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07-18-2019 12:39 PM
Hello, dear ones. Thank you for your prayers for aunt Cynthia, and your condolences to our family. I appreciate it so much. Yes, she has gone to her reward in peace. I can't be sad for her, after seeing her struggle so with those things most of us just take for granted daily, the last time I saw her mortally alive. Struggling to breathe, get around even a tiny bit and in such pain. I'm not bereft with grief, but naturally, I miss her already and always will until we meet again. I have so many warm and funny memories to cherish. I'll never forget all that she taught me, and gave until the end of her time here. She left me a few of her treasured keepsakes that I'm finding special places for. Many old photos of our family with her, back before her health began to decline. Such a vibrant lady! She also left me her handwritten recipe collection. I don't know where to start with those, but I'll make one this weekend.
Like many of you, I've been falling asleep earlier in the evenings ~ it's the heat. It'll reach 100° here on Saturday. I'm going to stay in and laminate aunt Cynthia's recipe pages and put them in a big binder by category. I may make some of her spicy chow-chow. Hubby and our sons love it. Will send a few jars home with them. DD has never cared for it ~ she's our picky eater. She has to pass exams for the lab job, and while waiting to take those... she's thinking over the lab teaching job. They want her to begin accreditation requirements right away, but the more she learns... it seems the less time that position would leave for motherhood.
@DeLaney ~ that baby boy couldn’t look more like Mike, if he’d birthed him himself! It's incredible, but we all know he'll keep on growing and changing. Still...
@MsLomo ~ thanks for the Gentle Souls recommendations. I love the two pair I own, and will definitely look into those you favor most. I'm trying to interest my DD in better, supportive shoes, in the hopes she won't later develop the problems I've had. It helps that these are also stylish.
@Q-Anu mentioned Netflix and my kids all use it. They, too jacked up their price in May. Lost some 30,000 subscribers. These companies are going to hike themselves right out of business. We have Direct TV with HBO and STARZ. Hubby canceled the sports package, because his teams were usually blacked out. I could live without HBO and STARZ, too.
I'm still watching “Big Little Lies,” Anu. After Bonnie confesses and they all go down... I suppose that will be the end of that series, won’t it? I never read the book.
A reminder for those interested, “Grantchester,” is back on Masterpiece for its 4th season. Of course...
@SelahG ~ I hope that you and Luke can arrange a trip back to N.D. This would be the perfect time to escape the heat! Well, after Daniel and Harper's wedding. Did they ever nail down a honeymoon destination?
Dear Snappy... my heart is so heavy for Shirley's suffering and that of her family, including (((you))). Baby steps is likely the best method for your nephew, as they try to prepare him. I pray you can see your sister on Sunday and that all of your appointments go well. It's hard having 3 in one week. Take it easy in the heat.
Love to you and all of our friends here.
~Joy 💜
07-18-2019 12:56 PM
Strawberry Panna Cotta
1 pound fresh strawberries
1/2 cup whole milk
1 and 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin powder, (1 envelope)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 cups heavy cream
Puree the strawberries until very smooth. Push the puree through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds and set aside. Place 6 4-ounce ramekins on a baking sheet and set aside.
Add the milk to a medium saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin evenly over the surface and let stand for 10 minutes.
Add the salt, sugar, and pureed strawberries to the gelatin mixture. Heat over high heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 135°F. This should take about 2 minutes.
While stirring constantly, add in the vanilla and heavy cream. Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl set over ice. Stir frequently until the mixture cools to 50°F, about 10 minutes.
Strain the mixture into a large measuring cup or pitcher and distribute evenly among the ramekins. Cover the baking sheet with plastic wrap, making sure not to disturb the surface of the cream. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Unmold from ramekins and serve immediately.
Panna cotta will keep for up to 3 days covered with plastic wrap and stored in the refrigerator.
To easily unmold panna cotta – Pour 1 cup of boiling water into a small bowl. Dip the ramekin into the water for 3 seconds. Run a knife around the edges of the ramekin and invert onto serving plates.
If you do not have a candy thermometer to gauge the temperature in step 3, simply cook until the mixture is steaming. This will take approximately 2 minutes.
07-19-2019 12:52 PM
Dear, Joy.. I am sorry for your loss of your aunt- because I know how much you will miss her. I understand what you're saying though. You're relieved for her sake that the suffering is over. Heaven welcomes her home, and you are blessed with all those memories. There is nothing more loving, in my mind, that she could have left you than that handwritten recipe book! ❤️ I bet she accumulated and/or created those over her entire life span. Every time you and your family enjoy a taste.. it will bring back fond memories of Cynthia.
I don’t know if this Strawberry Panna Cotta is one of hers, but I have never heard of it. I want to try it myself during this brutal heat wave. I also still sit with a lady some evenings who can't digest much anymore. She can have all of these ingredients and since it's so smooth, it should go down easy and refresh her. Poor soul can't weigh more than 90# now.
Did the service go well? I'm sure all were moved by your sweet rendition of Amazing Grace- Cynthia’s last testimony to those she loved.
You and all of our gardeners here, take care in this heat. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke so quickly. I know how stubborn he is, but warn ornery Reuben, too.
You are so right about Tyler resembling Mike! Fact is, the bigger he gets, the more he favors him. Love him showing off his two new “toofers,” as we called them back in the day.
BTW, @DeLaney..I hate to bother you, but that young lady “L” has been trying to reach you on Delphi. She sounds a bit urgent. If you happen to make it back here first. So glad for Owen that his knee surgery went so well!
Speaking of PT, ladies.. here's a cute one for you. We had a young, handsome gentleman stand up and introduce himself after dinner last night. He has joined the wellness team employed here on campus. Wanted to welcome all interested in visiting him for Occupational Therapy. One of the gentlemen I did some sewing for (92 y/o), shook the Dr's hand as he made his way around the dining room. Then he said, “A pleasure to meet you, but you may have been sent to the wrong place.. this is a retirement community. None of us have occupations any longer.” 😄
The Dr got a kick out of it, too, and said, “Come and see me anyway- I'll see what I can do about getting you more occupied.”
07-19-2019 01:11 PM
Dear, Snappy.. thank you so much for being here, as you can to keep us informed of everything. I do adjust my prayers as needed, according to these updates. I won’t burden you with much to read at this time. You have more than enough on your mind. You know I care, as though you were my own sister- and you are in Christ. 🙏
Dear, Hilo.. the same with you and yours my sweet SiC. Morning, noon and night my prayers are going up. Thank you for the updates at your convenience. You write beautifully- and from deep, still waters. You never fail to touch my soul through your inspired words, even in times of great, personal distress. 🙏
Much Love,
Ruth Ann
07-19-2019 01:38 PM - edited 07-19-2019 01:50 PM
Dear, Selah- what a lovely, serene photo that is. I could just sit there, read and pray for hours. Thank you for the Roasted Romas recipe, too. As happens, I just bought a small bunch- with a cantaloupe from the market bus on Wed. Took them in with me while I worked my shift in the gift shop. I smelled that cantaloupe, under the counter for 4 hours- until I didn’t want it at all! 😚 I called Gert to please come and get it. Kept the Romas though, and roasted.. they'll go good with my fish dinner this evening.
Oh, boy- a trip to anywhere cooler sounds wonderful to me! I know your family and friends will be pleased to see you and Luke. I'm not exactly ready for winter yet, but looking forward to autumn.
Dear, Agnes, how was your birthday? Very, very special I hope! I enjoyed reading about the skating party you hosted for the little girl of your dearly departed friend. I'd love an ice cream waffle right about now. Hold the sprinkles and top mine with toffee, please! I hope Darrell’s ulcers continue to heal, and that Jacob is enjoying his summer break. Don’t work too hard!
ETA: working backwards in this thread.. as only I am prone to do; thank you so much for the info on the pots and pans, dear! I have a starting point now. So many of you ladies here, who I trust are well pleased with the Scanpans, I'll begin there by buying what I can afford. A starter set, perhaps. Or the every day covered pan. Steve may want to choose his own coffee brewer anyway. They both cook, whereas she rarely drinks coffee. The pans would be most useful and appropriate for both. I may as well go to W&S when I leave here and get my order in.
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-19-2019 02:57 PM - edited 07-19-2019 03:13 PM
Dear, MsLomo.. your little mix up sure made my day! I'd be honored to be confused with any of you ladies, but for a few moments, I got to be a young, tall, attractive and brilliant ATTY! 😁
J/K.. I know you just exchanged the names briefly- Anu and I were both taking SHOES with you. I love those you have that she posted the photo of. Thank you for all of your advice! I went to The Walking Company with a swatch of my dress fabric. Asked specificly if they had any Gentle Souls in my size to match. They had none at all. 😔 So she, upon examining my feet- and I took my footprint that explains my needs at a glance, went to searching for me. I ended up with these, but not in the white as shown, but bone. The nudes in this shoe was too dark and I can't copy the picture of the bone from their site:
So imagine it in bone. Walking Cradles “Heidi” - $99 on sale. Not that I can do much walking anyway, but they feel very nice and sturdy, too. I put them away in the box- want no scuffs, getting in and out of my wheelchair.
My dress has been altered and my SIL has picked it up for me. She'll bring it the morning of the wedding- zipped up in it's covered hanger. She and Tom will be taking me to the church and reception. We're not changing clothes for that, as many do. I still have to get my hair cut and find a lipstick to go well with the dress. I still wear mostly Revlon lipstick and nail polish, so Gwen will take me to find those this weekend.
Oh, I wanted to show you my latest QVC purchase. It's not a kimono like our dear Issy collects, but it has similar sleeves:
So enjoying this wherever the AC is too cold. “Halston Patchwork Jacquard Kimono Sleeve Cardigan.” I sized down, according to reviews and it's just right.
Creamsicle and Chocolate dipped- I'll take either one! 😋 Our DQ and Chick-fil-A are always equally busy, but worth the wait. The latter has that tempting peach milkshake!
I don't have any Premium channels with my cable either. Can't justify the cost. I lean more toward the old classic TV, or some documentaries. I have been enjoying the Moon Landing anniversary programs on PBS. Very few series hold my interest, and those that do, on network TV end up being cancelled. Seems that few entertainment shows are made for pure entertainment any longer. I like some of the cooking and baking shows like you!
Enjoy your weekend, dear friend- try to keep cool if you’re in the heat wave zone.
Dear, Rowan.. thank you for stopping by and sharing the beautiful prayer. Hope all is well with your family and your volunteer work at the Crisis Center. I expect you'll be getting your classroom ready soon, so enjoy what's left of your break.
Dear, Anu.. thank you for reminding me of the name of the pans! I have decided on that brand and will deal with W&S since I already have an account there, and their service is superb. Better head there now and get my order in. May just see something else there to give the hosts of the reception. My niece and her hubby. They have such nice things there. Hugs to you! 💗
With Love,
Ruth Ann
07-19-2019 09:59 PM - edited 07-19-2019 10:05 PM
Hello to all of the gentle souls here.
Ruth Ann, perfect shoes and color choice (in the bone)! Cute cardigan, too! Sounds like you are all set and ready to go. I don't know if your skintone is "cool" or "warm," but if warm tone, I'd look for a lipstick in a coral blush shade. If cool tone something "blue-based" in red or plum. I AM GOING TO YELL THIS, BECAUSE IF YOU ARE UP AND READING THIS, PLEASE CALL CUSTOMER SERVICE TO GET PRICE ADJUSTMENT ON THE CARDIGAN. I THINK IT'S A "PRIMETIME SPECIAL" TONIGHT! If I knew your real name, I'd call and get the credit for you and ask that it be charged back to your charge card!
Agnes, I meant to thank you for the pans. I have been searching for nonstick pans. I pick one up here and there at the grocery store, and they're not cheap. It seems they scratch even when I use the silicone utensils, and they wind up in the trash. The smaller set of fry pans you posted are exactly what I need, so I think I'll check out W&S and bite the bullet and get one or two.
Snappy, I am so very sorry about Shirley. I hope you get to see her as soon as possible. I'm sad for you and the family. xoxo
Edited to add: Dear Joy, Panna Cotta (Mamma Mia!) -- so delicious! I love to cook and bake, and I love to eat. I do remember a time in my life (mid-30s) when the doctors told me I was UNDERWEIGHT and could stand to gain a few pounds. Oh, my! I wonder if I'll ever hear that "music to my ears" again.
07-20-2019 11:58 AM - edited 07-20-2019 12:05 PM
I just saw this and sent @LurkyLoo an email to check in here on your post, @MsLomo. So sweet of you to let her know. It's probably too late to get her price adjusted now, isn’t it? I know she always orders from here by phone. Couldn’t hurt to try. Some timing! Wish I'd read here last night. I just checked under Primetime Specials using the search feature and didn’t see that cardigan listed yet.
Did find Martha S's all cotton pull over hoodie at about half off. Seems crazy to be buying that now in this heat....but I took advantage of the savings. Fall will be here before we know it. Ordered one in red and another in white. I have good luck with her line - they don't shrink up or itch me half to death.
Thank you, since you made me look! 😍
You're welcome for the Scanpan info. I know you're going to enjoy them! I was so tired of buying the non-stick cookware and tossing it out, too. I want to add to my collection soon. Piece by piece, I'm replacing everything with this durable brand. Cooks so evenly, too!
07-20-2019 01:51 PM - edited 07-20-2019 01:55 PM
Anu, thanks so much for the info on your ice cream maker! Looks like the perfect size for us and you can't beat that sales price. I already shopped around. Ordered us one. Darrell can still have ice cream, and of course Jacob loves it, too.
I'm thinking of Marian and her sons today as they search for another small dog. They'll likely have a hard time choosing.... or maybe I'm projecting. I'd want to bring them all home. I know she has to be sensible about this important decision. To not let pure emotion rule.
Are your inlaws still happy with their decision to move to TX? The heat of the summer is a real test. We (and your parents) are in the Excessive Heat Warning zone again today. It's 96° - heading to 100°. Darrell got up at daybreak and mowed. Jacob wants to learn to weed whack, but he's not strong enough to manage it safely yet. I showed him how to trim the edges with my garden shears. Now we're watching the moon landing specials in the AC.
Thank you - and all of you sweet ladies - for my beautiful birthday wishes!
I do so wish you could have all been here! I had no idea that Becky and Josh had invited my deceased friend's husband and two kids to my surprise party cookout and evening pool party at Joy's. There were also several couples from church there with their children - a few grandchildren, too! Between Joy, her DILs and Becky.... what a spread! Then Darrell, Josh and Will grilled chops, chicken, steak and fish. Everybody got their pick - and plenty to take home, too. I got the recipe for the chops - my favorite - and will share it below. Making those again tomorrow with butter herb new potatoes and sautéed green beans. I like those just sautéed until crisp with diced red peppers in butter. A little salt and pepper, and finish them off with sliced almonds.
They ordered my beautiful cake from the bakery and instead of ice cream for the adults... Joy served that strawberry Panna Cotta. Oh, my!!! It just melts in the mouth in all its silky goodness. Will try to make it soon. I received so many nice gifts - a few hilarious gag gifts, too! I opened most while the kids and younger adults played volleyball in the pool. Jacob made me a pretty painted garden stepping stone with my name, flowers and dragonflies from a mold. He had wrapped it in a ton of bubble wrap, with wrapping paper taped all around. Couldn’t find a box to fit. ☺️
07-20-2019 01:58 PM
Dijon Grilled Pork Chops
6 tablespoons Dijon mustard
6 tablespoons brown sugar
3 tablespoons unsweetened apple juice
3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
4 (8 ounce) bone-in pork loin chops
Mix mustard, brown sugar, apple juice, and Worcestershire sauce together in a bowl until marinade is smooth. Pour 2/3 the marinade into a large resealable plastic bag. Add pork chops, coat with marinade, squeeze out excess air, and seal the bag. Marinate in the refrigerator for 8 hours to overnight. Cover bowl with remaining marinade with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
Remove pork chops from marinade and discard bag and marinade.
Preheat grill for medium heat and lightly oil the grate.
Cook the pork chops on the preheated grill, basting with reserved marinade, until no longer pink in the center, 4 to 5 minutes per side. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read 145 degrees F. Let pork chops stand for 5 minutes before serving.
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