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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

Anything by Blair. Oh, and the Jane Treacy shirt dress is along that line. 

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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

Funny, I recently started watching youtube videos on dressing in our 50's and 60's and beyond. I want to look good, not trendy, but pulled together. 

I think clothes that are to big look old lady like, capri pants with socks and sandals. Shoes with velcro across the tops, long sleeves that are not pushed up. 

Big florals can look old lady like. 

I bought 3 of the beautiful tops from QVC TSV last month and liked them but ended up sending all 3 back because I thought that they aged me. I think one of the problems was that they were a little too big. 

There are many things that I consider old lady. I like this topic. 

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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

The recent Kim G TSV, big busy print shapeless top,

most all D &C tops and dresses, SG the poly queen,

majority of Q shoes...would they

dare to offer a shoe with even a 2" heel??

IMO Q really changed during and since Covid.

I used to buy a lot of IM and JR. No more.


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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

Briscoe Declares for Aunt Bee (1963)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

Too loose and too long tops. This trend is meant to cover up. I wear clothes to flatter my body! The Q seems to sell a lot of these baggy styles that they think women want. Um NO. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

Back in the late 70’s early 80’s there was a line of clothing called Dutch Maid . You would have these parties snd the demonstrators would come and show the clothing .Someone would always book a party and so forth. They were based out of PA and when QVC came along I always thought they were the same kind of clothes .
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?


I'm old and consider most of what Q sells as stereotypical old lady clothes.


Gawdy prints

100% polyester or whatever cutsie name they give it

Too much polyester in fabric blends

Too much spandex in fabric blends

1950s, 80s and 90s styles

Horizontal stripes

A lot of shoe styles

Alfred Dunner styles/copies




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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

[ Edited ]






The perfect Old Lady/Old Man tableau!!!


Aunt Bea got it goin' on...old lady wise!!!


Let's look in to see if all the Old Lady/Man high notes have been hit!!!!....


That well -upholstered sofa look....And VERY demure ( no skin showing...)


And the guy in this picture? He's got the buttoned to the neck old man shirt..


In this picture, Aunt Bea is giving the guy advice on how high his old man belt should be pulled up to around his breastbone area...( she's given up on trying to get Andy to hike up HIS unifrom pants, but he's getting there...!)



Aunt Bea's hands look well worn from DECADES of toil... having had  no 24/7 access to expensive Josie Maran or Beekman body and hand cream duos (two for only 49.99!!! regularly 149.99 WottaBargain!!!!)  


Why... It'd take Aunt Bea a YEAR to save up that much!!!....She can't use her credit cards any more because she's maxed them out on a Dyson Cordless Vac and one of them fancy oval fan do-jiggies...bought them both in the same week when they were the TSV!!)


But.. of course those ridiculously priced creams would have "drunk in" to her hands by now... giving them a much less mannish look..."O if only Andy made more than 30 dollars a week"... she sighs....



The  old man is gazing fondly at Aunt Bea, with a little bit of "I wish she were my Woman" look on his face, as he takes her sartorial advice...


And we can't REALLY see if he's gazing at her face or her matronly bosom..he'd LOVE to rest his weary head there for a while....but he knows he's gotta bounce before Opie gets home from school and sees "too much" ( if you get my drift!!!)


We can see that Aunt Bea has served her gentleman caller a half a raw onion ( his favor-ite!!) and a chicken leg for lunch, which the old timer has grawed completely clean...


Aunt Bea anticipated he'd eat with his hands, evidenced by the birght checkered "neckerchief" that will probably double as a patented Old Man "hanky" in his back pocket after the meal is done!!!!



Finally..Aunt Bea leaves the kitchen to sit and watch a few hours of QVC and HSN on her brand new 16" Magnavox Color Console TV to figger what new fashions to buy..


...she's torn between Logo and Denim and Company and Kim Gravel...the BIGGEST hurldle is the idea of wearing capris, body shapers or that  muliti-layered  shark tooth hem lacey look....She likes that Liquid Knit stuff too...O what a decision!!!


A two-fer if you Old Lady and and an Old Man.....


Q and HSNtook a page from 1965 and by gum....they got the Old Lady look down almost to a tee!!!!



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

A phrase mostly used to shame older women that is used by women who are uncomfortable with being older women and in denial about it.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 8,873
Registered: ‎06-10-2010

Re: What do you consider Old Lady clothes?

I'm all about casual dressing so I would have to say I wouldn't wear dresses and nylons like Grandma and Granny wore. In fact, I don't even own a dress or pair of panty hose. I wouldn't say those were old-fashioned least not to them!