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Yesterday, the plumber was installing an electric water heater downstairs. I'm having my home I grew up in repiped, and last week he installed a drain for the washer.  Originally,  the washer hose hook was taped to the sink and drained there.  


Anyways, he called to me to come downstairs into the laundry room after asking me had I moved the the washer hose and hung it onto the sink!  I thought that was kinda dumb, then figured perhaps he meant the rinse hose all sinks have, so went downstairs.


Though usually personable he had a serious, concerned look as I assume he was wondering why I would do such a thing after he had installed a drain.  I told him I didn't do it and he said it didn't move itself.  So, I showed him I couldn't have reached it if I had wanted to.  Then he said this house must be haunted - appearing quite serious.   So, I laughed and asked if he was jerking me!  But, he was serious 'cause he didn't touch it until he hooked it up again and I didn't touch it so he figured the only way it could have been moved was if there had have to have been by a spirit 'cause it didn't move itself!  He was dead serious adding he now doesn't like working down here alone (it's a finished basement, certainly not creepy).


Once I got my drithers, I told him it must have been my Mum.  I live in my parents' home and this was her laundry room.  Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of her passing.Woman Sad


So, what do you think?  This man is a seriously grounded type and has never joked around before, particularly in the middle of a job.  So it would be totally out of character. And, I've done a ton of washes since it was installed with no problem.  The hose latch is firmly into the drain pipe.  I did laundry today - no problem.


Anyways, now I'm wondering.....

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There is always a logical explanation for even the strangest situations.  I had my own mystery and never figured out the answer but I know there was one.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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PLEASE let us know if this happens again. I’m going to wait for an update before weighing in. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,347
Registered: ‎03-13-2010 ma always complained that I had too many clothes.   She believed a "working woman" should have 2 skirts, and 5 white blouses.


OK........on what would have been her 100th birthday........there was an awful crashing noise in the house.    The closet hanging rod had pulled out of the wall........and all the clothes came crashing to the floor.............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi.  Thst has happened to me about 4 times.  The only "spirit" being those cascading hooks whereby you could double the closet capacity and weight of the clothing.  The crash was the logical outcome.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

@Desertdi.  Thst has happened to me about 4 times.  The only "spirit" being those cascading hooks whereby you could double the closet capacity and weight of the clothing.  The crash was the logical outcome.

@Kachina624 couldn't have convinced me that night!!!!


The handyman installed 2 extra brackets and a heavy-duty rod tho........di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Me thinks he's having a complete memory failure as to what he did and did not do with the hose once he installed the new drain.

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My grandma, whom I was close to, was in a nursing home for five years before she died. She had Alzheimer's disease and only recognized my dad(her son)during those years. One night I woke up startled in the middle of the night(around two a.m.) feeling like someone was standing over me watching me. I wasn't afraid, just felt like someone was in my room. No one was there and I went back to sleep. About an hour or so later the nursing home called me. They asked if she was my grandmother and said that she had expired about an hour ago. I asked them if they had called my dad and WHY were they calling me? During the time she was there, my dad was there at least two or three days a week. The staff knew him and he was the one who took care of everything concerning her and the one they normally called. My sons were toddlers then and I hadn't been there enough times to know any of the staff. The nurse on the phone said my number was the only number they had....What? I gave her my dad's number and asked her to call him. About ten mins later I called him. He asked me how I knew. I told him they'd called me and said they didn't have his number. He couldn't believe it either! After five years of calling him and dealing with him and only him suddenly they can't find his number!? I truly believe my grandma was in my room saying goodbye to me that night.


One never really knows...😮

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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@shaggygirl wrote:

Me thinks he's having a complete memory failure as to what he did and did not do with the hose once he installed the new drain.

@shaggygirl, He had installed the hose drain the week before and I had done lots of laundry with the hose inside the new drain.  He was working the the workshop room that day and washing hands in the laundry room - closest sink - when he noticed the hose in the wrong place.

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Registered: ‎09-24-2011

@Desertdi wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Desertdi.  Thst has happened to me about 4 times.  The only "spirit" being those cascading hooks whereby you could double the closet capacity and weight of the clothing.  The crash was the logical outcome.

@Kachina624 couldn't have convinced me that night!!!!


The handyman installed 2 extra brackets and a heavy-duty rod tho........di

@Kachina624, I think @Desertdi's point was that it happened on her Mom's 100th birthday.  Had it fallen the day before/after, I'd say the handyman didn't do a very good jobWoman LOL!