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Just wondering.  Does anyone have any old toys they saved from their childhood?  I had my husband bring up from the garage my Flexible Flyer Sled from 1949.  I need to clean it up and may put it in my entrance hallway.  Wow, all the printing is still on the wooden part and it still has the original rope.  Good grief I'm old.

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Nope, not one.

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Nope,  I didn't have any toys.  We were poor.

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I still have my baton.  It was my first and only one.  I got it for lessons when I was around 10 and used it in HS for bandfront.  It still fits.


We never had many toys growing up.  We only got a few for Christmas and birthdays if we asked.  We had swings, bikes, balls and other outdoor stuff along with art stuff and books.  I still have many of my childhood books.


I saved a few things of my children's stuff.  I have a wagon and a sled..about 45 years old now. In like new condition.

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Re: Your Old Toys

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I have my 1st bear and a little pink dog that were my 2 most favorites!  The poor bear used to growl and over time his arms got shorter and shorter as my mother patched him up.  

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@luvmybeetle   Just don't put that sled outside for decor.  They are highly collectible and often stolen, even if chained to the porch.

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I still have "Nancy", my 16" Madam Alexander doll and my teddy bear which is a mohair bear that is threadbare and looks very sad.  My son also enjoyed him. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Carmie wrote:

@luvmybeetle   Just don't put that sled outside for decor.  They are highly collectible and often stolen, even if chained to the porch.

@Carmie - Thanks for the advice! I have our old one. We lived on the bay, so it didn't get a whole lot of use. It looks (almost) like new. I've always planned to put it out for an outdoor winter decoration, but I've never taken the time to do that. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't get to do it after all!  Smiley Happy

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I still have my teddy bear ( 1946); mohair with button eyes; also have a French costume doll ( very nice one) from 1954.

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Re: Your Old Toys

[ Edited ]

@luvmybeetle   Yes, I have some of my classic toys from when I was young, courtesy of a relative of mine that saved them for me.  Back then, she would be called a pack rat, now the name du jour is hoarder.  🐭🐁🐀

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread