, Annabellethecat.Heart

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I can only guess what the tiny black-- about that big is on the porch and even on the ceiling crazy.

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@halfpint1   I found a really cool site that shows pictures of hummingbirds from being in the egg to being a nestling (before they fledge and leave the nest).  Near the end of the online article there is a little video explaining how they go to the bathroom.  They sit in the nest, lean forward, put their butts near the end and whammo.  Woman LOL

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Image may contain: plant, flower, bird, nature and outdoor

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