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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

I think that plastic surgery is a choice.  The only thing that I noticed about facial plastic surgery is as a woman is aging and she keeps having surgery, she does not look like herself anymore.  The look is almost artificial but like I said earlier, it is a choice.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

@mom2four0418 wrote:

@GCR18 wrote:

Women look for the fountain of youth.  Depending upon their means, determines how far they will go.  Wrinkle potions, botox, minor surgery, major surgery.  Marie and Joan face the public eye.  That's a lot of pressure that your average woman doesn't have to face.  I say I do me, you do you.  I may not care for what you do, but who cares.  It's none of my business.

Both women were highly successful prior to altering their faces.

And in Joan's case, her success had nothing to do with youth or beauty. Loved her, but in her case, I think the surgery was purely based on her personal choice and not because she felt it would enhance her years of earning potential. I suspect that's the case with quite a few others. If there's legitimate talent, odds are it will be recognized. In addition, parts for younger women are not going to go to established actresses of a certain age, no matter how many procedures they've had.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

I could care less if anyone gets face lifts or anything else lifts.  What DOES bother me is when they try to sell me lotions and potions and healthy & excerise stuff eluding to the fact that they look so good because of product XYZ.


Just how stupid do they think I am?  THAT insults me.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

[ Edited ]

@sann  ..... An example ..... Kanye West's mother.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

It has ALL gone to “her head” so to speak .... I used to like Marie but, not anymore... she is not sincere & has become a phony..... I was really hoping that she would no longer represent Nutri System on QVC now that she is a host on the Talk ..... needless to say I was very disappointed when I saw her  last night at midnight 👎

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

It wouldn't be an esteem booster to hear people chattering "what did she do to herself!" Obviously it is a personal decision, but I think women in the public eye ( news anchors, for example) do it in order to retain their jobs. Appearances sell.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

@ellaphant wrote:

I was shocked when I saw Marie. She looks terrible. Sorry, but just way too much. Wow.


She lost 50 lbs but gained it back with her breast enhancement.  I feel sorry for women who think,that looks are everything.

Look at the Kardashians, look like a bunch of walking plastic faces.  Why would you think that is attractive? 

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

@January121 wrote:

It has ALL gone to “her head” so to speak .... I used to like Marie but, not anymore... she is not sincere & has become a phony..... I was really hoping that she would no longer represent Nutri System on QVC now that she is a host on the Talk ..... needless to say I was very disappointed when I saw her  last night at midnight 👎

I agree.  She used to be very down to earth now she is just about money like all the rest of Hollywood.  Knew we would be bombarded with Nutrisystem ad nauseum all throu January.  

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

@GrailSeeker wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Poor Dolly Pardon is the same way.... she is so pretty but all the plastic surgery has made her face odd looking and it hardly moves... another Joan Rivers Halloween face. 


No one wants to age... and those under the spotlight I guess feel that they must try to stay 30.  I can not imagine what the Kardashians will look like when old with all the plastic surgery they do now.  Might be an interesting science project.

My thoughts exactly!


I may not live to see it, but when the end results of drastic plastic surgery finally sets in with the public, maybe this phase will pass and people can go back to looking like people.  They can go back to looking like individuals, for whom there previously were no set standards of what is attractive.  People were made to look unique.


I think of some of the stars, who we would assume had the best plastic surgeons in the country, who were totally messed up.


Poor Carol Burnett had her jaw broken and ended up with a crooked smile, all because someone thought she needed more of a chin.


Kenny Rogers, totally unrecogziable.  He was cute to begin with.


My friend the other night commented on one of our local TV newscasters.  "She used to be so pretty.  They have made her look hard."  


All it took to do that was some botox in her forehead, some lip-plumping, and microbladed brows.  


So sad.  





How about Kim Novak?  She almost looks frightful.  A nice looking woman, why did she spoil her face?  Ghastly looking now.

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Re: When your appearance impacts your income

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I guess when you've always been in the public eye, it's probably hard to be scrutinized constantly as you are getting older.  Everyone is watching you and looking for every line, wrinkle, sag, every gray hair, extra pound, etc.!  If you are not really secure in yourself, I would imagine the negativity would be terribly hard to handle when it's a contant thing.  If you make your bread and butter on not only your talent but how you look, then you must feel the need to always look your best, no matter how you achieve it.  I do think a lot of celebrities look worse after having a certain amount of procedures, but I guess they do what they think they have to.  Growing old and looking old is not the most fun, and if I were wealthy I might be tempted to have a few small teaks done, but nothing extreme!  For the most part, I believe in trying to be your best natural self!  

Do not agree.  They chose to be celebrities by being actors, so they knew what they were in for.  Let's face it, getting 30 million dollars for acting is ridiculous in and of itself. It does not take an Einstein to be an actor.