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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

I live in MI and have all my life. I know heaps of people here, that hate summer

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

So good to know other people do not cherish Summer!  I agree with everything you all have stated, but I might add one more thing.  Fashion.  I hate wearing tank tops, tees, and shorts.  I love layering or just a good old jean jacket.  I also  feel like fall reminds me to savor life as we witness the life cycle of nature.  It will be beautiful here in Ohio!

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

The scent of autumn.


It's still summer but we're starting to get those days that hint of what's to come.  The trees are getting that "look."  Soon there will be a few gold leaves and temperatures will drop.  The morning chill will return.


And then there will be balloons.


Balloon Fiesta


Balloon Fiesta

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

[ Edited ]

Why do I love autumn?  It's the end of heat, humidity, and mosquitoes. 


Seriously though, I love everything about fall.  It has always been my favorite season.  Summer ends here around the 20th of September but it stays warmish through October.  I love the changing leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving.  While there may be a lot of things going on, I always feel calm and peaceful in autumn.  I am actually outdoors more in the fall than any other season. 

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

Pretty scenery, warm days, cool at night.

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

I used to love fall, but not any more.  To me it just means shorter days and I hate that.  It means being stuck inside more, 


I adore summer!  Even the heat doesn't deter me from loving the long light filled days, swimming, fireflies, ice cream,  cookouts and such.


I just dread autumn and winter with a passion now.  

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

I love the changing colors of the leaves and the beautiful mums.  The cool air and the shorter days. 

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

I'm in VA and love the fall.  I love the many colors of the changing leaves.  I used to live about 10 miles from one of the Skyline Drive entrances and would take dad up there to see the gorgeous colorful landscape. 


Even more I love that I can sit outside without it being so hot.  I'm not a fan of the extreme cold so always hated winter but in the last few years our winters have been pretty mild here.   

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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

So many reasons!


  1. I like summer but detest heat waves and humidity.  The first dry days below 85 degrees signal fall to me, and I'm happy again.
  2. Not sweating.
  3. Sleeping with the windows open.
  4. Hiking in the woods.
  5. Monarch butterflies migrating.
  6. Autumn leaves.
  7. Opportunities to observe migratory birds.
  8. The sun lovers are gone from my local small beach, and us diehards who walk there all year long have it back to ourselves.
  9. Fresh, local winter squash.
  10. Halloween.
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Re: What makes some of us autumn-lovers?

[ Edited ]

For me it is the fall smells, dry leaves, leaves burning and the colors, oh the colors they are my favorites along with the decorations, and mums, they are my favorite flower. Clear crisp days.  Even though I know it means winter is coming ( I dont like winter) I don t let it stop me from loving it.