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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application


For my dad, once Social Security set up the outside medical exams for him, his disability process began to move along in a serious way.   I see this as a positive move in the right direction, and agree with hiring an attorney at this point.   Best wishes.    

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

sweetee2 I believe you're wrong about that. My husband collects ssdi and was told it switches over when his age is 65.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

@sweetee2 wrote:

I don't know how old she is,  I know that once your on disability you can never collect social security, which she would probably get more. 

Basically when you turn 65 your check remains the same. It just is called SS instead of SSDI.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

I didn't have any issues getting it. It was approved after all the doctors submitted paperwork. I did not have to be evaluated by one of their doctors. Mine must of done a pretty good job with the paperwork. But I had got sick and ended up in the hospital for three months forcing me to go on short term with work. I ended up not going back. Hang in there it can be pretty normal for them to want to have their own doctors do a checkup.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

Many disability applicants are required to see doctor during the application process, it's not unusual and you should not take it as a bad sign.  She doesn't have an obvious disability like a missing limb, she isn't in a coma and it appears that she applied for disability while she was still working.  Which I have never heard of anyone doing.  The standard for disability is that one cannot work.  So, it does not surprise me that after looking at her medical records and reading her application, they want her to be examined by one of their doctors.  It's actually a good sign because not only will she be examined but she'll get to explain to the doctor in her own words how her disability prevents her from working.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

@sweetee2 wrote:

I don't know how old she is,  I know that once your on disability you can never collect social security, which she would probably get more. 


       Huh?????   They are talking about Social Securty disability payments.  Social Security has retirement benefits but it also has disability benefits.  Don't confuse SSA Disability with SSI, they aren't the same thing. 

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

One thing I encourage people to do if it is available. When you start a new job if they offer long term disability sign up for it. It will bridge the gap if anything happens until your  disability is approved. It sure was nice to have a check every month until my disability started. It only cost like $3 out of my paycheck every two weeks. Once my SS disability started it was reduced. But it's still a extra $328 a month now I wouldn't of had otherwise. 

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

@hyacinth003  How old is she?   The younger she is, the harder it is to get disability.  Different states are harder as well to get approval. It takes usually at least 4 months for approval, and much longer in many cases.  You may consider getting a  disability lawyer if you find yourself a year or two out with no approval.  Like most government agencies it is hurry up and wait.  It can be very frustrating.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@hyacinth003  How old is she?   The younger she is, the harder it is to get disability.  Different states are harder as well to get approval. It takes usually at least 4 months for approval, and much longer in many cases.  You may consider getting a  disability lawyer if you find yourself a year or two out with no approval.  Like most government agencies it is hurry up and wait.  It can be very frustrating.

I could be wrong. But in Indiana you won't be approved until you are off work for six months. Mine sat in limbo until that six month. I am not sure anyone will get approved if they are working.

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Re: Wonder if this is a positive sign about daughter's disability application

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@hyacinth003  How old is she?   The younger she is, the harder it is to get disability.  Different states are harder as well to get approval. It takes usually at least 4 months for approval, and much longer in many cases.  You may consider getting a  disability lawyer if you find yourself a year or two out with no approval.  Like most government agencies it is hurry up and wait.  It can be very frustrating.


         Once again huhhhhh?   Social Security Disability is a federal program, it's through Social Security.  The standard is the same everywhere in the country.  I think some of you continue to confuse SSA DI with SSI.  You apply for them in the SSA office but they are two separate programs.   SSA DI is for people who have worked  and have the required quarters and have a disability and cannot work.  SSI is for disabled people who either do not have the required work history for SSA DI or didn't meet the standards for disability for SSA DI.