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well today is the day I see the dentist about this on going toothache.the medicine er subscribed is almost gone.tooth is a little better,but not 100,getting older isn't any fun

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

well today is the day I see the dentist about this on going toothache.the medicine er subscribed is almost gone.tooth is a little better,but not 100,getting older isn't any fun

@Luvsmyfam Good Luck! Please do an update later on how you made out.

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Do you grind your teeth in your sleep?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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@just bee I am currently wearing a dental guard at night and had no idea that I was literally grinding like a beaver at night.  I  had 4 lidocaine injections last month for TMJ and  my dental guard currently has holes where one can see light thru it.  YES, TMJ can make your jaw, teeth and head feel like you could possibly have a brain tumor it is so sore.  Check this out and take care!

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@Boomernichols wrote:

@just bee I am currently wearing a dental guard at night and had no idea that I was literally grinding like a beaver at night.  I  had 4 lidocaine injections last month for TMJ and  my dental guard currently has holes where one can see light thru it.  YES, TMJ can make your jaw, teeth and head feel like you could possibly have a brain tumor it is so sore.  Check this out and take care!



Oh, believe me, I'm a big fan of the night guard! Woman LOL

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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@just bee It takes getting used to but it does make a difference.

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Good luck @Luvsmyfam you will be surprised at how simple this extraction is.

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sure will shaggygirl.

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as far as I know,I do not grind my teeth .I know one thing,I can't keep missing work bc of this issue.hopefully today will be the last of it.never been so excited for a dentist visit.crazy right?

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@manny2 wrote:

Good luck @Luvsmyfam you will be surprised at how simple this extraction is.

Let's hope that it doesn't come to that, @manny2 :-)

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland