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Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Hope the person who spotted her at the drive-thru snapped a photo. Otherwise, it is her word against the other persons. Can't believe people are saying MYOB, it affects you and your co-workers. The ones saying it probably have the same work ethic.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Managers cannot force themselves on an employee in a medical or other personal situation. If an employee says no, it's no.


There are HIPAA privacy laws as well as company rules. It would be a fireable offense for a manager. 


I would have asked for a phone number for called her spouse/SI or someone close to her. If she says no, it's no.


The manager knows if/when the employee is faking it but it's not an area where the manager can do much due to state/federal laws. 


The only other thing a manager can do is monitor absences. If she runs out of PTO/sick time, the manager can write her up etc.

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Posts: 10,679
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

My opinion is that the coworker was lying and just wanted a day off.  It is none of her coworkers business.  The boss did what he or she felt was necessary at the time.  I dont care how hungry you are if you are really sick you dont eat Taco Bell.  Now its between HR and the employee and not any coworkers business.

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Registered: ‎05-09-2023

As an employee, I minded my own business in the office. I didn't ask why people were out, when they left early or anything else they did. That was not my role. I stayed in my lane, always. 

When I managed a team, I didn't question or accuse when people needed time off. They earned their time off. Only when they exceeded the generous policy the company has in place, was it my responsibility to coach and manage that person. It happened twice in my 25 year career in management. One I wrote up for excessive absences. Then the company announced a reduction in force and she was at the top of my list. I wasn't sad to see her go. Neither were her co-workers. The other also called in a lot, with loads of excuses. One morning he called in- something about a sick family member. As I was having my coffee, watching the Today Show, I spotted him rockin out to Beyonce outside the Today Show studio.

He was fired when he got back.