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Re: Would like opinions please....

I applaud you for wanting to learn and educate yourself.


If you are a people person, go for it!



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Posts: 31,213
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: Would like opinions please....

Realistically speaking, not many employers or managers are going to hire a 60 year old who is inexperienced and just starting a new career path.  I was a manager for many years,  supervisor before that there is no way in this world that I would have ever done such a thing.  Even hiring a 60 year old with many years of experience at the job would have been problematic for me. The fact is that HR departments live in dread of age descrimination complaints so if the older employee didn't work out, you are stuck with that person.  I don't think you are too old to change careers or to do the work.  I just think if the idea is to move into a brand new career when you are at retirement age is not likely to happen.  Having said that, if you want to try, do it.  Just know and accept the risks.

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Posts: 1,355
Registered: ‎02-05-2011

Re: Would like opinions please....

Thanks for all replies, i think it all comes down to take class and try to get  jobs, knowing i may not get hired because of my age, or don't try at all. I will speak to a few places and see and hope they are honest with me what they think. I take good care of myself, am fit, i did ask my DR when i went for yearly exam if he thought i was to old....he said because because of of my "aura" ( which i thought was a weird thing to say) i would be  fine. 

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Would like opinions please....

The main problem with hiring someone at 60 plus to a business is that if you are getting any kind of health care...

the cost for giving health care to someone old  is much higher for the business than say someone in their 20's..... thus a huge stumbling block in hiring older people. It comes down not to who is more qualified for the job or would be the best candidate...but who is cheaper to hire. Sad but true.


If no benefits are involved... than it may be easy to get hired. 

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Posts: 1,355
Registered: ‎02-05-2011

Re: Would like opinions please....

@SeaMaiden wrote:

The main problem with hiring someone at 60 plus to a business is that if you are getting any kind of health care...

the cost for giving health care to someone old  is much higher for the business than say someone in their 20's..... thus a huge stumbling block in hiring older people. It comes down not to who is more qualified for the job or would be the best candidate...but who is cheaper to hire. Sad but true.


If no benefits are involved... than it may be easy to get hired. 

Thanks, i am only looking for part-time. I was told by the instructer that i can be on call only if i would like. Gosh, Smiley Very Happy what does the world do with people in their 60s, who want to work, and not use the system to survive. Yes, i know, better early planning, but things happen, and bad choices are made. Another lesson learned to make sure my kids don't let this happen to them.

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Would like opinions please....

@dogsx3 wrote:

I am in my early 60s. I have only done part time store work all my life. I am thinking of taking a 3 to 6 month class in phlebotomy. I will need some kind of skill for myself in the near future. Do you think i am too old, or may not get hired? Thanks for any replies.

@dogsx3   is it because you need the money  and desire to keep on working? Or just because you are retired and bored? 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

Re: Would like opinions please....

My age would be my last concern.

Where I live, phlebotomists are always in demand.

Have you researched your potential opportunities?   Your state requirements for accreditation?   


From someone who has been stuck 1,000s of times, a good phlebotomist is worth their weight in gold, I don't care how old!    If you can do the job and make your shift, age shouldn't matter.

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Posts: 347
Registered: ‎03-06-2017

Re: Would like opinions please....

[ Edited ]

I'd consider the cost to benefit ratio. Cost of the education vs. what may be potential earnings? Also, look at the jobs that are available where you want to work? Are there any? What are their requirements? Do you even like the places that are hiring?


Remember it is a very tedious job. Doing the same exact thing everyday with patients who may not always be pleasant. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,142
Registered: ‎07-01-2012

Re: Would like opinions please....

Go for it.

If you do not go for it you will always wonder why.

Wondering why is far worse than trying and doing something.

To delay would be not be good because it would be later than today and means you waited and lost time in doing so.

Do NOT wait. DO it.

Above all do not doubt yourself. This is your time, this is your now. This is what you think about, stop thinking, and DO.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 33,529
Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Would like opinions please....

@chrystaltree wrote:

Realistically speaking, not many employers or managers are going to hire a 60 year old who is inexperienced and just starting a new career path.  I was a manager for many years,  supervisor before that there is no way in this world that I would have ever done such a thing.  Even hiring a 60 year old with many years of experience at the job would have been problematic for me. The fact is that HR departments live in dread of age descrimination complaints so if the older employee didn't work out, you are stuck with that person.  I don't think you are too old to change careers or to do the work.  I just think if the idea is to move into a brand new career when you are at retirement age is not likely to happen.  Having said that, if you want to try, do it.  Just know and accept the risks.


@chrystaltree   So encouraging...a ray of sunshine.