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Re: When fall comes to the country...

most definitely my very favorite time of year. 

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Re: When fall comes to the country...

[ Edited ]

I used to live in a woods when the kids were growing up.  Yes, the colors and sounds were soothing.  We had a walnut tree close to the house and we always heard the walnuts fall and roll down the roof Smiley Happy


We also had a highway near and a train track a ways behind us.  You could lay in bed at night and hear the traffic drone and the train now and then.  Now I live close to a city, but far enough away to have lots of trees around to enjoy the colors.  I can also still hear traffic and trains in the distant.  Love it!  Brings back so many memories.  I am so blessed. 


Yes, Maryanne, I think of the people on here as friends, too.  I know we will never meet, but it is comforting to know most of us understand each other.


Have a beautiful, colorful Fall, everyone.  You're in my daily prayers!





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Re: When fall comes to the country...

Thank you @Still keeper of the koi  Such a beautiful message!  I also love the fall and winter season!!  Stay well!!HeartWoman Happy

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Re: When fall comes to the country...

@Still keeper of the koi A beautiful post from a beautiful soul.💞

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: When fall comes to the country...

Blah, blah, blah "Fall is my favorite time of year". I hear that all the time. Yes, I'll agree the trees turning are pretty but thats about it for me. Its just a messy time of year. I prefer Summer. But I think I feel this way because I live on a lake. We love all the Summer related water things to do. We boat, car shows, camp, go to the beach, walk, picnic, etc. Fall is just too much work getting everything ready for the long, hard Winter on its way. If you're one of the lucky ones that can just sit and enjoy the harvest, well good for you. Its just a lot of work. Woman Frustrated

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: When fall comes to the country...

@ID2Every season has its chores and rewards.  and Yes, At Still Keeper of the Koi is Very Lucky to be here to just sit and enjoy the harvest this year.  Hope the weather holds so you can enjoy your outdoors time for a while longer!

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Re: When fall comes to the country...

Fall is my favorite time of the year, we are blessed to live in the country too. Woke up this morning to 11 dear grazing outside my bedroom window. We also have an owl living somewhere on our property that were hear hooting in the evening. But then again, at night especially when there's a full moon you hear the coyotes howling and that freaks me out.