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@only shops online wrote:

I live through 9 months of the year, just to get to Fall.  I don't  mind the cold of winter. Just don't like the snow and ice.

I also don't mind the cold either but am sure if I had to work out in it I would feel different. I'm not a fan of those dark, gray days, however.


But I love the spring time; look forward to the little flowers pushing up from the ground, a resurrectrion of sorts.  I am glad we enjoy 4 seasons here in Md.


Though autumn is a very pretty time of yearI can't help but dread the dark days ahead.that seem to go on for so long.

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Love Winter.  Have a snake phobia and I don't see them during Winter.  I hate bugs, this extreme heat , storms, and my power bills !!!!


Love our fireplaces , snowmen, hot cocoa,  the holiday season, flannel shirts and snuggly sweaters, soft cozy blankets ,  chilli and comfort foods, and snuggling with my furbabies and dh. 


Love the peaceful  evenings with soft falling snow .Heart

You'll find my heart at the Rainbow Bridge. Smiley Sad
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I like Summer, primarily because I live the Midwest, and our summers are very short. I love warm weather, but hate the humidity!There are so many fun things to do outdoors in the summer as well. However I hate the bugs that warm weather brings, so it is hard to enjoy the evenings with the mosquitos and other bugs. Fall is my absolute favorite, because it is cool outside, but not cold and not hot, and the leaves and trees are gorgeous. Winter doesn't bother me as much if there is not a lot of snow and ice-that I do hate!!!!!!!!Spring is beauitiful, everything is starting to change and the cool rains, and sunny days are nice, so I guess Winter is my least favorite season with the exception of Christmas and Christmas Eve-then I love a little snow!!!!!!! I try very hard to not complain in the summer, because I remember how long and cold and brutal our winters can be here in the midwest!