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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@chickenbutt@What’s wrong with you.I can eat a bag a day.We try not to purchase the candy too sooon or we run out before Halloween.

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@phoenixbrd@There must be something strange that happened in your life....never heard of a person to not like chocolate.

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

I thought I was the only woman that didn't like chocolate. I really hate the taste of it! Yuck.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

Those fun size bars are tempting. DH loves chocolate so he gets all the leftovers. I'm a little more picky and only like a few varieties (which are still a few too many).

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:

@Shanus!Yes,I was keeper of the koi,still keeper of the koi now just keeper of the...Fate maybe ,still have my big koi,but... keeping chickens, goats ,sheep and mini horses and a fabulous man!So the ,name fits ,I wear it!  been here a looong time!sending you love dear one,love you!,MaryAnne



@I am stillkeeper of the  The same to you MaryAnne. I so love your inspirational messages. We definitely need more of those in today’s world. 🌸



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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@I am stillkeeper of the   What's your secret to not liking chocolate???  Sure wish I didn't!

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

 @I am stillkeeper of the   MaryAnne, Your posts always make me smile 😃!! I agree with @Shanus  . I can’t get enough of your uplifting messages!!

  I’m a recovering chocoholic !! This time of year I buy it for the trick or treaters. I then quickly give the leftovers to my DH to bring into the office. I may have a taste or two but that’s it. It’s a daily struggle,lol!! 😂

  Be well my friend.You sound great!! ❤️

 P.S. When is your book being published? I’d love to read it.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

I don't hate choc----I LOVE really good chocolate tho, and I buy that kind. I eat a bit every day, usually dark choc. But I do think/know, that the candy made now tastes awful and never used to when I was a kid. Now it tastes like wax and chemicals. I don't buy any of it anymore for Helloween--will get a few good candy bars just in case we get some kids--we don't get any kids usually, but the time I have nothing, there will be a ton of them.

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:
  1. I hate chocolate, really no  joke. I suddenly start eating those little fun size things  around Halloween!Every year they magically  appear in a big tin.Ok one piece ,wait,that was good,another piece ,I like this,no love this!I swear a spirit has taken over me!Halloween be damned!So until this has passed ,I have a pile of wrappers and oddly no shame!Carry on !Beware...MaryAnne

Oh my goodness!  I know what you mean!  My DH and those are actually his real initials!  Anyway, he just brought home Kit Kats and Reeses!  He said, DON'T touch these!  He knows if I do, I'll start binging.  They should put a warning on the bags, WARNING:  Habit forming!   LOL!!! hahahahahah!!!

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Re: Seriously,i hate chocolate, but.......

@shortbreadlover wrote:

if you like choclate, then tr daigold  chocolate milk.  it is to die for good

Hey, are you trying to give us more bad habits!  LOL!!! Just kidding.  I'm on the wagon and there are two bags of Kit Kats and Reeses in the hall.  I need to be locked in a room like the wolf man!!!   LOL!!!!