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There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

I find this one of the most soothing sounds there is.  My second vote, water running over stones in a brook, or waves lapping up on shore.



What sounds sooth you?

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

Definitely doves cooing also.  Being read to by a loved one.  Our cats going into purring overdrive-- they sound almost comically "bronchial" when they get going.  Jazz, softly playing.

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

They are out cooing here too. First time I heard it I thought it sounded like an owl. Saw them on the fence one day & heard the doves. They look like Mourning Doves.

I enjoy the sound of ocean waves when I go to bed.

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.



I love doves and listening to them 'coo'!Heart


Your other votes too, including rain (not thunder though)

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

I like the sound of water as it flows down the creek, flowing over and around the rocks.  In the early morning, I sometimes sit quietly on a rock by the creek.  It’s so peaceful. 

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

Soothing sounds for me are calming and relaxing music and gentle rain.

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

I have a lot of birds outside, including a pair of doves that have been here for a few years....I love having the windows open listening to the birds cooing and chirping, but my boyfriend hates it!  He says they wake him up and begs me to shut the windows! 

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

[ Edited ]

Sky rats......that's a term I was introduced to When I first moved to my area, I thought the sound of doves or pigeons and crickets was a sweet and soothing sound, then I found out that both are big pest problems that people spend money to drive away because of the big problems they cause. Now my soothing sounds are wind through the trees and my water feature.

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

[ Edited ]

 I grew up in a narrow valley surrounded by the Blue Ridge Parkway.  We often could hear doves and if there were enough, they echoed off of the mountain surrounding us.


I could look up at this from my bedroom window.  I also climbed it quite a bit with my horses.


Image result for asheville views off of the Blue Ridge Parkway

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Re: There's a Dove cooing outside. Love that sound.

I love all bird sounds, but they start their chirping at 5:40 a.m. every morning - have to close my window they are so loud.  Do love the sound of the sandhill crane way up in the sky - a sound like no other.