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Thanks, reminds me of  a trip to Montana where the best coffee shop was located  near  the ski lift . It was  a long walking distance but sure worth the trip for fresh roasted coffee.

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Oh yeah! I follow the post office motto! This is great. Love. 

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Good luck and do not overdo yourself. Been there--done that back in CNY. 


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I'd be right behind for an iced nonfat carmel macchiato but not for a cup of hot joe..that's instant with Bliss or International Delight sweet cream.

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@MOMMAVik wrote:


30 years ago when I smoked cigarettes, this would have been me come He** or high water if I needed to get to the store for more smokes😄

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She could use a pair of snowshoes!


It kills me how some people are addicted to coffee - like the ones who push a cart around the supermarket coffee-cup in hand.  They can't go without for the short time they're in the store?


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This was me in the Blizzard of '78! pretty much same distance.


snow was up to my boobage.   only i had on a yellow terry zip front robe, rain boots and a blue down vest.  i was trying to get next door to my neighbors because the heat went out.

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I would do this for Coke; always make sure I have plenty before a weather event.   

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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

I love this! Now that would probably be my husband doing that...not me. He drinks way too much coffee. Very funny @MOMMAVik