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@BeccaLou wrote:

Has anyone here purchased the neck fanc that come on a adjustable string ? Needing to purchase more . Yhank you in advance.


I haven't.


How are you doing, are you in one of the areas where the snow/ice came @BeccaLou?


We are and I was concerned we'd lose power but thankfully, we haven't! I was so glad!



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@BeccaLou sis,I hear you loud and clear.i am also truly stinks.thank God I have 2 jobs,so I do have some work know what?sounds weird,but I have in the past hugged myself and said a encouraging prayer to the works,try it

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Registered: ‎10-16-2021

Re: "Getting Old Is Awful"

[ Edited ]

Hi becca lou!

I hope these forums help with your loneliness. I am very fortunate in that I was one of 9 

children and my six surviving sisters and my brother make it a point to call each other frequently and we do a Sunday night zoom almost every week (unless the Patriots are on!)

I have always been a person that is perfectly comfortable with just my own company, but I am aware that this is not the case for a lot of folks.  I would suggest trying to "change up" the day to day routine if you do not have any human or animal company.

If you are able to do it (and the weather permits) go for a short walk.  Or maybe just go outside and sit for a bit and check out the birds or the passers by.

Does your town offer senior services?  Many places have a myriad of programs that are designed to assist seniors in everything from taxes to exercize to meals to loneliness.

I sincerely hope that you can find just the right tool to help you through this very dark and seemingly interminable time. Meanwhile, you needn't be truly alone.  This chat group is just full of very humorous, thoughtful and kind members.  A friendly ear is always just a few keystrokes away.  God bless.


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@781Florist wrote:

Hi becca lou!

I hope these forums help with your loneliness. I am very fortunate in that I was one of 9 

children and my six surviving sisters and my brother make it a point to call each other frequently and we do a Sunday night zoom almost every week (unless the Patriots are on!)

I have always been a person that is perfectly comfortable with just my own company, but I am aware that this is not the case for a lot of folks.  I would suggest trying to "change up" the day to day routine if you do not have any human or animal company.

If you are able to do it (and the weather permits) go for a short walk.  Or maybe just go outside and sit for a bit and check out the birds or the passers by.

Does your town offer senior services?  Many places have a myriad of programs that are designed to assist seniors in everything from taxes to exercize to meals to loneliness.

I sincerely hope that you can find just the right tool to help you through this very dark and seemingly interminable time. Meanwhile, you needn't be truly alone.  This chat group is just full of very humorous, thoughtful and kind members.  A friendly ear is always just a few keystrokes away.  God bless.





Only 3 older sisters in my family of which only 1 is still living. After my mother died in 1969 I lived alone for a long time. I have always been comfortable with only my own  company. This was, because my mother at a very young age, taught me to be independent. During those formative years I learned that I was the only 1 responsible for my happiness, or lack of it.


Circumstances change over time, and during my 10 different decades of living, while circumstances have changed consistently, how I looked at my life has not. I can enjoy my life as the extrovert many know me, or as an introvert being by my lonesome. I have said it here many times: 


During my many long physical hospitalizations, when my body was recovering, the separate body part, called my brain, kept me occupied. No loneliness because I was occupied mentally as my body got stronger. Then during my Mental Ward hospitalization when my brain was not functioning well, I used my healthy body to occupy my time, while my mental state was recovering.


Unless one is diagnosed as being, totally physically disabled, they should be able to use their mental capacity to cope. If diagnosed as totally mentally disabled?  That is up to the Professionals to work with them.



hckynut 🥅🏒



Occasional Contributor
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I've not been on here before, but my feelings are often just like yours. I'm 80. I enjoyed reading what some wrote, especially painting rocks and leave them around the neighborhood. Thanks all for the friendliness.
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Posts: 99
Registered: ‎04-17-2010

Hi Becca Lou,


I certainly understand what you are going thru, you are not alone in your feelings, I guess there are many of us in the same boat.  I lost my husband of 59 yrs this month and just have never been so lonely, friends have passed away, no family to speak of, just loneliness and tears,  i always was happy with my own company while my husband was alive but suddenly I feel lost.  
I live in florida so no ice and snow to deal with,  I am going to try the local senior citizen group, probably not for me, they seem to play cards a lot, I don't, plus there is covid to worry about.....I wonder if getting a cat or kitten would help, there would be another living thing in the house maybe that would help with the loneliness.

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Registered: ‎02-09-2016

Just wanted to saY hELLO !!!

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Registered: ‎04-07-2010

@BeccaLou wrote:

Anyone out there as lonely as I am?. Very Lost.And the Pandemic  is making a lot worse.

It has nothing to do with age or the pandemic.   You can be in the middle of a thousand people and still be alone.  I call it solitude and don't mind.  I have seen this and saved it because it's true:


We are born alone

We live alone

Only love and friendship

can create the illusion

that we are not alone


                 ORSON WELLS


Get a pet.  They don't care what you look like, how old you are or how wealthy.  They will always keep you company and they do not judge.  Especially rescues will pay you back thousand fold and cure your loneliness. 


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Posts: 467
Registered: ‎04-07-2010

Oooops, forgot.  Being alone I don't mind but I sure mind my body not cooperating anymore.  Joints should renew themselves and muscles should stay strong.  That's the only thing I hate about getting old.  .....and the young twenty somethings treating you like you are senile or a child.