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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

April Showers by Josephine Grundy

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

Wow @possummink you sure had alot of cardinals visit.  I get a pair daily and that's it.  Usually I get more sparrows than anything and since I love sparrows that makes me happy.  I did notice over the weekend two male sparrows posturing around each bird house.  One female came to the yellow house took a tour and left so I don't know what that was about.  I think I need to turn the other bird house that is in an awkward location.  I think it's facing the wind while the other house is back to the wind.  Could be why there aren't many takers on the second bird house.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest


@Bird mama 


Bernie,   I have Cardinals all day long here,  every day.  We see more in Winter, but it's not unusal to see 10 or more of them, the males in particular in the Mock Orange bush which is right by the driveway and not more than about 10 or 15 feet from the back steps.  It's a lot easier to count the males due to their coloring and the fact that the females are harder to see as they blend in with the brownish earth and coloration of the shrubs and bushes in the Winter months.   I went out to fill the feeders this evening at almost twilight, and there were about 10 Cardinals waiting in the Yew bush in the Kitchen garden.   The Cardinals are the last to feed in the evening along with the Song, White Crowned and White Throat Sparrows.   I still have Juncos but know soon they'll be winging Northward for the summer months.    


I have tried many times to get a good count on the Cardinals but lose count up in the 30ies and 40ies.  I have taken pictures just to count the birds in the photo but I can never get all of them in one photo.  They move around too much and the feeders are not close to the ground feeding area and that's where most of them feed.  

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

B_K (@betkhy) | Twitter

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

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Re: We're all a little Irish in the March 2019 Bird's Nest

Wednesday blessings