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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

[ Edited ]

@drizzellla wrote:

@shy bobcat wrote:

Our last car purchase took one long day. We went through the dealership process and chose a car. The last step was the financial office. It was close to closing time and we were exhausted and hungry. I couldn't think clearly by this time, so listening to the various extra warranty offers, that had to be decided on the spot, was too difficult to concentrate on. We did pay cash for the car. I left wondering if wearing us down was part of the process. We love our car, but buying it was a long drawn out process for us. 

@shy bobcat Wonder if you are on to something. The dealer wanted $800 for ceramic coating. I forgot all the other options being offered. There were quite a few.

But by then we had been there since 10 AM. It was now after 4, we just wanted out of there.


Because in my moment of weakness, I was ready to sign up for the ceramic coating. Thankfully, my husband made me pause and think. 

@drizzellla  One of the main things I learned when I researched about buying a new car, if not the most important, was that ALL salesmen will try and upsell you with a ton of different options.  

I made it perfectly clear when I walked in to the dealership that I didn't want any options or upsell of anything other than what was already installed in the car from the factory.  

I told the salesman , we need to start negotiating down from the MSRP,  already knowing what their invoice (you can search for it online) was on the car and how much money they would make on the sale.  I told him I am aware you have to make some money on the car, so I'm willing to pay XX of money, which would still give you a reasonable profit on the car.  Here's my offer XX.  If you can't meet my offer, I will be going to another dealership and make them the same offer.  

After a few minutes of him realizing I was standing firm on my offer, he said let me go talk to my boss.  He came back and agreed to the offer.  That's when he said, "you are one heck of a negotiator. Maybe you should teach a class on it."  Lol. 


If you're not your own advocate, no one else will be.  To be honest with you, I felt pretty darn emboldened and it felt good.  My sister needs a new car and I will be going with her and doing all the talking.  


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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

AAA Auto Club used to have a car buying service. They still might. If you are a member they will surce tge best deal abd ibthink make arrangements, i know my mom used them back in 1990 when she was paying cash.


Also, i had forgotten. I prequalified online on the dealership 's webdite for a specific car i wanted from their lot tbat wss listed. That probably saved time

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

EASY solution...... go elsewhere!


I lease and get a new car every 3 years- I was in/out in April in 25 minutes (paperwork) and quicker than that at a different dealer 3 yrs prior! 

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

In 2022 my wife got into a car accident and the car was was 16 years old with only 76 thousand miles on it so we got way more money for it than we expected. We went to tasca Kia and within 5 hours my wife was out of there with a 2023 Kia shortage. Sale went smoothly. In the past we have gotten service that took a couple days and they made a bunch of issues. Enjoy and good luck with the new car.

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

It has been awile since buying a car.  Seems like because there was a shortage of used cars there was not much haggling with price.  


Years earlier I remember salesman going to manager and back again to approve negotiation.  We were convinced they were just shooting the breeze to make it seem like we had worn them down but in reality they were wearing us down. I remember our young kids having to put up with us.  HATED buying a car.

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

[ Edited ]

my husband knew 2 new car dealership owners only 1 of which brand he always bought for himself   he knew exactly what they paid for vehicles and the kickback percentages for selling X number of their factory  vehicles       went with me when i bought 7 of my 10 new cars       spent a couple hours with the Sales Managers and if they wouldn't agree,  we left    paid less then the invoices we saw that dealer paid to purchase vehicle and worked from there


a lot of time but saved me many thousands of dollars



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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

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@drizzellla  2 days makes sense since a bank check was required but that first day was long!


40 pages to sign?? I've had less when buying homes.😧


It was a frustrating experience and now it's over. He has a better car now and hopefully happy. (I didn't read through so just guessing the purchase is completed.)



Good luck and drive safely.👍😊🚗

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

Yes, @Cakers3 the transaction is finally done.


Well kind of - he had a Chevy Traverse a full-size crossover SUV with three-row seating. It was a big vehicle. He wanted it for his hiking trips of the Appalachian Trail. So he had lots of "stuff".


He had to clean it out and he bought a smaller vehicle. He also ordered a special divider and organizer for the new vehicle. It will take awhile for the new organizer to arrive. 

Well all the "stuff" is now piled near the front door, waiting for the new organizer.


Yes, eventually the transaction will be complete. Thank you for the good wishes. His buddies are all anxious to go traveling.

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

Jumping Jehosophat! I wish that was my biggest problem!

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Re: Why does it take SO LONG to buy a vehicle?

For the first time in my life I had to order a car.  That was a long wait, ordered it on Nov 22 and didn't take delivery until March 23rd.


Seems car dealers don't come down on price like they used to.  What you order is what you get and what you pay for it.


Cash doesn't mean a thing to them, either.  Actually, my dealer practically begged me to finance, I guess she'd make money there.  Well, unless it was 0% financing like we've had in the past, no way, no how.


I think she made me wait longer because of that.  lol