Hoo boy....here goes....and remember you ASKED for it!!!!
Start with a well-worn flannel shirt a little too loose, buttoned up to the neck...tucked into....
Twill or "work pants" in dark blue or brown, and here's the critical fashion MUST.... the waistband belt cinched right under the breastbone, with at LEAST an 18" fly that goes from breastbone to mid-thigh....
Cuffs if possible but not required....
Then..either cheap black gumshoe "running shoes" with one velcro tab to close, or, loafer -like shoes that are all squashed out of shape...that reveal the nylon old man socks that are bunched up around the ankles cause there's no elastic left....
In the front pants pocket, one of those oval squeeze change purses that they open at the cash register AFTER the order is rung up, to find that one last green corroded penny nestled in the lint that covers the inside of the purse.....at which time, the old timer may also hold up a gray nickel to the light and say to no one in particular.....
"Is this a nickel or a quarter???? I can't tell..they look alike..,,,,,"
And to complete the Old Man outfit...a patented "old man snot rag" or "hanky" ...hanging out of the rear pants pocket wrinkled so you can't tell if it's clean and wrinkled or stiff from use and wrinkled....paisley print....red or blue only....
If you get REALLY close, you'll see the long hairs twining out of each ear, under one of those old man flat caps that sit half on and half off the head.
That should do it!!!
One time a male friend was here late, and he had no comfortable clothes to change into after his shower, so I gave him a pair of stretched out well worn old leggings that I wear when gardening or doing lawn work. The waist has no elastic left and easily can accomodate a 65 inch waist...When I wear them I use a binder clip to hold them up....hey...it's for dirty work....!!!!
He came walking out into the living room with those leggings hitched up to his breastbone, in the patented old man pants style...and when I saw him I spit out a whole can of soda all over the TV set.
We were roaring and crying ( laughing so hard) and swearing oaths.....!
Hope you like my version of Old Man clothes!!!