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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

 @I am stillkeeper of the   MaryAnne, Your posts always make me smile 😃!! I agree with @Shanus  . I can’t get enough of your uplifting messages!!

  I’m a recovering chocoholic !! This time of year I buy it for the trick or treaters. I then quickly give the leftovers to my DH to bring into the office. I may have a taste or two but that’s it. It’s a daily struggle,lol!! 😂

  Be well my friend.You sound great!! ❤️

 P.S. When is your book being published? I’d love to read it.

AAAAHHH!  I am the keeper of the MaryJanes!  LOL!  Just kidding since the subject was chocolate.  Please don't take offense.  I meant no harm.  I love those but after all the dental work, I simply cannot eat them anymore.  It's not that I have a sweet tooth, I just love candy sort of in itself, if that makes any sense.  The one poster has a good idea, get candy that you don't like and you won't be tempted!  Duh, why didn't I think of that!Heart

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@I am stillkeeper of the   Love your posts. My husband likes chocolate a lot more than I do. I usually don't eat much either, but we have some lollipops here and I started eating those lol.

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

I'm so thankful I don't have to buy candy for Halloween.  I wouldn't eat it anyway (I have type 2 diabetes - it's under control with diet, but still). 



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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:
  1. I hate chocolate, really no  joke. I suddenly start eating those little fun size things  around Halloween!Every year they magically  appear in a big tin.Ok one piece ,wait,that was good,another piece ,I like this,no love this!I swear a spirit has taken over me!Halloween be damned!So until this has passed ,I have a pile of wrappers and oddly no shame!Carry on !Beware...MaryAnne

—-         ———

How does anyone hate Chocolate?


I much prefer milk chocolate, but, I’ll eat dark🙃😀