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Weight Watchers Anyone?

[ Edited ]

I recently joined and boy has it changed.  Less sugar in your diet.  I joined when they had free registration fee and joined for 1 month at $44 and change.  So I am making a smoothie; adding a small banana; 1 c skim milk and the powder mix.  I thought this is so good.  However, it's 6 points which is not bad and I made another one today and read in the tiny print that 6 pts is for one cup.  Boy, did I screw up!  lol  Oh, well, at least I did not sit and eat 2 donuts.  That's how I look at it.  Any of you ladies on Weight Watchers?  Share your experience.   Cat Very Happy

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I was on WW and now maintaining.  I dislike the new Smart Points.  I know less sugar is healthy, but I crave sweets.    When it was Points Plus I used to make a lot iof WW dessert recipes. The other thing that changed is that you used to get 7 free points a day that you could save and use all at one time as long as you used them that week. When I went out for dinner I could have almost anything I wanted with 49 points to use!  And doing that, I still lost weight and it wasn't that difficult because I had my treats.  

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Not me.  heh


"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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I am currently on the Weight Watchers Program.  I go to meetings and I find it odd that they can no longer mention the healthy food guidelines.  My Leader said that they aren't supposed to recommend an appropriate amount of water, fruits, vegetables or healthy oils.  Basically, it is just counting points.  I have done the program before and liked some of the earlier programs better.  Going to meetings does keep me accountable and I have been far.

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The fact you figured out your messed up is a good thing and your right 2 donuts is about 22 points.    Good luck to you it is a life style and a learning curve.  Mistakes will be made and you will have  victories.  Stay the course as often as you can and you will achieve success.

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I have been on WW since Sept 2015 and I love it. I have lost 58 lbs. I don't drink smoothies but on WW if you eat fruit and vegetables. whole they are zero points but if you whip them up into a smoothie then they count as points. So lesson #1 eat your fruits and veggies whole. I give myself leeway everyday, I weigh my food options and if something is worth the points, I have it. Sometimes I go over but overall I have lost and kept it off. I attend meetings weekly and really enjoy them. If I mess up I just try to do better at the next meal. To me WW is a lifestyle, not a diet. I wear a fitbit so I get fit points to eat. I am pretty active, most days I do at least 6000 steps and try to make 10,000. When I started to exercise I just did a little walking, dancing at home, now I dance at home and have a fitness mini trampoline which is my favorite exercise. I am not an never will be a gym rat and the trampoline or dancing at home give me enough exercise to help me lose weight. I love WW and consider joining one of the best decisions that I have ever made. So my advice, take it slow, don't be to hard on yourself, know you will falter and go off plan, but get right back on track. Most importantly, track everything that you eat, even if you go over, and eat all of your points and your weekly points too. You will be much more successful then trying to severly limit what you eat. 

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I joined WW in Dec. 2015 when the smart points was new. I have been very successful, and love the versatility of the program. This program is one that can be lived with very comfortably for a lifetime, which really is key to any diet plan. I have been familiar with WW for many years. It really is in my opinion number one. 

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I can't wait to see what the new CEO, Mindy Grossman, from HSN does with the program.  I hope she can make it more successful.  It has faltered and even Oprah couldn't fix it.  Mindy is an astute businesswoman. 

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I lost baby weight in the eighties.


In my program, a solid fruit (an apple or a banana) was 1/2 c serving.  One serving is a small red delicious apple or 1/2 of a banana.


Large pieces like whole strawberries or grapes you got a cup and it had to be leveled off, nothing up over the rim!


A serving of potato is a "new" potato.


Salad greens, cucumber, cauliflour, broccoli were free the first two weeks.  No carrots because they metabolise into sugar in the mouth and have so much sugar.


I also still make the cabbage soup.  It's good!

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I was on WW back in the 80's, I wish I had kept all the recipes, etc.    

I couldn't eat everything on the menu and I lost weight.


I went back on it a few years ago when the fruit was free.   I was always hungry and stuffing myself with fruit.   Wasn't working.  Then I went on a different program, Naturally Slim and lost 20 lbs in about 3 months and felt like it was a better program in the long run.    


It taught me the metabolism of food in my body.  I'm no longer on any program and I can still stand to lose 20 more lbs but I've had so many (unrelated) health challenges in the past year, I haven't stayed focused.


I do like drinking healthy smoothies in the morning.  Keeps me from eating donuts or other sweets for breakfast.


Good luck with your weight loss.   Processed sugar is the enemy.   

