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Selah, gentle hugs to you as you heal! 🤗


Does the base of that wonderful tea kettle not get hot enough to perk coffee, too? That would solve both issues, but I'm sure that would be too easy, right? 🤡


I'm leaving work now to do my charity run. We're taking my in-laws to the dinner theater this evening. Yes... that one, where you stole the show! 🤣


You're still notorious here, in case you're wondering.


Glad y'all weathered the storm okay. My love to your family! 


~Joy 💛 


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😜 Selah forever remains notorious where so ever she "graces," Joy! (I did warn you, and how Joseph takes right after her.) Our father's Wild Child. From time to time, as she leaves the house, he'll still remind her: "Try not to disgrace us too much, while you take care out there." 😂


Alas, the tea kettle base doesn't maintain the high temperature long enough to perk coffee the old way. She did find a small hot plate, NIB, at eBay, though! 👍


Enjoy your dinner with your kin! It's good that you didn't follow your initial dream of turning your lovely homestead and ranch into a B&B. You wouldn't be as able to give shelter to family and friends now who need it, and what in the world would Bruce do without you? I hope the Savannah, GA new/old resort didn't flood. 


Your sweet niece has the right idea. If she (and her husband) decide to stay in N.C. where she's licensed, etc., do remind her of our academy up here. Growing and hiring! I'd be happy to send you the info to forward to her. I recall her DH is an EMT. He can work anywhere. We'd be honored to have them here! Her mother is of the Cherokee, correct? God's mysterious ways ... 


I know the wedding will be fabulous and Gracie will be in her bliss! Such a pure romantic. 💗 I have prayed for Suz' during her flare and hope it soon passes. 


Our love back to your precious family! 


Warmest greetings to cute! 😊 Yours must be one of the happiest, most festive towns in the U.S.A. Love how you keep the spirit of Elvis alive, too. 


I'm making two kinds of chili. With and without beans. Going to top mine (chili con carne) with shredded cheese, and our homemade chow-chow over cornbread. Yum! If there's time between "homework" ... I'll try my hand at Anu's candied apples, too. 




Nevermind frost on the pumpkins ... Ours are all water-logged and look angry as they rot. Even the squirrels show no interest. 😝


A pleasant weekend to all! 

-Rowan 🌻


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A good weekend to you ladies! 😊 I just finished looking at all the beautiful photos and reading about Princess Eugenie's wedding in the Fashion forum. Oh, my! You really should take a peek, if you missed it on TV as I did. 


I also added a cranberry muffin recipe to a thread in Recipes with some delicious ways to use cranberries, for those interested. Cakes, pies, salads.. I love all things cranberry and the fresh ones will be available soon. 


Rowan your chili sounds so good! I woke up craving chicken noodle soup for some reason today. Have it simmering now for my dinner. Been a cloudy, cool day and will drop to 36° here overnight. Some pumpkins will get frosted out in the counties, rather they are soggy or not. I expect most are! Wettest year here I've seen for many, and lots of crops lost. 


Yesterday, Gert and I hit the mall. Along the way, I noticed the foliage is not very colorful here at all this year. Too much rain? I couldn’t say, but the leaves are dropping while still dark or light green. Never saw so many acorns in my life. Harsh winter coming..


Strange weather everywhere. Never before heard of a hurricane hitting Spain, but Leslie is headed right for them and Portugal. Yesterday I saw on the news that many were beaten badly in Queensland, AU by TENNIS BALL size hail. 😳 Can you imagine that hitting you?


I thank the Lord that all of our friends here (that we know of) survived Michael. The local children will be collecting donations for the many victims on Halloween. They will be allowed into our main lobby, where we'll also give them treats. Bless them! I have always so enjoyed the little ones in their cute costumes most of all. 




Miss opening the door to them with their families, but that's not allowed here. Too many sick people that can’t readily answer and shouldn’t be disturbed.


Don't know how anyone in a wheelchair can exhaust their self so, but I accomplished it yesterday, just shopping and eating at the food court. We went to Macy's, Dillard’s and Kohl's. At least I'm about finished my Christmas shopping. Still have Gwen's fiancé and the little girl of the couple who bought my house to buy for. I want to wait a bit for her, since she’s in a growth spurt. Want to give her a winter dress with the warm leggings. 


Thank you for reminding me of the Smithsonian store! I didn’t see anything there for him especially, but they have restocked the Tree of Life jewelry. Got my order in this afternoon. This popcorn maker is appealing to me! I'm going to ask Gwen if he likes popcorn (who doesn’t?) and if she thinks he would use it. I would just give him a gift card, but he is buying presents for all of us. Putting them under Tom's tree. Marcia, I will write you later- TY!


What a fancy tea kettle that is, Selah! Winona will love it. I may look into it after the holidays when everything goes on sale. You might check Dillard's for robes. Many nice ones reduced- those that zip, too. I'm hoping and praying your sinuses are healing from the surgery. 


Haven't forgotten Gloria's husband either. I'll ask everyone in the Chapel tomorrow to please remember him, too. 


Hello to dear Joy, Snappy, Marcia, cute, Anu, Issy, Agnes, bathina and MsLomo! I'll be back soon after I've rested. 


Take care & God bless you- every one!


Ruth Ann ❤️


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Hi, friends! Good to read your posts. It's been cloudy and cool here today, too. We haven’t lit the fireplace yet, but did switch the heat on last night for the first time.


Mom said they woke up to snow out in CO. It's not supposed to stick around for long, which is good news for her. She is still back and forth to PT. Making some progress, but still experiencing a lot of pain throughout her back and into her groin area. 😟 The groin thing is new, since the last surgery and inhibits her walking, lowering to sit and rising. I pray it improves. 


She told me that my best friend is home from Japan, and will be there through Feb, at least. I'll get to visit with her and her daughter when we go out for Thanksgiving! Very excited about that, since I haven’t seen her since her husband’s work took them there in 2009. I have never even met her daughter in person, only on FT. They're home because my friend is having a difficult pregnancy and her mother is helping to take care of her. I know it's hard being separated from her husband all this time, and her daughter (age 7)  has never lived anywhere other than Japan. Now I'm shopping for very special gifts for both of them and the baby, which is a boy, due in late Jan. I pray he will be healthy. 


Lurky, now you can relax - your shopping is nearly done for another Christmas! What did your SIL think of the air-fryer for Gwen? Or did you decide on the wok? I have a nice one, but it isn’t electric. 




Stove-stop, Scanpan - made in Denmark for W-S. I do use it a lot, but I need to search for more recipes. 


Other than the air-fryer, the slow-cooker and bread-machine....the only other small appliance I use frequently for cooking in the kitchen is the waffle maker. Darrell uses it as often as I do. Today he made these from hash browns for our brunch after church: 




We received the All-Clad Classic Waffle Maker as a wedding gift and it's excellent. I don't like to take up a lot of storage or counter space with appliances I rarely use. Just something else to consider for Gwen who lives in an apartment. Although....when they marry, I guess they'll buy a house. I think the popcorn maker is a cute idea for him! Someone else could consider giving him a movie or documentary DVD that they could enjoy together for Date Night. 😍


Our foliage here is less vibrant this year, too. I suspect it is everywhere that traditionally enjoys the fall season, because of all the rain. I'm adding touches indoors to reflect autumn, like these glasses I bought in a set of 4 in Olde Town recently: 




I thought they were whimsical, but I don’t put them in the dishwasher. I won’t decorate much, since we won’t be home to host Thanksgiving. I'll wait until we get back to start for Christmas. 


Love the penguin costume! ❤️ I will look at the wedding photos and recipe thread you mentioned. I love cranberries, too. (All berries, actually.) I wonder how they would be in pancakes? Sometimes we like to have those for dinner! 


I better get moving, friends. Have to help Jacob with a school project after dinner....and still have some ironing to do. 


Enjoy what's left of the weekend, all! 


❤️ from Agnes 


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Hi, Rowan,

Thank you for the update on Selah. By now, I'm hoping she is much improved. Grateful it is done.

Thank you for the birthday wishes for DD. Lots of people remembered her with nice things. She wants to finish this year and teach one more to have her maximum retirement benefits. Doesn't want to have to work, but someday she may want to. What this state is mandating to be taught would make you sick to your stomach.

I feel for the young believing teachers who didn't go into the profession to teach lies and what will they do? Private schools don't pay enough to support oneself, especially if unmarried. The Lord has placed DD at the right place at the right time.

I haven't been here for a few days. The UTI hasn't gone so I'm on week 3 of Cipro. My doctor didn't want me to have to go to the hospital and neither did DD.

I see the urologist on the 24th. I know the antibiotic will compromise the test, but he will have to deal with that somehow. Can't be the first time it's happened.

Wednesday will be the 8th anniversary of when the Lord took hubby home and it's very hard for DD and me.

All my best to each of you. I'll just greet you together in this post, but will try to read what you have to say.

Am missing cute, and MsLomo, although perhaps she has posted. And Bathina, and Issy who is here sometimes.


snappy Heart

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WaJa and all you other dear stomach is aching up into my back, but I just ate some bread and it helped. DD is going to *bucks. Drinking something will be good.


I do want you to know that my sister saw her oncologist recently. She said she is doing fine! There will be a scan in December which makes for anxiety, so the doc gave her something for that.


WaJa, I do know what you are saying about being a caregiver and being the one your mom leaned on. That was my role also, from the time my dad left when I was 7, I became her rock. Much of it was self preservation since I was so young and didn't know what would happen to me if she were to die either by her own hands, which she often threatened, or be some other means.

Good things came out of your love, and I'm so thankful for all of them. Nothing we go through is for naught, and nothing we do for others is ever wasted. It's always preparing the way for something the Lord knows is coming.

And those who give receive His comfort which we can then share with others who need Him.

We had a storm! Thunder, lightening, and lots of rain. It was wonderful. It was still cloudy today, but now the sun is out. Things are still wet. The lawn may green up again and I pray the apricot tree survives yet another year.

Gracie must be a great blessing to you. Sorry her mom isn't doing well right now. I prayed for her.

This is a hard week for us. I have to remember that hubby went through it once, so why should I go through it a hundred times?

It's forever connected with back to school night and parent conferences in DD's mind. I know she wants to teach one more year after this one, and I pray the Lord will let me live and be self sufficient so she can.

But the curriculum is so well...fill in any awful word you can think of and see the pressure anyone with values is under. One thing she will never do is stand up in front of her class and tell them "lies"...I think in K and 1, it's less likely to be a big issue, but certainly the upper grades are being told things I didn't even know anyone ever thought about! It's sick.

Grateful that Selah is coming along better. Sorry for those who have had damage from the terrible storm there.

Hoping HiLo is okay...


snappy with loveHeart


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Hi cute....oh so glad you posted! Your parade must have been delightful! And of course you were the stars! It's wonderful that your hubby still is able to keep working since it's what he wants to do.

How is your DD these days? Will you be seeing her over the coming holidays?

I was thinking about your TX family and the need to sell the house in Maine or Vermont???

Forgotten which. Anyway, I pray for a buyer if they still want to sell.

Our little baby girls are so beautiful. Star is 15+ months old, and Sunny 3+. Her mommy was distraught at having to return to work on Tuesday. My DDIL sent her pictures of the baby all day. I hope they can find a way for her to stay at home.

I just lost not only this post, but the whole Q. So, I'll sign off for now. All my best love to each of you reading and posting here.

Hi Issy, Bathina, and the KS ladies..HiLo...


snappy Smiley Happy


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How I want to write each of you individually to tell you how much I enjoy each of your posts! All of the news, the pictures. I am emotionally moved by your writing, and you also make me laugh. And now I want hash browns for breakfast, made in a waffle iron. (I think I have one around here.) What a gorgeous, delicious photo that is!


My parents had a four-cup Farberware perculator. It might have had six-cups' capacity, but I'm not sure. It was short, and you could see the coffee perking through the clear little top. My mother bought Chock Full o'Nuts coffee in the can. That coffee smelled so good while it was perking and tasted good, too.


Snappy, I know it's a hard week for you, especially Wednesday. I am thinking of you. (((Hugs))) I am glad that DD has only this year and one more. That's good. Hard to believe this school year is almost at the half mark (after the holidays, which will come fast). Then a fast summer, and then just one more school year.... I am so happy the ants have packed up and moved, thanks to the pest control company. What a relief.


I am almost finished with PT. I can walk up and down stairs, and I can drive and I can type -- ahhh. I have trouble putting on a jacket starting with the right arm and then curving the left arm around back, so I put everything on "left arm first." I work on increasing my range of motion every day. (I just need a blindfold and a cigarette before I start -- ha.)


I am thankful for every bit of progress. My knee doesn't give me trouble, but there sure is a lot of clicking and clacking from my knee and shoulder and arm. What's up with all that pinging and cracking? I guess things are waking up and moving back in place, squawking all the way. It's amusing to me, like body parts wanting attention ... "Look at me, look at me! said the cat in the hat." 


Issy, I look at anything Iris Apfel and think of you. Cute t, I hope everyone in your family is doing fine. Your town is the best, and you and your DH certainly contribute to the fun. Happy that your DH can keep working. @bathina, I hope all is well with you. I can't help but think of the "Kindu" days. So sweet.


@DeLaney, I think about that precious baby girl a lot; she has been blessed by having you and Mike in her life. Her soul can't ever forget you or lose your impact. I imagine that you are learning and prepping for what is coming next. Heart And it is coming.


Love to all. Heart   Heart   Heart

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Rowan, 😂 your dad is a caution himself! I can just see Selah rolling her eyes every time he says that to her. Your Joseph keeps us laughing, too, but he’s a fine and brilliant young man! ⭐️ Such a big help, too.


I know the sacrifice you and your husband are making to help pay his way through college (and Daniel through culinary school), though you both took pay cuts when you moved, to also help Selah with your parents' care will not be wasted. Both of your sons will have bright futures, and you are a blessing to your new students (and those on the reservation, too). You're doing double duty for the one salary with the mental health initiative at the academy. Heaven bless you! I think we badly need that in all states, sadly. 


I remember the name of the academy, so I will share this good news with my niece. Thank you!! If she's interested, I'll contact you for more info. Yes, her mother is a full blooded Cherokee and so is her grandmother. Those two live together, and right now my niece and her family are staying with them in Wilson. Whew! 4 generations in one house. Even should my niece and family relocate, I doubt if her mother and grandmother would due to her mother's job, but then... you never know! She sure wouldn’t want to be too far away from her daughter (the only other one died in a car accident) and grandchildren. Could be the Lord's hand at work, in more ways than one. We never seem to know, or recognize it until in hindsight. Best that way ~ keeps us humble. 


How right you are! Had I opted to start the B&B at home after the kids moved out, I'd be turning away any paying guests left and right lately. This is better anyway, since I can leave my work when I go home. Ahhh... The Savannah resort didn’t flood! 


The wedding was lovely and they had sunshine for the outdoor reception! Thank you and all here for praying for Suz'. She's seeing one of her myriad of specialists today. It may be time, following tests, to tweak her meds again. Hope that will be all required. 🙏


Lurky, you are shopping up a storm out there! I would love to find that penguin costume for Jax, since he still kinda waddles as he walks. It would be perfect!! 💛




That is so sweet of the children in your town, to collect donations for the hurricane victims on Halloween. Yes, they deserve to be treated extra! I know that you, for one there, will see to that. 🎃


Did you watch Poldark yet? Those children sure did grow by leaps and bounds in one year's time! I fear baby Sarah is blind. 😢 It was good to see Verity back, though. I've missed her. 


Rest well, dear heart and God bless you, too. 


~Joy ❤️


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Dear Snappy, I'm so sorry that the stubborn UTI is still hanging around. I pray you won’t have to go to the hospital. Is Cipro the last antibiotic that you can safely take? I know we build up a tolerance to them, so maybe it’s just taking longer this time to be effective. It may be bothering your stomach, though. They all bother mine. 


So thankful that Shirley continues to do so well, and that her dr gave her something for the anxiety. Did you hear from DD1 on her eyes?


DD2 is under a lot of work-related stress, and I wonder now... are they blending her classrooms in an attempt to persuade her to take early retirement? 😡 It will be a blessing if she can hang in there and receive full bennies. I pray for her strength through faith.


Yes, that's what I meant when I said, I know you understand! You and I shared with each other regarding our challenging childhoods way back on the 70s thread, I believe it was. I'm sure that you can see now, as I can, and actually give thanks for the preparations we would later need. Rather than carrying a bunch of baggage through life, it's healthier and of more benefit to others, if we use it in service, as we go along through life. All of it is preparation for eternity ultimately. I'll always be grateful for your genuine, generosity of spirit. Your part in my journey! Back when we didn’t have to walk on eggshells here, when I first was led to you, Hilo and Bobbisue... our talks were comforting, uplifting ~ insightful. So helpful to me! Probably far more than you could realize. Shine on! ❤️ 


Thank you for praying for Gracie's mom, Suz'. Yes, they are both such blessings to our lives. Rest and take gentle care of yourself. I know this is a painful time for you and DD... just as it is for Selah, who lost her first husband and child on Back to School day evening. 😰 Seasonal grief triggers. May the Lord of peace comfort you all. 🙏


~Joy 💜