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@mistriTsquirrel  I thought of you over Christmas. Do you still have your guinea pig? happy0064.gif

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Registered: ‎07-17-2010

@phoenixbrd wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel   So happy to hear from you....don't let the new med get you down, just take it easy.  


This little guy is a master magician....very creative (and by the way, I'm probably one of the few people who thinks bats are cute).  We miss you, check in whenever you are up to itHeart

@phoenixbrd   Aww, thank you Heart


I've been having some difficulty.  Went back to my POTS specialist, and now that some people in my family are having issues with organ damage and being investigated for autoimmune, she is finally taking seriously my concerns.  Plus I have spots on my feet that look like psoriasis, nerve damage, etc.  So I'm having to go through some tests and will see a rheumatologist.  Still trying to build up a tolerance to this med.  Wish me luck.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Registered: ‎07-17-2010

@BoopOMatic wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  I thought of you over Christmas. Do you still have your guinea pig? happy0064.gif

Heart @BoopOMatic 


I have two now...but they don't like each other.  But they are both sweet boys. 

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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@mistriTsquirrel   Yes, two guinea pigs....I had one when I was young, so sweet and so cute.  So happy to see you posting.  I'm keeping you in my heart that the meds will be helpful and better health is on its wayHeart

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@BoopOMatic They appear to be action figures or little cartton characters, cute!